Tag Archives: Human chorionic gonadotropin

How To Set Your Weight Loss Mindset

With thousands of weight loss exercises, diets, fad diets available at our disposal, losing weight has never been so easy. Enrolling in a good fitness regime, eating proper diet, consuming fewer calories can get you the weight you that always wanted. Despite the fact, it is easier said than done as more and more people are struggling to reduce weight and find it hard to achieve. Check your weight loss mindset.

Losing weight needs motivation more than any other thing. No doubt exercise and diet are an important aspect of weight loss, however one has to constantly persevere through the rigorous exercise regimes and follow a strict diet in order to lose weight; which needs a lot of will power and preparation on a person’s behalf.

Following are some tips to make a proper plan and set your mind towards weight loss

1. Set A Realistic Goal

Most of the weight loss resolutions break because of a simple reason- they are too unrealistic. It can be said that nothing is impossible and one can achieve anything they put their minds on, however one needs full dedication to achieve the same. If you have all the sweet time in the world only for weight loss, you can lose any amount of weight you desire; however with all the responsibilities, work, family etc. time is something one lack. So instead use the available time at your disposal and chart out a realistic goal according to it.

2. Get A Buddy

Quite often you will come across situations where you would like to skip a morning walk or quit an exercise regime; this is the time when you will need a buddy who can motivate you and give you company. Also you can motivate him or her when she is lazing around. This way you will benefit from each other.

3. Vary Your Exercise And Diet

Sticking to the same regime everyday might eventually become boring and hence it is best to regularly rotate your exercise and diet plans. You can go for a game of soccer instead of the usual aerobics or even a dance class. Variety will also target different parts of the body which were initially unused. The same is true about diet too.

4. Positive Attitude

A lot has been said about positive attitude. Not only does it help you to stay on track even if you are not getting any results, it also helps you to better accept your body. Paste some of your favorite quotations somewhere you can easily see every day. It will give you the much needed motivation when you are feeling low or want to do something which is quite hard.

5. Chart Your Progress

Keeping a track of your progress can work wonders in your weight loss endeavors. A constant progress is what you must aim for rather than fluctuations. Tracking your progress can provide you the motivation if you are going in the right direction as well as ring the alarm if you are straying off it. Buy a good measuring tape for the purpose and note down the data in a book. Also get your weight measured regularly and keep a note. You can alsochange your exercise and diet regime according to the changes you are noticing.

By following these methods combined with the perfect exercise and diet regime suitable for your body, you can easily lose those extra kilos and fulfill your new year resolution of getting the perfect weight.

Author is a writer with a zeal to help people through her informative blogs on health and nutrition. She has written various informative posts related to prevention of acne, hair fall, graying of hair etc.

Yo-Yo Dieting Better Than Nothing

Weight cycling, commonly called yo-yo dieting, refers to the give and take battle of the bulge many Americans face. We lose weight only to put it back on and find ourselves dieting again. The public perception of yo-yo dieting is tainted with suggestions of mental illness and eating disorders. The truth is that weight-cycling happens to most dieters and now we are learning that it is not as harmful as once believed.

Obviously, overweight adults can improve their health by eating nutritiously and exercising regularly. Good physical habits and activity are crucial achieving and maintaining a stable, healthier weight throughout life. In a perfect world, no one would become obese in the first place. In reality, losing weight and keeping it off is hard.

No Evidence against Yo-Yo Dieting

There is no solid evidence to show that yo-yo dieting creates health problems. In fact, Dr. Louis Aronne, an expert on obesity at Weill-Cornell Medical College in New York City, believes yo-yo dieting can actually prevent disease. He explains that fat cells produce hormones that increase inflammation and blood sugar levels, leading to a host of obesity-related illnesses. When people lose weight, the body produces fewer of these harmful hormones. This benefit continues even if individuals regain some of the weight they once lost.

Studies Show Benefit

In 2002, a study targeted people at risk of developing diabetes. Researchers found that losing 7 percent of body weight reduced the potential of developing diabetes by 58 percent. Men and women in the study regained some of the weight, maintaining a weight loss of 4 percent. Still, the participants showed improved health overall. Based on this, Aronne claims that even short term or mild weight loss benefits health.

New Research Shows Little Harm

New research shows that weight cycling may not be as harmful as the public perceives. A recent study put mice on yo-yo diets. The yo-yo dieting mice lived just as long as those on a low-fat diet. The mice on a high-fat diet experienced shorter lifespans. Animals on the high-fat diet ate more, had higher body fat percentages and blood sugar levels, and weighed more than the mice on low-fat diets. Mice on the yo-yo diet also experienced problems like those of the mice on high-fat diets, but during their low-fat periods were healthier. The animals on the low-fat diet and the ones on the yo-yo diet lived for about two years. Those on the high-fat diet lived about 18 months.

The new research suggests that yo-yo dieting is healthier than not dieting at all, and remaining obese long term is a sure way to shorten lifespan…at least in mice.

Jessica Bosari writes about nutrition and fitness research for LowFatDietPlan.org. The site offers tips and advice for including the latest research into your diet plan.

HCG Diet Tips to Help You Lose Weight Faster

For most of us who are set in our ways, making drastic changes in our lifestyles can be quite intimidating. Especially when it comes to losing weight, maintaining an intense fitness regime and giving up on the foods that you love the most can be extremely difficult in the long run.

After years of inactivity and gorging on junk food, it can come as quite a rude shock for an individual if he has to adorn a pair of running shoes and hit the gym every morning. Eventually the person would cave in to his emotions and probably get back to overeating with a vengeance.

Why put yourself through all that trouble, when you can put yourself on a diet. This is not just any diet, we are talking about the critically acclaimedHCG diet that has been performing miracles for obese people since the 1950s. Yes, the diet is nothing short of miraculous and participants are guaranteed to lose as much as 42 pounds in a span of 6 weeks.

However in order for the HCG diet to effectively take its course, you would need to follow a strict dietary regimen. Below we have devised a set of tips to help you effectively lose weight with the HCG diet program.

  • Fresh fruits and veggies – It’s time to give all the high calorie red meat laden junk foods a miss and include lots of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. Fruits such as oranges, bananas, watermelons, apples etc and vegetables such carrots, cabbage, lettuce and broccoli are excellent sources of nutrients and vitamins and can be safely consumed as they are very low in calories.
  • 8-10 glasses of water – Drinking lots of water also facilitates the process of weight loss while on the HCG diet program. Drink at least 8 to 10 gasses of water a day. This would flush out the toxins from your system and in turn keep your body hydrated.
  • Increase your fiber intake – While on the HCG diet a lot of people tend to suffer from digestive problems. This is due to the fact that their fiber intake is not sufficient. Increase your fiber intake by consuming foods that are rich in natural fiber. Vegetables such as cabbage and whole wheat bread are some very good sources of fiber.
  • Renounce junk food completely – This is a huge commitment which you would have to make while on the HCG diet. Junk food is your biggest enemy as they are saturated with high amounts of calories and fats.
  • Exercise – While on the HCG diet it is safe to do moderate amounts of exercise. A brisk walk or freehand exercises can work wonders for your body and expedite the weight loss process.

If you are not comfortable with HCG injections, you can opt for the HCG diet drops which can be taken orally. The HCG diet drops contain a synthesized version of the hormone known as Sublingual HCG. These drops have been proved to be more effective than the injections. Buy HCG today and give your body a healthy makeover.


HCG Diet Package is an online portal to buy hcg or simply learn more about this fast growing diet program.

The Benefits of Egg Protein

Eating only egg whites is a well known way to avoid many of the “bad” fats in eggs and is a popular method utilized by many dieters to avoid extra calories. What many people don’t know is that egg whites also contain a large amount of protein- some would even call it one of the best sources of protein around. Protein is an essential part of any well balanced diet and has many benefits to its consumers. Here are some of the main reasons that egg protein is so beneficial.

Egg Protein is High in Amino Acids

Egg protein found in egg whites is not only nutritious and fat free but it contains a high concentration of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins, such as alanine, artrine, glycine and methane. It also contains a lot of other vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin D. It’s consumed by athletes and body builders in mass quantities due to these nutritious components. It improves a person’s ability to build muscle and recover from strenuous and taxing activities on the body by giving them the protein that one needs to recover and build lean muscle.

Egg Protein Aids in Digestion

Egg protein also enhances digestion. Since your body is being provided with nutrients that are necessary to its optimal functioning, digestion is at its peak. This makes egg whites a popular choice among dieters and health fanatics, and also is great for most people with digestive problems.

Egg Protein is Free of Cholesterol

Egg protein is not only fat free, it’s cholesterol free. For someone that wishes to lower their cholesterol intake, taking out egg yolks in their cooking and only using egg whites could be a great way to do this. Talk about guilt free yet delicious eating! When scrambled, you can barely tell the difference between egg whites and eggs that have the yolk left in.

The benefits of egg protein are too obvious not to be seen. Egg whites improve digestion, help build muscle and are a fat free, cholesterol free source of many essential vitamins and nutrients. Whether you’re looking for a healthy egg substitute, a high source of protein or a natural way to ingest amino acids and vitamins, egg protein from egg whites basically has it all. And, to top it all off, ingesting these ingredients naturally through egg whites is more beneficial to your body than taking them in pill or powder form because when those types of supplements are created, some of the most essential and useful ingredients are lost.

For a healthy and tasty meal you’ll never feel guilty about, scramble yourself some egg whites or add some to your favorite homemade fruit smoothie!

About the Author: Robert Stephonic is a personal loan coordinator by day and a part-time cook at night. He loves creating diet-friednly foods for those struggling to lose weight or build muscle – for health or competition. He also enjoys writing and is currently contributing to a registered ultrasound technician career guide.

B12 Vitamin Injections and Benefits

Vitamin B12 injections have been out there for quite a while, and are actually the most common and widely known and accepted method of treating patients who experience the symptoms of a B12 deficiency. These vitamin B12 injections benefits actually have their place, especially for people who have difficulties absorbing this vitamin, which is usually caused by a malfunctioning of the intrinsic factor, the part in our stomach that is responsible for transferring the B12 into our blood stream.

Vitamin B12 benefits are as following:

  • B12 helps replicating our body’s DNA.
  • Creation of Myelin, a substance that protects our nerve cells. It’s a fatty substance that is vital for our day to day functioning.
  • Tissue growth and red blood cells formation.
  • Energizing our body and boosting our metabolism. You have probably heard all that hype regarding “vitamin B12 injections as a weight loss solution”. Well, that’s why.
  • Lowering our body levels of Homo cysteine, an amino acid which have been linked with a far greater risk of developing cancer, strokes, and other modern western ailments.

Worthy of mentioning, you can get the benefits of B12 out of any vitamin B12 food or supplement out there, be it a sub lingual tablet, an injection, or a simple fish meal. Checking for a deficiency is also easy. All you have to do is go to your local doctor and ask for a simple vitamin blood test. You will probably get the results within a few days.

You can get this vitamin naturally from a variety of foods, but you will find the biggest amount of B12 per gram in clams. They are an amazing source of vitamin B12, but like any other animal food, have their disadvantages. Solution? nutritional yeast. My personal recommended supplement is red star vegetarian support formula. It is a proven and tested source of the active form of B12, which is important if you want it to absorb effectively.

Guide to Developing a Diet for Hyperactive Children

One of the most effective ways of treating Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children is by adhering to a diet for hyperactive children. According to specialists, this diet is the second line of treatment for ADHD next to medicine. Healthy nutrition for hyperactive kids can improve concentration and focus and eliminate behavioral problems without having to resort to the use of drugs.

It is necessary for parents to pay attention to the food their kids are eating both at home and at school. Children who suffer from ADHD are easily affected by the type of food they consume. Most of the symptoms of this condition are related directly to the food and beverages consumed by kids. Food allergies are known to upset ADHD children and cause hyperactivity. As such, a menu for hyperactive children must be developed to effectively counteract the symptoms of such conditions.

There has always been a connection between diet and hyperactivity. Sugary treats are especially cited for triggering ADHD among children. Such foods not only trigger hyperactivity, they also make symptoms more difficult to manage. Unfortunately, some parents are ill advised on the most suitable diet for their children with ADHD. Some are completely unaware that a meal plan for hyperactive children is necessary to manage the condition.

Lack of a suitable diet coupled with poor parenting skills for ADHD children can worsen the problem. Nutritionists have established special diets for ADHD children. Serving recommended portions of the particular food can lessen the hospital visits and eliminate the need for medication.

The best choice of food for hyperactive children may entail the following:

The use of organic products that excludes foodstuff grown with the application of pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. Organic foodstuff is wholesome and does not contain chemical compounds which may cause allergic reactions in the child suffering from ADHD.

The child must take sufficient beverages especially water. The brain is composed of almost 90 percent water and it is crucial to replenish the body whenever possible.

The diet should also include raw fruits and vegetables.

The diet must be composed mostly of home cooked meals. Experiment with different recipes so that they do not get bored with the same dishes.

Hyperactive kids with low appetite and poor eating habits should be given multivitamins and protein supplements.

A diet for hyperactive children must include foods that are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. This includes flax seed, fish and fish oils that are beneficial for the growth and development of the brain tissue and nerves.

There are some natural or herbal supplements that have been found to alleviate the symptoms of ADHD.

Suitable meals for hyperactive kids must avoid processed foods, snacks and sugary treats and dairy products. Basically, any food that has extra sugar and calories must be avoided at all costs. ADHD symptoms are closely related to intake of such foods. Children must be egged on and praised for eating healthy foods. The best way to do this is by adopting healthy foods for the whole family. Kids can find it challenging to avoid some types of food, but with support and encouragement from the rest of the family, they will enjoy eating healthy and get better with time.

About the Author: Haliyma Barrow has worked as a staff writer for a student newspaper at Indiana University of Pennsylvania starting from 2004. Beyond campus setting, Haliyma has contributed articles on various child health issues such as chronic coughs and toddler constipation.