Tag Archives: body

The Best Juice For Clearing Skin

Are you Ready for Your Close-Up? It’s Time to Spring Clean Your Skin with the best Juice For Clearing Skin. Kat Burkhi has said that we must all have soft skin for spring. We spring clean our homes, so why not clean our skin for spring? In fact, let’s go one better and scrub winter off our entire body!

Kat Burkhi began her career as an interior designer; however, she branched out to create soaps and candles with exquisite fragrances. Kat’s natural body creams are in big demand and her pure and natural skin care products contain the best juice for clearing skin.

Juice For Clearing Skin
Kat Von D (Photo credit: Ginamarr)

Women want to glow in the hot summer months. A body scrub clears the dead skin cells but freshly scrubbed skin should be well moisturized. Yes, anyone can create their own body scrub, but you must know the difference between good oil and bad oil. Cold pressed oil is the best juice for clearing skin.

Cold pressed oil is full of nutrition. Your skin needs oil that is rich in fatty acids that will penetrate deep into the skin. DIY sugar scrubs are fine, but lots of homemade skin scrubs melt long before they are applied to your legs and arms.

Kat Burkhi has created a different type of skin scrub. The mask contains cranberry fibers and Hibiscus petals. The scrub is an antioxidant that contains glycolic acid. This amazing scrub contains the best juice for clearing skin, yet it contains no harsh chemicals. Harsh skin products cause untold skin damage, but this gentle scrub can be used twice weekly.

If you are fighting fine lines and wrinkles, it’s time to protect your skin from further damage. Kat has every faith in her unique scrub; she knows that many women will benefit from the lashing of vitamin C contained in the fragrant skin product.

Five Great Detox Cleansing Foods

Five Great Detox Cleansing Foods

Never mind fasting, here are the top five healthy foods for detox cleansing to slim your mid-section in a hurry.

Feeling tired, bloated, sluggish or ill? Care to change your body into the perfect shape? Detox cleansing may be the answer for you, according to chef Candice Kumai. Whether you are ready to detox now or not, you can change your diet and make some big improvements in your life.  Cut alcohol, sugar, carbs, caffeine and dairy out of your diet and replace them with these top foods in order to gain some real benefits.

The first is tea. Tea leaves contain polyphenols which detoxes the body. Herbal detox teas are a special blend of detoxing and cleansing herbs. These herbal teas are normally caffeine free.

The second great food is cabbage. Cabbage, containing ninety-two percent water, is a diuretic which aids in expelling excess fluid. You may actually burn more calories by chewing the cabbage. This great detoxing food is also nutritional, containing minerals, fiber and vitamins A,E,K,C and folic acid.

The third great detox food is garlic. It is known as a superfood, although you may wish to pass eating this fine food on a date due to the order. But for detoxing, it is another story. Garlic prevents cardiovascular disease, de-stresses and lowers bad cholesterol.

Next are greens. Chlorophyll in greens rids the body of toxins accumulated through the environment and aids well in liver detoxification. They are also fine for reducing fats in blood, thinning blood, controlling blood pressure, cleansing the blood and are a great antibiotic.

The last may be somewhat of a surprise, water. A few eight ounce glasses in the morning and more throughout the day especially before, during and after working out is essential for flushing the liver and kidneys and keeping the body hydrated.

The Benefits of Aromatherapy and Massage

Western-based therapies tend to treat the symptoms of ailments and not the cause. Alternative therapies, such as aromatherapy, take a more holistic, whole-body approach. These therapies work on the assumption that when you have an illness, it affects your entire being physically, mentally and emotionally. Conversely, an emotional or mental problem could cause a physical ailment, as everything is interlinked. Aromatherapy and Massage uses essential oils to aid relaxation and healing. Massage is also used for relaxation, and to rid the body of toxins by increasing blood flow. The combination of the two modalities results in a powerful healing treatment. Here are some reasons why Aromatherapy and Massage is so effective.

1. It boosts the immune system

According to a 2005 study, entitled The Immunological/Psychological benefits of Aromatherapy Massage (Kyoto University), aromatherapy massage was shown to increase immunity. Several healthy subjects were each given the same massage by the same practioner with and without essential oils. They found that after giving massages with essential oils, there was a significant increase in peripheral blood lymphocytes, which indicate immune response.

Aromatherapy and Massage

2. It helps diabetes

According to EssentialOils.co.za, massage improves circulation, which assists in managing diabetes. One of the side effects of diabetes is poor circulation, which badly affects the extremities, such as feet and legs. Massage can ease this side effect, as it increases oxygen to the muscular tissues. In addition, certain essential oils are known to increase blood flow, such as black pepper, juniper, geranium and eucalyptus (EssentialOils.co.za). However, it’s recommended that diabetics don’t use angelica essential oils, as these tend to over-stimulate the nervous system.

3. It detoxifies and encourages healing

Massage is known to promote lymphatic drainage (AllegraLearning.com). The lymph nodes collect toxins from your body and a massage is an excellent way to rid your body of them. Massage also induces a relaxed state, as it just feels so good! When you’re relaxed, you feel less stressed, and you release less cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone that is released when you feel anxious. It’s the body’s natural response to danger. However, if you’re stressed your body perceives everything as a potential threat and excess amounts of cortisol can cause health problems. A decrease in cortisol means an increase in healing. Essential oils can further amplify your body’s natural ability to heal, as certain oils induce relaxation, such as lavender and bergamot (AllegraLearning.com).

The combination of massage and aromatherapy results in deep relaxation and an increased ability to heal. An aromatherapy massage is the perfect antidote for any stress or tension and it even increases immunity and relieves side effects. Try an aromatherapy massage and see how effective it is!

Ang Lloyd writes on behalf of Now Learning, which encourages Australian students to further their education by promoting learning opportunities such as project management and aromatherapy courses in Australia.

Things to Remember When On A Full Body Detox

収穫の秋 Autumn Fruit and Vegetables in Japan

Image via Wikipedia

If you want to be slim right away, it is best for you to try a new diet plan. There are enormous diet plans today, and that is quite obvious. Actually, you can let natural foods like fruits and vegetables help you. Here’s the thing, everybody wants to have a fabulous body in time without overwhelming the health. Anyone who is obese or overweight will try all kinds of diet just to be slim and sexy. There are even some who result to crash diets thinking that they can attain their goals immediately. You cannot blame them if they spend lots of money trying to jump from one diet to another because they see no progress from the previous one. The good news is full body detox will not only give you what you really want, it also improves your health. The aim and goal of full body detox is to eliminate toxins inside the body that are harbored from the environment, and the food ingested so that the body can function perfectly.

Avoid. If you are planning to detoxify, please try to avoid highly sweetened foods, high fat foods, and dairy products like milk and egg. You must also avoid alcohol beverages and coffee while you are undergoing a detoxification process.

Taste. You can have any kinds of fruits and vegetables whether fresh or frozen. Fruits and vegetables are highly recommended in a detox diet. You can also substitute your white rice with brown rice since brown rice is good for digestion. Including fruits and vegetables in your dish can be the best meal replacement diet rather than eating pure meat and high caloric foods.

If you really want to achieve the sexy body that you have been dreaming for, then you should really consider changing your diet from being unhealthy to healthy.

How to Eat Whatever You Like and Stay Healthy

The very act of eating food now has its own set of dilemmas. Every single thing that you like to eat seems to have some sort of negative impact on your health, be it cholesterol, fat, sugar, etc. But when you’re trying to measure calories instead of trying to eat food, you take away a very basic aspect of the act of eating – enjoyment! This article is about a few ways that you can eat whatever you like and stay healthy still.

1. Exercise!

Exercising seems to be an obvious enough option. Every gym in the world has shouted itself hoarse on your TVs, newspapers, radios, etc. trying to scare you into dropping everything and hitting the gym straight away. While you do need to realize that your action (binging on food) does have a reaction (excess, ‘unwanted stuff’ in your body that you need to get rid of – you get the drift), it doesn’t have to be resolved in a gym. A gym is an expensive and occasionally claustrophobic experience that is rather unnecessary. Instead, why don’t you go for a walk/jog instead? Biking can be an option too, but needs some basic precautions. Most importantly, do something intensive every day, and don’t give up the moment you feel tired!

2. Have meals at regular intervals.

Your body relies more on habit than you’d think. The urge to munch something every now and then might make you do away with your hunger just then, but your body needs to get used to times when it gets ‘nourished’. This will give it time to actually digest your food intake.

3. Breakfast like a king, dinner like a pauper… no, seriously!

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It recharges your body from the longest stretch you’ll spend without food or drink – sleep. Skipping breakfast is a really bad idea since you’ll not have enough energy to last till lunch. Dinner, on the other hand, is a time when you feel that you’ve got the most time on your hands, and hence, it tends to be the heaviest meal for you (most people, in fact). But the ‘sleep’ factor sets in again. Your body will be ABSOLUTELY passive for the stretch of time through which you sleep. The point being, do try to keep the ‘fatty’ and ‘sugary’ food for some other time. If you don’t, insulin resistance and weight gain beckon.

4. Try yoga!

Once considered an ‘exotic’ pastime, with bearded gurus thrown in for good measure, yoga has come a long way since. Plenty of celebrities consider it a way of life, and they probably are right. Yoga is said to improve your metabolism and reduce stress too! If done correctly, the benefits can be greater than even an intensive spell of swimming. Moreover, you can stay in the comforts of your home, and do it at a time that suits you! There are plenty of yoga videos that you can get online or purchase. Better still, do some research and join a yoga class, where you can be taught by experts.

The very idea of knowing that you can eat what you want represents a kind of freedom that few people have in today’s world. But it comes with a rider – moderation is quintessential. You need to remember that too much of anything is harmful and that includes food. If you do, then you really can have anything you like and stay healthy too!


This is a guest post on behalf of Crunchlunch.co.uk – Whether you are looking for Pizza Express Vouchers or Nandos Vouchers, Crunchlunch.co.uk has it covered.

What Probiotics Can Do For Your Body

Inside our body lies a storage for millions of bacteria. Some are deemed harmful while there are those which our body cannot function without. Such is the case for certain strains of bacterias that rewards our body with innumerable benefits ranging from the body’s digestion to building immunity defenses. With the known benefits of this healthy bacteria a growing number of scientists and medical experts are giving much of their time and expertise to harnessing this bacteria’s full potential. To consolidate this growing information and create awareness of these incredible bacterial strains probiotics.org has been created.

These legions of good bacteria are more popularly known as probiotics. Taking their place in our intestinal linings, they are our body’s foremost defense against a bevy of parasites and pathogens that threaten our body’s stability. Scientific research has also evidenced a wealth of other pertinent health benefits that we acquire from a steady stream of these friendly bacteria in our body.

Prevention and Control of Diarrhea

The primary symptom of a weakened digestive system is that of diarrhea, characterized by a higher than normal presence of unwanted parasites in our body. When left untreated, diarrhea could result in severe dehydration and at its worst, death. As these good bacteria fight off these parasites, an ideal level of bacterial substances is retained in our body thereby preventing diarrhea from happening. In addition, most health experts recommends dosage of these friendly bacterias to patients already suffering from diarrhea to help bring it to a halt.

Similarly, they also help alleviate the risks of diarrhea for those who are taking diarrhea inducing antibiotics. Antibiotics, though meant to eliminate these parasites, do so without discrimination and when we subject our body to a string of antibiotics, even the good bacterias are significantly reduced, destabilizing the body, resulting in LBM or loose bowel movement..

Strengthened Immunity Builders

Scientists and gastroenterelogists have also give much credence to the positive effects of these good bacterias towards our immunity. By producing substances that fends off the harmful pathogens in our intestinal pathways, they significantly reduce the risks for the most common types of ailments and illnesses. Similarly, sufficient levels of probiotics helps reduce the appearance of allergies especially for children and pregnant mothers.

Infection Prevention

In earlier times, before the advent of antiseptics, fermented dairy products were used by our ancestors to prevent infections. As these beneficial bacterias strengthen our body’s defense mechanisms, they also help our body heal and fend off infections as well as wound inflammations.