The Best Juice For Clearing Skin

Are you Ready for Your Close-Up? It’s Time to Spring Clean Your Skin with the best Juice For Clearing Skin. Kat Burkhi has said that we must all have soft skin for spring. We spring clean our homes, so why not clean our skin for spring? In fact, let’s go one better and scrub winter off our entire body!

Kat Burkhi began her career as an interior designer; however, she branched out to create soaps and candles with exquisite fragrances. Kat’s natural body creams are in big demand and her pure and natural skin care products contain the best juice for clearing skin.

Juice For Clearing Skin
Kat Von D (Photo credit: Ginamarr)

Women want to glow in the hot summer months. A body scrub clears the dead skin cells but freshly scrubbed skin should be well moisturized. Yes, anyone can create their own body scrub, but you must know the difference between good oil and bad oil. Cold pressed oil is the best juice for clearing skin.

Cold pressed oil is full of nutrition. Your skin needs oil that is rich in fatty acids that will penetrate deep into the skin. DIY sugar scrubs are fine, but lots of homemade skin scrubs melt long before they are applied to your legs and arms.

Kat Burkhi has created a different type of skin scrub. The mask contains cranberry fibers and Hibiscus petals. The scrub is an antioxidant that contains glycolic acid. This amazing scrub contains the best juice for clearing skin, yet it contains no harsh chemicals. Harsh skin products cause untold skin damage, but this gentle scrub can be used twice weekly.

If you are fighting fine lines and wrinkles, it’s time to protect your skin from further damage. Kat has every faith in her unique scrub; she knows that many women will benefit from the lashing of vitamin C contained in the fragrant skin product.

How You Can Benefit From A Lime Juice Cleanse

How You Can Benefit From A Lime Juice Cleanse

If you want to become healthier, there are many benefits to a lime juice cleanse. Read on to find out the best cleanse for you.

One benefit is the way a cleanse removes waste from your body. This benefit alone can increase your health. Not only can eliminating waste help you feel stronger and more energetic, it will also remove toxins that can lead to illness.

Container of lime juice with cut limes
Container of lime juice with cut limes (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Weight loss is an additional benefit. As some of your excess weight can be attributed to waste, you can lose unwanted pounds through a lime juice cleanse.

Your healthy colon cleanse diet begins with the juice, and allows you to slowly add healthy foods to your diet. Fresh, raw vegetables and fruits, and whole grains will provide the vitamins and minerals you need for good health. They also provide dietary fiber to keep your digestive system working properly.

You can look at a juice cleanse as a moderate form of fasting. Your body can experience the benefits of fasting, while continuing to have some essential nutrition. When you choose a cleanse and follow the instructions, you will have results.

Long-term results come from making healthy choices after completing the diet. You do not have to return to processed foods, junk foods, and other products that are not good for you. Instead, you can maintain your desired weight.

Many individuals have discovered the cleanse to be a safe, effective way to lose weight fast. You can shed pounds, and be healthy. If you are determined to lose pounds, it could be the ideal solution for you.

How To Lose Belly Fat And Get A Flat Stomach With Detoxification

Get A Flat Stomach With Detoxification

Sometimes, our tummy looks big, but the sole reason is not always that there is excess fat in that area. In some instances, toxins and fecal matter accumulate in the colon resulting in bloating and irritation of the stomach itself causing your abdomen to stick out. Detoxification is the natural, health friendly way to cleanse the colon and lose weight. As a result of detoxification, the digestive system gets cleaned out and the stomach looks flat. With a stomach cleansing diet and aerobic exercise, you can enjoy a 3-in-one effect- those who cleanse their body through detoxification lose belly fat and gain a flat stomach = cleanse, lose belly fat, get flat stomach.

English: Brown Flax Seeds. Français : Graines ...

English: Brown Flax Seeds. Français : Graines de Lin cultivé (Linum usitatissimum). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The whole process is comprised of two steps: one is following a cleansing diet and the second is doing the right exercises.

Step 1: dietary regulation

Avoid alcoholic drinks and tobacco products to avoid accumulation of toxins.
Avoid junk food: The sodium in these foods causes the body to retain water so the tummy looks fat.
It is mandatory to eat fibrous foods like whole grains, leafy vegetables, pulpy fruits and natural unsweetened fruit juice. These foods help cleanse the colon naturally.
Have crushed flax seeds before bedtime: this will help you to have better results from your detoxification.

Drinking three to four liters of water is mandatory as this will help in keeping your system hydrated and constipation free.

Step 2: Exercise Routine

Practicing aerobics will give you even better results from your detoxification.
Rebound exercise is known as one of the best lymph-pumping exercises.
Running, brisk walking, dancing,, bicycling and swimming are some recommended exercises for detoxification.

Yoga poses prove helpful due to their detoxifying effects.

With this combo of diet and exercise, you will be able to lose belly fat and get a flat stomach naturally.

Drink Your Way To Flawless Skin

Drink Your Way To Flawless Skin

You have probably heard of the phrase ‘you are what you eat’ so it shouldn’t come as a surprise to hear that what you are consuming could be messing up your skin. There is no need to worry, however; you can make amends simply by drinking juice.

We all know that fruits and veggies are good for our skin and health in general, but what we are really interested in here is the best juice for clearing skin. There are five fruits and veggies in particular that you should really make part of your diet if you want clear and flawless skin these are: apples, cucumbers, parsley, pineapples and carrots.

English: Glass of juice and carrots Français :...

English: Glass of juice and carrots Français : Verre de jus et carottes (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Carrots contain vitamin A, which plays a major role in keeping skin cells healthy. Cucumber consumption leads to skin hydration. Apples lower the rate of tissue damage hence keeping the skin looking young and healthy; pineapples improve skin elasticity while parsley cleanses the skin of toxins hence preventing acne among other things.

The idea here is simple; blend all these fruits and veggies together and drink the resulting juice. Don’t add any sugar, just a bit of water to reduce the viscosity. If you can’t handle this particular mixture in its entirety, simply blend one or two at a time. A mixture of apple and pineapple, for example, is quite appealing. Parsley, cucumber and carrot juice isn’t too bad either; it might, however, take some getting used to.  A regular dose of these juices and you are guaranteed to have clear, smooth and healthy skin even as you advance in age.

Free Detox Cleanse Nourish Book


Free Detox Cleanse Nourish Book


The Lemon Detox diet has been around for over 50 years but more people have started following it just a couple of years ago. The diet comes in various recipes and programs and is effective in breaking down toxins found in the body. Apart from this, the diet helps in short term weight loss and is a popular option during spring.


English: This is a picture of 2 1oz servings o...

English: This is a picture of 2 1oz servings of wheat grass with 2 orange slices to cleanse the pallet. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


The Lemon Detox diet was created by Stanley Burroughs a few years ago. The diet became famous initially after Stanley recommended it to a patient suffering from stomach ulcers.  The patient had no other treatment option when he approached Stanley. After just 11 days of taking the Lemon Detox diet, the ulcers were completely healed. This amazed both the doctor and the patient. Stanley outlines the case study in his book “The Master Cleanser”, that is available both in paperback and as a free PDF.

Stanley conducted many other studies with patients suffering from ulcers and the astounding results were consistent. One of the other things that were discovered is that patients who took the diet also experienced weight loss. Many other health professionals have recommended the Lemon Diet for weight loss. You can get “The Master Cleanser” free detox cleanse nourish eBook for free at Stanley’s website as a PDF document. Here is a link to the eBook



Detox Cleansing For Weight Loss

Detox Cleansing For Weight Loss


Detox cleansing is one of the newest trends amongst both celebrities and people on the street for weight loss and overall better health.  Unlike the strict maxims of traditional weight loss — those inexorable pillars of eating less and exercising more — detox cleansing works to improve the body by eliminating the toxins and pollutions that cause our systems to overload and shut down.  Not only does this allow for superior control over our pockets of fat, but it also gives more energy throughout the day, keeps us in a more positive mood, and allow us to stay focused on the tasks ahead of us.


Cover of "Detox (Natural Care Handbook)"

Cover of Detox (Natural Care Handbook)


Perhaps the most popular detox cleansing diet for weight loss has been the raw food diet.  This trend, espoused by everyone from Beyonce to David Bowie, suggests that the process of frying, steaming, baking, sauteing, and boiling our foods destroy the enzymes within that are needed for proper homeostasis.  Instead of enjoying processed foods, such as the pizzas and hamburgers that flood restaurant menus, it is helpful to detox cleanse by eating only food that you could find out in nature.  This means a lot more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts than a person might normally eat, along with much fewer meat and milk.  Depending on how far you want detox cleansing to go, it is possible (as shown by the example of Demi Moore) to eat only raw fruits and vegetables for weight loss and proper control over the functions of your body and mind.