Tag Archives: Toxin

The Science of Detoxifying Your Body

Most of us lead fast-paced lives because of our incessant drive to be on top of everything. This is further aggravated by unhealthy eating and drinking habits. All of these factors lead us to one consequence — toxin accumulation. This is why a lot of spas, clinics and detox centers have mushroomed in just a few years.

Detoxification is the process of eliminating toxins from the body, so that they will not cause further harm to our body systems. There are several methods of detoxification, although they are fairly similar in concept. This article provides an overview of some of these.

Here are a few of the common classifications of detoxification. The detox would be dependent on your specific problem area and it will be done based on the assessment and evaluation of your provider.

  • Natural Body Detox

There is nothing more natural than eating plenty of nutritious food in the form of raw vegetables and fruits. To spice up your food and to add more detoxifying agents, you can add in your choice of herbs, seeds or spices. Apart from giving your fruits and veggies a different punch, the herbs and spices will help facilitate waste elimination. While fasting is not necessarily required, you should avoid processed and refined food items which add more harmful substances to your system. Additionally, you need to make sure that you are drinking plenty of water to flush out more toxins. Apart from this, other forms of hydrotherapy will be initiated.

Sometimes, it is also up to the individual to choose what he thinks will suit his body. Other approaches include sugar detox, detox body wrap and honey or coffee detox.

  • Colon Cleanse

Colon cleansing employs the same techniques employed with natural body detoxification, that of eating high-fiber, natural food. Some individuals choose to supplement this with enemas which can actually hasten colon waste elimination. In an enema, a cleansing solution (could be a commercial preparation or just a homemade one) is introduced through the colon with the use of a thin flexible pipe to be inserted inside your body through your anus.. The fluid used may be plain water or a specially formulated detoxifying solution.

  • Master Cleanse

One of the much talked about diet these days is really nothing but a formulation of cayenne pepper, maple syrup or honey, lemon juice and tea. It is said that the acidic nature of the lemon and the potency of cayenne helps in the purging process.

  • Detox Diet

The concept behind is, again, to rid off the body of accumulated toxins. In the days or weeks before the detox diet, the individual should avoid nicotine found in cigarettes; caffeinated drinks and alcohol are also prohibited. Water and healthy food is consumed during this period, complemented with adequate rest and sleep.

  • Liver Cleanse

Liver cleanse also calls for the power of healthful foods and hydrotherapy, combined with the total avoidance of substances like alcohol and pharmaceuticals which place additional burden on the liver.

Before undergoing any detoxification, make sure that you consult a physician so that he or she can advice you regarding best practices and precaution. This is very crucial especially when you are pregnant, are taking medications and when you are suffering from chronic health conditions such as hypertension.

The author is a freelance writer. He writes about fax comparisons and electronic fax services.

Natural Remedies for Detoxification

Doctors all around the world are raving about the health benefits of detoxification.  Ridding the body of toxins and other waste that could potentially be causing harm to your body is highly recommended.  With so many detoxification programs available, it can be difficult distinguishing which one is safe and effective for your life style.  Before you choose any one “program,” consider detoxifying your body naturally.  The following are natural remedies for helping get your body back on track.

  • Eliminate the “bad” from your body.  If you want to get rid of the toxins in your body, you must give up the bad habits that are putting the toxins there in the first place.  Caffeine, alcohol, saturated fat, and refined sugar are all major contributors to the toxin level in your body.  If you are looking to detoxify, get rid of the bad habits first!  You won’t be able to fully detoxify until you are eliminating the source of the toxins.
  • Reduce your stress level.  Stress has a huge impact on the wellness of your body.  To naturally detoxify, you must reduce your stress level. While is virtually impossible to live stress free, you can take steps to maintain a safe stress level. Too much stress is bad for your body and will not help you get rid of the unwanted toxins. Consider using yoga or meditation as a way to get your stress level down.
  • Drink more water.  Water is the cleansing agent for your body. If you aren’t drinking enough water, you can’t eliminate the toxins from your body.  Drink the recommended 8 glasses of water daily to help your body get ready for the detoxification process.  The more water your drink, the healthier your skin and body will be.  Carry water with you at all times of the day in an effort to detoxify.  Stay away from sodas and sugared drinks during the process.  Focus on putting the “natural” into your body and eliminating the unnatural.
  • Get your sweat on! Sweating is a great way to get rid of toxins that are built up in your body.  Begin an exercise program that will encourage you to sweat. If exercising isn’t your thing, consider sitting in a sauna for 10 minutes a day. This will help open your pores and release the chemicals that are built up under your skin.  Sweating is a healthy part of a daily lifestyle. The more you sweat, the better off your body will be.
  • Drink green tea.  Green tea is very healthy for your body and will get the detoxification process rolling.  It is full of antioxidants that will serve to help eliminate unwanted toxins.  It is also known as an energy booster.  Get a two for one deal by drinking plenty of natural green tea. If you don’t have a taste for the actual tea, find it in capsule form.  There are too many great benefits to not add green tea to your daily diet.
  • Eat a healthy diet.  A diet rich in fruits and vegetables will also help you detoxify. Not only through the nutrient rich food, but also through the high fiber.  Fiber helps keep your bowel movements regular and allows waste to flow freely through your body. Toxins are released into your body when you are backed up for a period of time. Eating a healthy diet is essential to detoxification.  Many people choose to go on an all fruit and vegetable fast in an effort to get rid excess waste in the body.  If you choose to do an all veggie and fruit fast, do not do this process longer than a few days as you will quickly lose muscle and other nutrients that are essential to a healthy body.  Be very cautious when choosing to fast in the detoxification process.
  • Don’t use chemical based household cleaners.  Using these products can actually put chemical into your body that you are trying to get rid of.  For the best results in detoxifying, stay far away from chemical based household cleaners. Opt for natural cleaning products.

If you are looking to take advantage of the detoxification process, use the tips above to help you get started.  Detoxification can improve your health. Get started today!

Kathy works for 1001Shops that offers a large section of specialty products like etageres, contemporary wall clocks, nesting dolls and lot more.



Detox Your Diet: Detoxing Your Body

Detoxing your body has become a widespread focus among many health enthusiasts over the past few decades. As our surrounding environment becomes more and more toxic, people are more concerned with the threat of toxins from various sources and, in turn, result to a wide variety of practices in hopes of detoxing their bodies.

This common worry may be warranted given our current environment, but I’m always amazed by how often the largest source of toxins is completely omitted. That being, of course, our day to day diets.

Holistic Detox

There are hundreds of different options for detoxing your body, but if you’re going for an effective and holistic detox, the best thing you can do is simply to stop putting those toxins in. I see far too many people concerned with smaller issues like trace metals or chemicals in products while completely ignoring harmful substances in the food they eat every day. The bottom line is, if you want to get the toxins out, you’ve got to stop putting them in.

A Detoxic Diet

Making your diet detoxic first involves some simple things that most people know would be a good idea. For instance, removing fast food and junk food from their diets. However, given the state of today’s food manufacturing, this is only a small step in the right direction. If you go into a supermarket today and check the labels on things you buy, you’ll find much of the same stuff you find in fast food restaurants and junk food.

Pick up a loaf of whole grain bread and it’s likely to contain the same vegetable oils used by fast food chains. Pick up some BBQ sauce or a “healthy” antioxidant drink and one of the main ingredients will be high fructose corn syrup. The worst aspects of the food industry have crept into every corner of the supermarket, even the so called health foods.

As a detox enthusiast, it’s not only important to cleanse your system but to pay attention what you put into it on a daily basis. If you can get your diet handled, there won’t be nearly as much bad stuff to flush out.

Colon Cleanse Home Remedies: Fruit Selections

Colon cleansing is necessary for improved overall health and maintenance of body shape and skin health. The good news for you is that it is very easy to do a colon detox these days with the help of colon cleanse home remedies. One of the easiest and simplest way to do a colon cleanse at home is through using fruits that are rich in antioxidants and fiber. Here are some fruits you can use for your colon cleansing goals:


Apple is packed with a lot of antioxidants that can very well be an effective colon cleansing fruit. It clears toxins, bad substances, and wastes in the colon. It is also rich in fiber, which make it an even better colon cleanser. Using an apple for colon cleansing is as easy as juicing it or eating it daily. Apple is also one of those natural appetite suppressant foods that you can use while cleansing the colon.


Drinking a glass of lemon juice early in the morning is already a simple procedure in cleansing the colon. Lemon can help smooth the digestive system and relieve constipation as well. Lemon fruit extract in a glass of warm water is also a good colon cleanser.


Watermelon is rich in fibers that help in the detoxification process. It can expel toxins and wastes not only from the colon but also from other parts of the body.


Blueberry can improve the body’s natural cleansing process. Blueberries can also be consumed in the morning to eliminate constipation.

These are only some of the fruits that can help you achieve a cleaner colon and a healthier body in the end. Since they are all delicious and refreshing fruits, there is no point for you to have a hard time using them for your detox goals. Eating them every day is a good way to use these fruits for colon cleansing. Just make sure you avoid polluting the body with more toxins coming from alcohol, coffee, cigarette, and processed foods.

Natural Colon Cleanse Home Remedy: A Healthy Diet

Many of us are fond of eating processed food like bacon and hotdogs. Little do we know that this is one of the reasons why harmful toxins and wastes clogged up in our bodies. Colon cleansing has become very important and popular these days as the need to have a healthier body has come into our attention. Although we can get rid of these substances through bowel movement, there is still a significant amount that remains stuck in our bodies. This is where a natural colon cleanse home remedy becomes really helpful. This remedy prevents serious health problems such as colon cancer from developing.

The first thing that we need to do is to make sure that we follow a balanced and healthy diet plan. Our daily meals should be composed of fresh fruits, vegetables and fish. The more organic the food is, the better. Although eating red meat is not entirely bad for us, we should keep it to a minimum as it is high in cholesterol and fat. Health experts said that too much of fatty compounds are hazardous to our colon. Eating foods that are high in fiber is also a healthy habit. Ginger, apple and lettuce are some of the richest sources of fiber. Fiber is proven to be effective in flushing out the free radicals found in our bodies.

Another natural remedy is drinking lots of water. We are strongly encouraged to drink at least 8 to 10 glasses every day. Water will keep our bodies hydrated and at the same time flush out the toxins and wastes in our systems. If we get bored with water, then we can substitute some herbal teas or fruit juices to it. We just have to make sure that we drink freshly squeezed fruit juices and not the powdered ones. The key to a healthy colon is as simple as observing a full body detox diet and water-overdose.

How to Get Ready for the Lemon Detox Diet!

The lemon detox diet is a great way to eliminate toxins and shed a few quick pounds over the period of a one or two days as opposed to the weeks that other solutions require. Many people make the mistake of assuming that a liquid diet is an easy weight loss option – don’t be fooled! You will need all of the patience, dedication, and willpower that you can muster. But with a little preparation you can increase your chances for success!

Planning for the Perfect Detox Experience!

Mark your calendar for the days you plan on using for the lemon detox diet. This should usually be no more than three days. You will not be able to go to work nor do any kind of intensive activities so plan accordingly.

If this will be your first detox, ask a friend to stop in daily to check on you. Fluid losses can cause fatigue and dehydration, but even more serious, the stress could trigger the effects of a pre-existing condition that you may not have been aware of, like diabetes. Make sure to warn your buddy about the potential irritability that you will most likely develop from the effects of caffeine or sugar addiction withdrawal!

It is recommended that a dieter eases in to the detox by eating nothing but fruits, vegetables, and broth for three days prior to the beginning of the diet.  The ingredients for the lemonade diet plan should be purchased beforehand, except for the lemons, which should be fresh. Again, it may be wise to arrange for a friend to drop off fresh lemons, since a drive to the store could be out of the question when your body begins to expel toxins.

The only way to be successful at the lemon detox diet is to carefully research and follow the diet plan to the letter. If you know what to expect you can prepare yourself – then, nothing can hold you back!