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Colon Cleanse Home Remedies: Fruit Selections

Colon cleansing is necessary for improved overall health and maintenance of body shape and skin health. The good news for you is that it is very easy to do a colon detox these days with the help of colon cleanse home remedies. One of the easiest and simplest way to do a colon cleanse at home is through using fruits that are rich in antioxidants and fiber. Here are some fruits you can use for your colon cleansing goals:


Apple is packed with a lot of antioxidants that can very well be an effective colon cleansing fruit. It clears toxins, bad substances, and wastes in the colon. It is also rich in fiber, which make it an even better colon cleanser. Using an apple for colon cleansing is as easy as juicing it or eating it daily. Apple is also one of those natural appetite suppressant foods that you can use while cleansing the colon.


Drinking a glass of lemon juice early in the morning is already a simple procedure in cleansing the colon. Lemon can help smooth the digestive system and relieve constipation as well. Lemon fruit extract in a glass of warm water is also a good colon cleanser.


Watermelon is rich in fibers that help in the detoxification process. It can expel toxins and wastes not only from the colon but also from other parts of the body.


Blueberry can improve the body’s natural cleansing process. Blueberries can also be consumed in the morning to eliminate constipation.

These are only some of the fruits that can help you achieve a cleaner colon and a healthier body in the end. Since they are all delicious and refreshing fruits, there is no point for you to have a hard time using them for your detox goals. Eating them every day is a good way to use these fruits for colon cleansing. Just make sure you avoid polluting the body with more toxins coming from alcohol, coffee, cigarette, and processed foods.

Colon Cleanse Naturally And The Absorption of Nutrients

Colon cleansing offer numerous health benefits by enhancing the absorption of nutrients by the body through the colon, eliminating toxins from the digestive path, and removing harmful bacteria which causes illness. Colons can be flushed through laxatives, supplement or with the help of colon clinics. But it is possible to have colon cleanse naturally, if you increase the physical activity and enhance healthy eating habits.

If you are wondering whether there is a need to cleanse colon, think how often you go to toilet and make waste. In order to keep healthy, it is necessary to go three times a day. There are people who don’t even go once but it is necessary to go after each major meal in order to facilitate healthy digestive functioning. When the food passes through the body system, there is no need for the waste part of the food to remain in the body. The waste must be removed from the body as early as possible because the stored waste can enter the blood stream resulting in anti-oxidation which can even cause death in certain cases.

How to cleanse your colon? Controlling the diet helps to cleanse colon. It is beneficial to develop healthy eating habits and eat healthy food. Avoid eating excess fats and sugar. Eat green leafy vegetables with whole grains. Fiber rich foods help to move the waste from the digestive tract effectively. It is advisable to drink plenty of water everyday. A good rule to follow is to look at the color of your urine to find out whether you are drinking sufficient quantity of water. The color of the urine must be straw or lighter. If the color is darker, it implies that you are not getting adequate fluids in your system.

Perform regular exercises which help to maintain a good health. Walking after having a meal is preferable as it helps in promoting digestion. Eat green vegetables and fresh fruits, and select whole grain products including oats, millet, quinoa, buckwheat, barley and brown rice. It is not necessary that the brown bread is made from whole grain. Check out the nutritional content on food package. The product is definitely not a whole grain, if the food package mentions the word “enriched”.

Natural Colon Cleanse Home Remedy: A Healthy Diet

Many of us are fond of eating processed food like bacon and hotdogs. Little do we know that this is one of the reasons why harmful toxins and wastes clogged up in our bodies. Colon cleansing has become very important and popular these days as the need to have a healthier body has come into our attention. Although we can get rid of these substances through bowel movement, there is still a significant amount that remains stuck in our bodies. This is where a natural colon cleanse home remedy becomes really helpful. This remedy prevents serious health problems such as colon cancer from developing.

The first thing that we need to do is to make sure that we follow a balanced and healthy diet plan. Our daily meals should be composed of fresh fruits, vegetables and fish. The more organic the food is, the better. Although eating red meat is not entirely bad for us, we should keep it to a minimum as it is high in cholesterol and fat. Health experts said that too much of fatty compounds are hazardous to our colon. Eating foods that are high in fiber is also a healthy habit. Ginger, apple and lettuce are some of the richest sources of fiber. Fiber is proven to be effective in flushing out the free radicals found in our bodies.

Another natural remedy is drinking lots of water. We are strongly encouraged to drink at least 8 to 10 glasses every day. Water will keep our bodies hydrated and at the same time flush out the toxins and wastes in our systems. If we get bored with water, then we can substitute some herbal teas or fruit juices to it. We just have to make sure that we drink freshly squeezed fruit juices and not the powdered ones. The key to a healthy colon is as simple as observing a full body detox diet and water-overdose.

Lemonade Diet Cleanse Remains Popular Amongst Many Dieters

Once you have made the decision to finally do something about your weight, your search for the perfect diet will begin. In order to be successful and actually achieve losing the weight you want to lose, it is important to prepare yourself and find a diet that suits your personality and needs. Doing your research, contacting your physician, maybe even talking with a nutritionist, all steps that can help you reach your goal.

Picking out a diet should be done based on your goals, some will feel comfortable just cutting down on the calories, while others prefer low carb, low fat or any other variety. One diet that is thought to be strict though pretty effective is the so called lemonade diet cleanse, although originally it was supposed to be used for detoxifying the body and not as much for fast weight loss. Commons sense though tells us that quite a bit of weight can be lost by following the master cleanse guidelines for 10 weeks, which is also the reason that this diet has maintained it´s popularity over many decades and will probably exist for as long as there is no true magical diet pill.

Fast results are what this diet has to offer, but it is just the question whether or not people can avoid the weight returning after the diet has finished. Because of the extremely low calories, it is very likely that the body will adapt sort of a starvation mode, where metabolism can be affected, however the proponents of the lemonade diet cleanse will claim that the period is too short for this to be true.

While this diet can be used as a stand alone diet, many people will use it to mark a radical change in their life, starting of with a detox diet and than slowly adapt to a healthier lifestyle over time.

Therapies that Support a Natural Detox Cleanse

Treatments such as acupuncture and massage help to heal the body, eliminating toxins, these methods help to improve the body’s energy flow or “Qi” as it is known in the East and bring the body into back into balance. The flow of energy within and through the body is improved and this helps to rid the body of the build up of chemicals that get stored in the fatty tissue over time, creating a healthier body and mind.  Once you have chosen the dietary and lifestyle changes you feel comfortable with to help you on your natural detox cleanse, the next step is to combine these with complimentary therapies of your choice.  These are a nice addition to weight loss programmes, not only can you use them to further aid the cleansing process, but you can also take time out for yourself helping your body to get back into balance naturally:

Acupuncture: Is an ancient therapy, based on the belief that life energy flows through your body along different channels called meridians.  This flow of energy depends on the balance of two opposing forces ying and yang, a balance which is easily disrupted through factors such as stress, emotional upset and poor dietary habits, when this energy flow becomes blocked, symptoms of illness are triggered.  Although there are over three hundred different acu-points in the body, the five acu-points in the ear are usually focused on during a cleanse, these points help to overcome cravings for sweets, fatty foods cigarettes and alcohol.

Chiropractic: This therapy is based on a belief that poor body alignment and abnormal nerve functioning are direct causes of ill health.  A chiropractor will manipulate the spine, gently realigning the muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints.  These techniques help to strengthen and balance the body’ promoting the elimination of toxin build up, easing tension and promoting relaxation.

Homeopathy: Is based on two principles, the first that like cures like and the second that less cures more. By diluting substances many hundreds, thousands of times their healing properties are enhanced whilst any undesirable side effects are lost.  A form of homeopathy, known as the drainer complex is very effective for a detox cleanse and can be taken for one, or two weeks at the beginning of the diet.  The aim is to stimulate the natural excretory organs of the body, assisting in the cleansing of toxins and providing support for the liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, lymph vessels and mucous membranes.

Naturopathy: This is based on the belief, that the body can balance and heal itself given the right conditions.  Naturopathy aims to identify the underlying cause of illness, rather than merely relieving the symptoms.  A naturopath will focus on maintaining a balance between the body’s biochemistry and will guide you through a variety of treatment options, that will include dietary changes, vitamins, minerals, biochemical tissue, massage and skin brushing to enhance the cleansing process further.

Detoxing with the Cayenne Cleanse Recipe

The Cayenne cleanse recipe is not new. It was invented in the 1940’s by Stanley Burroughs. This recipe will eliminate harmful toxins through a special lemonade cleanse. It uses a lemonade colon cleanser; along with the Master Cleanse salt water flush as well as herbal laxatives to cleanse your system.

Frequently, the cleanse recipe is being used for rapid weight loss. This diet is usually maintained for a ten day period, although some users have gone on much longer. The diet’s popularity resurfaced again in 2006 when Beyonce Knowles lost 22 pounds in preparation for the film “Dreamgirls”.

It has been reported that users of the recipe have greater energy levels along with being able to get by with less sleep. This is used to cleanse the colon and the detoxification that is achieved has more benefits than most realize. The cayenne pepper benefits that you’ll receive include mucus relief and some appetite suppressing as well.

Individuals start using this diet to lose weight but find the gentle detoxification this diet provides gives the user the ability to break poor diet habits. Losing weight this fast can be dangerous when food intake is cut so low that essential nutrients are lost to the body. If the diet recipe is followed properly, this will not be an issue as the diet contains the nutrients your body needs.

It is very important that this recipe be used as a short term cleansing diet only! Your main source of nutrients and energy over this period of suggested usage (5 to 40 days) is derived from a lemonade mixture of lemon juice, purified water, cayenne pepper and maple syrup. To avoid constipation, it is recommended to use a laxative tea in the evening. The end result will be to rest the digestive tract, cleanse your body from toxins and burn off the excess fat which your body stores.

Coming off the Cayenne cleanse recipe is an important regime in itself as the body must re-adjust to solid foods. This should begin with fresh squeezed juices, then moving to fruit and raw vegetables, then finishing with vegetable soups. Followed correctly, you will be pleased with the results.