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Weider and Gold: Two Iconic Names in the Fitness World

If you’re fairly new to the bodybuilding and fitness world, shopping for your fitness equipment and machines and get a little confusing.  There are so many infomercials with fitness gadgets that are just a waste of time and money.  If you’re not familiar with all the brands that make fitness equipment, you might be in risk of buying something that is poorly manufactured.  Like any other products, there are names that are synonymous to reputation.  The two iconic names in the bodybuilding and fitness world are Gold and Weider.   If you learn anything from this article, just know that these two names mean high quality.

Gold’s gym has been around a few decades and the very first one that founder Joe Gold decide to build was in Venice Beach, Ca.  Joe has successfully built his empire to become the largest fitness membership worldwide with about 3.5 members strong.  Before you can only drive to go visit Gold’s Gym outside of your home, but now they’ve manufactured products for household use.  You can now find Golds gym home equipment online and through stores so that you can work out in the privacy of your own home.

Another highly respected name in the fitness industry is Weider.  A Weider home gym is like having a mini gym facility on one machine.  This is a great solution for those lacking enough space to buy individual home fitness equipment.  The benefit of having one of these multi gym units is the fact this allows you to work out all the major muscle groups such as your chest, arms, back, shoulders, and legs.

Remember, the brand doesn’t mean much if you’re not sure what your fitness goals are going to be.  If you want to lose weight then you should consider looking into aerobics machines.  For those looking to gain muscle mass, then you would look into buying weight lifting equipment.

B12 Vitamin Injections and Benefits

Vitamin B12 injections have been out there for quite a while, and are actually the most common and widely known and accepted method of treating patients who experience the symptoms of a B12 deficiency. These vitamin B12 injections benefits actually have their place, especially for people who have difficulties absorbing this vitamin, which is usually caused by a malfunctioning of the intrinsic factor, the part in our stomach that is responsible for transferring the B12 into our blood stream.

Vitamin B12 benefits are as following:

  • B12 helps replicating our body’s DNA.
  • Creation of Myelin, a substance that protects our nerve cells. It’s a fatty substance that is vital for our day to day functioning.
  • Tissue growth and red blood cells formation.
  • Energizing our body and boosting our metabolism. You have probably heard all that hype regarding “vitamin B12 injections as a weight loss solution”. Well, that’s why.
  • Lowering our body levels of Homo cysteine, an amino acid which have been linked with a far greater risk of developing cancer, strokes, and other modern western ailments.

Worthy of mentioning, you can get the benefits of B12 out of any vitamin B12 food or supplement out there, be it a sub lingual tablet, an injection, or a simple fish meal. Checking for a deficiency is also easy. All you have to do is go to your local doctor and ask for a simple vitamin blood test. You will probably get the results within a few days.

You can get this vitamin naturally from a variety of foods, but you will find the biggest amount of B12 per gram in clams. They are an amazing source of vitamin B12, but like any other animal food, have their disadvantages. Solution? nutritional yeast. My personal recommended supplement is red star vegetarian support formula. It is a proven and tested source of the active form of B12, which is important if you want it to absorb effectively.