Tag Archives: Yoga

Have you considered Bikram’s Yoga?

Bikram’s yoga and Moksha yoga are both forms of hot yoga.  Hot yoga has become very popular over the past decade.  It is trendy and popular and all the rage.  If you have heard about this practice you have likely considered if hot yoga would be a good practice for you or not.  The answer is that it really depends and here is why.

The main variation between hot yoga and regular yoga is the surrounding room temperature.  Hot yoga is performed in a heated room that ranges in temperature from about 85F up to around 100F or so.  This heat is not typical to most yoga practices in the past.  Most practices of yoga have you warm your own body through movement and breath combined as opposed to the environment warming the body.

Having a heated room can be a good thing or a bad thing and it all comes down to where you are at and if hot yoga is right for you.  The benefit of Bikram’s yoga is that heat can provide a medium to go deeper into poses more easily then otherwise possible.  It can encourage the body to detoxify through the skin as well as other pathways.  It also provides for a way to increase your concentration as the heat can require a strong focus to stay centered.

On the opposite side of things one of the most prevalent negative occurrences in hot yoga is over stretching since there is a false sense of being able to move deeper into poses.  Another thing is detoxifying too quickly.  We don’t often have an environment that encourages that level of sweating, moving and breathing all at once.  This can create a quick flood of toxins into the blood that then have to be dealt with by the body.

Perhaps you are aiming for this level of detoxification and therefore you are prepared to deal with any symptoms that arise from this practice.  The results can be many including head aches, pains, light headedness, tiredness and so on.  This simply occur as a result of the body moving out that which is not longer stored in the tissues.  The result is positive but it can be uncomfortable.

So whether or not hot yoga is for you really depends. Some of the questions to ask yourself relate to the hardiness of your body, how much tendency you have to push yourself vs. moving at your own pace.  Additionally, hot yoga is not always best for those with heart conditions or blood pressure issues.  Consider all angles though including how much detoxification you can handle and how quickly you can handle it.

If you do decide to practice hot yoga of any kind consider the tools you need to stay comfortable and maximize your experience.  You will want a good Bikram’s yoga mat, good hot yoga clothes as well as making sure you are heavily hydrated as you will loose a lot of sweat in your practice.

How to Eat Whatever You Like and Stay Healthy

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The very act of eating food now has its own set of dilemmas. Every single thing that you like to eat seems to have some sort of negative impact on your health, be it cholesterol, fat, sugar, etc. But when you’re trying to measure calories instead of trying to eat food, you take away a very basic aspect of the act of eating – enjoyment! This article is about a few ways that you can eat whatever you like and stay healthy still.

1. Exercise!

Exercising seems to be an obvious enough option. Every gym in the world has shouted itself hoarse on your TVs, newspapers, radios, etc. trying to scare you into dropping everything and hitting the gym straight away. While you do need to realize that your action (binging on food) does have a reaction (excess, ‘unwanted stuff’ in your body that you need to get rid of – you get the drift), it doesn’t have to be resolved in a gym. A gym is an expensive and occasionally claustrophobic experience that is rather unnecessary. Instead, why don’t you go for a walk/jog instead? Biking can be an option too, but needs some basic precautions. Most importantly, do something intensive every day, and don’t give up the moment you feel tired!

2. Have meals at regular intervals.

Your body relies more on habit than you’d think. The urge to munch something every now and then might make you do away with your hunger just then, but your body needs to get used to times when it gets ‘nourished’. This will give it time to actually digest your food intake.

3. Breakfast like a king, dinner like a pauper… no, seriously!

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It recharges your body from the longest stretch you’ll spend without food or drink – sleep. Skipping breakfast is a really bad idea since you’ll not have enough energy to last till lunch. Dinner, on the other hand, is a time when you feel that you’ve got the most time on your hands, and hence, it tends to be the heaviest meal for you (most people, in fact). But the ‘sleep’ factor sets in again. Your body will be ABSOLUTELY passive for the stretch of time through which you sleep. The point being, do try to keep the ‘fatty’ and ‘sugary’ food for some other time. If you don’t, insulin resistance and weight gain beckon.

4. Try yoga!

Once considered an ‘exotic’ pastime, with bearded gurus thrown in for good measure, yoga has come a long way since. Plenty of celebrities consider it a way of life, and they probably are right. Yoga is said to improve your metabolism and reduce stress too! If done correctly, the benefits can be greater than even an intensive spell of swimming. Moreover, you can stay in the comforts of your home, and do it at a time that suits you! There are plenty of yoga videos that you can get online or purchase. Better still, do some research and join a yoga class, where you can be taught by experts.

The very idea of knowing that you can eat what you want represents a kind of freedom that few people have in today’s world. But it comes with a rider – moderation is quintessential. You need to remember that too much of anything is harmful and that includes food. If you do, then you really can have anything you like and stay healthy too!


This is a guest post on behalf of Crunchlunch.co.uk – Whether you are looking for Pizza Express Vouchers or Nandos Vouchers, Crunchlunch.co.uk has it covered.

Work-out Review: Insanity vs P90X

Losing weight has been made more fun these days. With many types of routines combined into a basic work out, one can be able to shed pounds for a little time. Within two months or so, one can see his body slimmer and muscles developed to its fullest. Two popular work-out routines which are competing for the being the “toughest” and most effective weight loss program is the Insanity and P90X. The Insanity vs P90X war has been going on from some time, and experts are raving about this competition to see which one is the best workout among all.

Primarily, it is advantageous to look at these two routines. One can only decide which the best is as both of the routines are different in their own. They have special sets of exercises and strategies that has been studied and proven effective by many exercise experts. If you are among those who are looking for a good work-out routine, you might want to try either of these. Read on below, and find out which one suits you best.

Insanity work-out is a 60-day routine which involves two phases. First is the basic phase where the body learns to acquire the exercises. The second level is more extreme, hence named as the “Max” level. In this stage, intense work-outs are made. Insanity routines involve cardio, balance, plyometrics, calisthenics, and other sports drills. There are about ten different work-outs, and each session runs from 45 minutes to an hour and fifteen minutes. The good thing about this strategy is that no equipments are needed. One will only use his body balance and weight for each session.

P90X is a three month program that is divided into three different phases. Each phase includes a cool down period where one’s body is meant to recuperate from any change of work-outs during the whole period. P90x includes 12 workouts, ranging from resistance routines to cardio and then finally to yoga. This means that routines involve the whole body, and must be practiced for six days in a week. Opposite of the Insanity, P90x requires equipments such as weights, resistance bands and a pull up bar for stretches.

The Insanity vs P90X have different ways of manipulating one’s body into its fuller strength. Insanity requires great physical preparations, for it begins in an intense pace. Warm ups are also necessary to follow; being flexible is needed for anyone who chooses this routine. P90x however, requires greater commitment as it takes a longer time to finish. The preferences of the person who wants to get into these exercises are prioritized. One can choose between an extreme overdrive in exercising; or a longer, gradual, longer session that needs more willpower.

Be sure to check out TweakFit fitness blog for more tips on how to lose weight.

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How Yoga helps in Weight Loss

This post is contributed by Rose Shapas from Bodyman.dk, a Danish store which specializes in bodybuilding and sports supplements.

Yoga is a traditional meditative process that combines mental and physical faculties of the body which help to not only increase mental peace but is also a form of good exercise for the body. The proof of the benefits of yoga lies in the fact that various celebrities and athletes who already have perfect bodies take part in this activity. A lot of scientific studies have shown that yoga has the power to help lose calories in a healthy manner because it uses all parts of the body and it helps to relax your mind, something which is very important for bodybuilders.

Although, it is true that yoga will help you lose less amount of weight than other exercises because it is a less strenuous amount of exercise, it is an important activity that has a dual advantage. Yoga has been advised by various psychiatrists, nutrition experts and fitness experts as a form of perfect exercise for the mind and body.

Yoga is especially important for people to maintain their weight; according to a study performed by Alan Kristal, DPH. On an average, yoga can help you to maintain your weight and even lose a few pounds. According to such experts, yoga can help make a connection between your mind and body and through this connection you become more aware of what you eat and how to control it.

So what are some prerequisites to doing yoga effectively and how can you incorporate it into your daily schedule easily? You can either join a yoga class where you can help make the mind-body connection in or you can even learn to do yoga at home. Various online lessons and DVDs can teach you how to do yoga effectively.

If you choose to do yoga at home, it is preferable if you have a room where you can see yourself, a large mirror sitting in front of you would do the job adequately. This is important because you need to make sure you are doing the exercises properly and it will help to make the internal connection with ease.

Another very important and central idea in yoga is to experience every move you make right from your breathing to the way your head moves. The essence of yoga lies in the ability to feel and experience each of your movements; try to feel all your body parts in their individual movements. Yoga experts also advise you to practice praising yourself and learning positive self-cognitive self-talk. Also with yoga it is better if you follow a certain routine; usually yoga works best for your mental state of mind when done in the morning.

Remember, that at the core of yoga is the exercise and the objective is to make your body and muscles stronger. Don’t forget to supplement your exercise efforts with a healthy and nutritious diet; use dietary supplements like protein powder and proteinbars for this purpose. Incorporate yoga in your daily routine to gain its maximum benefits, to help increase your patience level and self-control level and to increase your body’s flexibility and your muscles’ strength.