Tag Archives: Vitamin

The Best Juice for Healthy Skin

We all want beautiful and glowing skin. We all want to look beautiful. We all want to look our very best. One of the things which we can do is drink juice. It is possible to juice your way to great skin. Ask any medical expert and he will tell you that what you put in your body will manifest itself on your body. If you eat greasy food, you will get a lot of pimples. This is not a secret. You have to take good care of your body if you want to look great.

There are many treatments for healthy skin. One of them is to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day. Your skin will be deprived if you do not do this. And no, other liquids like soda do not substitute for water. You need to consumer beta carotene and Vitamin A. They will rebuild your tissues and reduce the production of excess oil. Vitamin C and Vitamin E are also necessary.

You will need to buy juicer so you can enjoy all the goodness of juice on your skin. A glass of juice daily can help you on your way to better skin. The key is drinking real juice and not a cocktail. Vegetable juices are some of the best options for the skin because they have less sugar and they have fewer calories too. Yellow, orange and dark green leafy vegetables give your skin a lot of goodness.

When it comes to fruits, you can also juice grapes, berries, pomegranate and prunes. They are packed with Vitamin C and antioxidants. Some reports also say that Acai Berry also has high concentrations of antioxidants. This has not been proven though. There are lots of other fruits today which are good for the skin. You can also find a lot of free juice recipes for the skin on the Internet.

The Health Benefits of Cod Liver Oil

Conventional fish oils are some of the best-supported supplements in terms of research and empirical backing, yet it is still unclear whether they are most effective than alternatives such as cod liver oil. Both conventional fish oils and cod liver oils are effective because of their high doses of essential fatty acids occurring in their natural form, but other aspects of cod liver may make it an even better choice than conventional oils.

Vitamin A in Cod Liver Oil

Although rarely giving proper recognition, vitamin A is essential for the development and maintenance of proper vision, as highlighted in the article What Does Vitamin A Do? Furthermore, vitamin A is responsible for the regulation of a wide variety of other hormonal processes that keep the body functioning properly. Cod liver oil contains high doses of vitamin A in it’s naturally occurring form, as opposed to synthetic alternatives.

Vitamin D in Cod Liver Oil

Another important component of cod liver oil is vitamin D, which is regulates bone mineral density, various hormone-related processes, and more. Researchers have even established a link between vitamin D deficiency and hair loss due to vitamin D’s influence on hair growth cycles. As with vitamin A, the vitamin D in cod liver oil is in it’s naturally-occurring form and is therefore easily absorbed by the body.

Omega-3s in Cod Liver Oil

Omega-3 fatty acids are the main selling point of fish oils in general, and are also present in high quantities in cod liver oil. Omega-3 balance (in comparison to Omega-6) has been found to be an extremely important factor in overall health. Moreover, common American diets tend to be excessive in Omega-6 fatty acids and very low in Omega-3s, so it’s almost always the case that a form of fish oil can help with these imbalances.

The Benefits of Egg Protein

Eating only egg whites is a well known way to avoid many of the “bad” fats in eggs and is a popular method utilized by many dieters to avoid extra calories. What many people don’t know is that egg whites also contain a large amount of protein- some would even call it one of the best sources of protein around. Protein is an essential part of any well balanced diet and has many benefits to its consumers. Here are some of the main reasons that egg protein is so beneficial.

Egg Protein is High in Amino Acids

Egg protein found in egg whites is not only nutritious and fat free but it contains a high concentration of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins, such as alanine, artrine, glycine and methane. It also contains a lot of other vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin D. It’s consumed by athletes and body builders in mass quantities due to these nutritious components. It improves a person’s ability to build muscle and recover from strenuous and taxing activities on the body by giving them the protein that one needs to recover and build lean muscle.

Egg Protein Aids in Digestion

Egg protein also enhances digestion. Since your body is being provided with nutrients that are necessary to its optimal functioning, digestion is at its peak. This makes egg whites a popular choice among dieters and health fanatics, and also is great for most people with digestive problems.

Egg Protein is Free of Cholesterol

Egg protein is not only fat free, it’s cholesterol free. For someone that wishes to lower their cholesterol intake, taking out egg yolks in their cooking and only using egg whites could be a great way to do this. Talk about guilt free yet delicious eating! When scrambled, you can barely tell the difference between egg whites and eggs that have the yolk left in.

The benefits of egg protein are too obvious not to be seen. Egg whites improve digestion, help build muscle and are a fat free, cholesterol free source of many essential vitamins and nutrients. Whether you’re looking for a healthy egg substitute, a high source of protein or a natural way to ingest amino acids and vitamins, egg protein from egg whites basically has it all. And, to top it all off, ingesting these ingredients naturally through egg whites is more beneficial to your body than taking them in pill or powder form because when those types of supplements are created, some of the most essential and useful ingredients are lost.

For a healthy and tasty meal you’ll never feel guilty about, scramble yourself some egg whites or add some to your favorite homemade fruit smoothie!

About the Author: Robert Stephonic is a personal loan coordinator by day and a part-time cook at night. He loves creating diet-friednly foods for those struggling to lose weight or build muscle – for health or competition. He also enjoys writing and is currently contributing to a registered ultrasound technician career guide.

B12 Vitamin Injections and Benefits

Vitamin B12 injections have been out there for quite a while, and are actually the most common and widely known and accepted method of treating patients who experience the symptoms of a B12 deficiency. These vitamin B12 injections benefits actually have their place, especially for people who have difficulties absorbing this vitamin, which is usually caused by a malfunctioning of the intrinsic factor, the part in our stomach that is responsible for transferring the B12 into our blood stream.

Vitamin B12 benefits are as following:

  • B12 helps replicating our body’s DNA.
  • Creation of Myelin, a substance that protects our nerve cells. It’s a fatty substance that is vital for our day to day functioning.
  • Tissue growth and red blood cells formation.
  • Energizing our body and boosting our metabolism. You have probably heard all that hype regarding “vitamin B12 injections as a weight loss solution”. Well, that’s why.
  • Lowering our body levels of Homo cysteine, an amino acid which have been linked with a far greater risk of developing cancer, strokes, and other modern western ailments.

Worthy of mentioning, you can get the benefits of B12 out of any vitamin B12 food or supplement out there, be it a sub lingual tablet, an injection, or a simple fish meal. Checking for a deficiency is also easy. All you have to do is go to your local doctor and ask for a simple vitamin blood test. You will probably get the results within a few days.

You can get this vitamin naturally from a variety of foods, but you will find the biggest amount of B12 per gram in clams. They are an amazing source of vitamin B12, but like any other animal food, have their disadvantages. Solution? nutritional yeast. My personal recommended supplement is red star vegetarian support formula. It is a proven and tested source of the active form of B12, which is important if you want it to absorb effectively.

Real Benefits of Vitamin B12 Injections

Vitamin B12 is a water soluble vitamin, naturally produced actually by a bacteria in the soil and not in animals, as many people tend to dogmatically believe. Animals, carnivore animals, get this vitamin out of eating herbivore animals who themselves eat plants that contain this vitamin out of the soil, and that’s how the B12 cycle goes on and on, giving all creatures of earth their required amount of vitamin B12.

Vitamin B12 benefits and side effects are vast, wide, and well known. These include DNA replication, red blood cells formation, tissue growth, Homocysteine levels reduction, and this vitamin also creates a fatty substance around your nerve cells that protects them, and that’s why many of the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency include mis functioning of the nervous system, such as tingles in the hand or feet for example. One of the most well known benefits of B12 vitamin is that it functions as a natural body ‘energizer’ by significantly boosting up your metabolism.

Many people take vitamin B12 injections for weight loss purposes, and this is not such of a wise decision, since the only real benefit you would get from that is that it goes directly to your blood stream. If you don’t have problems ABSORBING this vitamin, you actually can have the exact same benefits out of any other sources, such as sub lingual tablets, intra nasal sprays or jel, and of course regular vitamin B12 foods.

The richest food in vitamin B12 is actually.. clams. They contain around 98% micro gram per 100g, which is 1650% of the RDA. You can also get this vitamin from all livers and kidneys of most mammals, but they also contain an horrendous amount of cholesterol as well, which is not worth the benefits. For the vegans of you, you can eat unwashed fruits and veggies, if NOT chemically unsprayed (like most of the agricultural food today), or you could get nutritional yeast from Red Star, which I highly recommend. You can get the same b12 vitamin benefits from any source, as long is it contains the active forms of this vitamin – cyanocobalamin or hydroxocobalamin.