Category Archives: superfood

Natural Colon Cleanse Home Remedy: A Healthy Diet

Many of us are fond of eating processed food like bacon and hotdogs. Little do we know that this is one of the reasons why harmful toxins and wastes clogged up in our bodies. Colon cleansing has become very important and popular these days as the need to have a healthier body has come into our attention. Although we can get rid of these substances through bowel movement, there is still a significant amount that remains stuck in our bodies. This is where a natural colon cleanse home remedy becomes really helpful. This remedy prevents serious health problems such as colon cancer from developing.

The first thing that we need to do is to make sure that we follow a balanced and healthy diet plan. Our daily meals should be composed of fresh fruits, vegetables and fish. The more organic the food is, the better. Although eating red meat is not entirely bad for us, we should keep it to a minimum as it is high in cholesterol and fat. Health experts said that too much of fatty compounds are hazardous to our colon. Eating foods that are high in fiber is also a healthy habit. Ginger, apple and lettuce are some of the richest sources of fiber. Fiber is proven to be effective in flushing out the free radicals found in our bodies.

Another natural remedy is drinking lots of water. We are strongly encouraged to drink at least 8 to 10 glasses every day. Water will keep our bodies hydrated and at the same time flush out the toxins and wastes in our systems. If we get bored with water, then we can substitute some herbal teas or fruit juices to it. We just have to make sure that we drink freshly squeezed fruit juices and not the powdered ones. The key to a healthy colon is as simple as observing a full body detox diet and water-overdose.

Lemonade Diet Cleanse Remains Popular Amongst Many Dieters

Once you have made the decision to finally do something about your weight, your search for the perfect diet will begin. In order to be successful and actually achieve losing the weight you want to lose, it is important to prepare yourself and find a diet that suits your personality and needs. Doing your research, contacting your physician, maybe even talking with a nutritionist, all steps that can help you reach your goal.

Picking out a diet should be done based on your goals, some will feel comfortable just cutting down on the calories, while others prefer low carb, low fat or any other variety. One diet that is thought to be strict though pretty effective is the so called lemonade diet cleanse, although originally it was supposed to be used for detoxifying the body and not as much for fast weight loss. Commons sense though tells us that quite a bit of weight can be lost by following the master cleanse guidelines for 10 weeks, which is also the reason that this diet has maintained it´s popularity over many decades and will probably exist for as long as there is no true magical diet pill.

Fast results are what this diet has to offer, but it is just the question whether or not people can avoid the weight returning after the diet has finished. Because of the extremely low calories, it is very likely that the body will adapt sort of a starvation mode, where metabolism can be affected, however the proponents of the lemonade diet cleanse will claim that the period is too short for this to be true.

While this diet can be used as a stand alone diet, many people will use it to mark a radical change in their life, starting of with a detox diet and than slowly adapt to a healthier lifestyle over time.

B12 Vitamin Injections and Benefits

Vitamin B12 injections have been out there for quite a while, and are actually the most common and widely known and accepted method of treating patients who experience the symptoms of a B12 deficiency. These vitamin B12 injections benefits actually have their place, especially for people who have difficulties absorbing this vitamin, which is usually caused by a malfunctioning of the intrinsic factor, the part in our stomach that is responsible for transferring the B12 into our blood stream.

Vitamin B12 benefits are as following:

  • B12 helps replicating our body’s DNA.
  • Creation of Myelin, a substance that protects our nerve cells. It’s a fatty substance that is vital for our day to day functioning.
  • Tissue growth and red blood cells formation.
  • Energizing our body and boosting our metabolism. You have probably heard all that hype regarding “vitamin B12 injections as a weight loss solution”. Well, that’s why.
  • Lowering our body levels of Homo cysteine, an amino acid which have been linked with a far greater risk of developing cancer, strokes, and other modern western ailments.

Worthy of mentioning, you can get the benefits of B12 out of any vitamin B12 food or supplement out there, be it a sub lingual tablet, an injection, or a simple fish meal. Checking for a deficiency is also easy. All you have to do is go to your local doctor and ask for a simple vitamin blood test. You will probably get the results within a few days.

You can get this vitamin naturally from a variety of foods, but you will find the biggest amount of B12 per gram in clams. They are an amazing source of vitamin B12, but like any other animal food, have their disadvantages. Solution? nutritional yeast. My personal recommended supplement is red star vegetarian support formula. It is a proven and tested source of the active form of B12, which is important if you want it to absorb effectively.

Black or Green Tea? Which one is for you?

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Have you been drinking hot tea all your life with all its different flavors and variations but do not even know the differences between all these teas? Truth is, there are a great number of brands and varieties available in the marketplace these days, consumers are most likely confused on what particular type of tea is best for them. Such teas come in varied forms like herbal, scented and flavored.

Basically, black tea is the most common type of tea that you can avail. It is very popular in the South East Asian region such as China, Thailand and Japan. About 70% of Camellia senensis plants are grown to produce black tea. When the leaves are old enough, they undergo a method which is called oxidization or in layman’s term, fermentation. The entire procedure results into a cloudy brown beverage that has a strong aroma with a bitter taste.

On the other hand, Green Tea is popular for people who are looking for a healthier option. Thing is, “green” teas are also made from the same plant that produces the black variation. However, they differ mainly in the processes that they undergo. Green teas are not oxidized which means that they remain fresh and are not left to rot for a long span of time. They are only dried and then steamed to keep the beneficial chemicals intact. This is the reason why they taste like leaves or grass when you take a sip.

Both teas, black and green, are proven to contain polyphenol and other types of anti-oxidants that help fight off cancer-causing toxins. Clinical studies done by experts in UK have shown that consumers of brewed green tea have a lessened chance of becoming diabetic later in life. Having said this, more and more people are opting green over black tea. Aside from the taste is way much better, the general health of the drinker is also significantly improved.

Guide to Developing a Diet for Hyperactive Children

One of the most effective ways of treating Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children is by adhering to a diet for hyperactive children. According to specialists, this diet is the second line of treatment for ADHD next to medicine. Healthy nutrition for hyperactive kids can improve concentration and focus and eliminate behavioral problems without having to resort to the use of drugs.

It is necessary for parents to pay attention to the food their kids are eating both at home and at school. Children who suffer from ADHD are easily affected by the type of food they consume. Most of the symptoms of this condition are related directly to the food and beverages consumed by kids. Food allergies are known to upset ADHD children and cause hyperactivity. As such, a menu for hyperactive children must be developed to effectively counteract the symptoms of such conditions.

There has always been a connection between diet and hyperactivity. Sugary treats are especially cited for triggering ADHD among children. Such foods not only trigger hyperactivity, they also make symptoms more difficult to manage. Unfortunately, some parents are ill advised on the most suitable diet for their children with ADHD. Some are completely unaware that a meal plan for hyperactive children is necessary to manage the condition.

Lack of a suitable diet coupled with poor parenting skills for ADHD children can worsen the problem. Nutritionists have established special diets for ADHD children. Serving recommended portions of the particular food can lessen the hospital visits and eliminate the need for medication.

The best choice of food for hyperactive children may entail the following:

The use of organic products that excludes foodstuff grown with the application of pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. Organic foodstuff is wholesome and does not contain chemical compounds which may cause allergic reactions in the child suffering from ADHD.

The child must take sufficient beverages especially water. The brain is composed of almost 90 percent water and it is crucial to replenish the body whenever possible.

The diet should also include raw fruits and vegetables.

The diet must be composed mostly of home cooked meals. Experiment with different recipes so that they do not get bored with the same dishes.

Hyperactive kids with low appetite and poor eating habits should be given multivitamins and protein supplements.

A diet for hyperactive children must include foods that are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. This includes flax seed, fish and fish oils that are beneficial for the growth and development of the brain tissue and nerves.

There are some natural or herbal supplements that have been found to alleviate the symptoms of ADHD.

Suitable meals for hyperactive kids must avoid processed foods, snacks and sugary treats and dairy products. Basically, any food that has extra sugar and calories must be avoided at all costs. ADHD symptoms are closely related to intake of such foods. Children must be egged on and praised for eating healthy foods. The best way to do this is by adopting healthy foods for the whole family. Kids can find it challenging to avoid some types of food, but with support and encouragement from the rest of the family, they will enjoy eating healthy and get better with time.

About the Author: Haliyma Barrow has worked as a staff writer for a student newspaper at Indiana University of Pennsylvania starting from 2004. Beyond campus setting, Haliyma has contributed articles on various child health issues such as chronic coughs and toddler constipation.

Real Benefits of Vitamin B12 Injections

Vitamin B12 is a water soluble vitamin, naturally produced actually by a bacteria in the soil and not in animals, as many people tend to dogmatically believe. Animals, carnivore animals, get this vitamin out of eating herbivore animals who themselves eat plants that contain this vitamin out of the soil, and that’s how the B12 cycle goes on and on, giving all creatures of earth their required amount of vitamin B12.

Vitamin B12 benefits and side effects are vast, wide, and well known. These include DNA replication, red blood cells formation, tissue growth, Homocysteine levels reduction, and this vitamin also creates a fatty substance around your nerve cells that protects them, and that’s why many of the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency include mis functioning of the nervous system, such as tingles in the hand or feet for example. One of the most well known benefits of B12 vitamin is that it functions as a natural body ‘energizer’ by significantly boosting up your metabolism.

Many people take vitamin B12 injections for weight loss purposes, and this is not such of a wise decision, since the only real benefit you would get from that is that it goes directly to your blood stream. If you don’t have problems ABSORBING this vitamin, you actually can have the exact same benefits out of any other sources, such as sub lingual tablets, intra nasal sprays or jel, and of course regular vitamin B12 foods.

The richest food in vitamin B12 is actually.. clams. They contain around 98% micro gram per 100g, which is 1650% of the RDA. You can also get this vitamin from all livers and kidneys of most mammals, but they also contain an horrendous amount of cholesterol as well, which is not worth the benefits. For the vegans of you, you can eat unwashed fruits and veggies, if NOT chemically unsprayed (like most of the agricultural food today), or you could get nutritional yeast from Red Star, which I highly recommend. You can get the same b12 vitamin benefits from any source, as long is it contains the active forms of this vitamin – cyanocobalamin or hydroxocobalamin.