Tag Archives: Abdominal obesity

Cures For Belly Fat

Risks And Cures For Belly Fat

After 30 years, researchers have learned a great deal about the fat stored in the body, and the old idea of fat acting simply as a source of energy has been abandoned. Fat’s far reaching effect on an individual’s health is now recognized, and the fact that accumulated fat in specific areas has a more detrimental effect than fat in others has been confirmed. Belly fat, in particular, the fat that forms around the internal organs, has a far reaching, negative influence on a person’s well being. Here are some cures for belly fat.

Cures For Belly Fat
Cures For Belly Fat

Belly Fat Medical Problems

This inner fat, known as visceral fat, increases the threat of a variety of medical problems, including diabetes (type 2), dementia, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and more. Although it cannot be seen without specialized equipment, body shape can indicate its presence. Someone with a hefty, round belly, considered apple or pear-shaped, probably has too much visceral fat.

A weight loss as small as ten or twenty pounds can reduce the risk of health troubles, but how does a person lose belly fat? Fortunately, deep belly fat is a ready source of energy for the body. Losing pounds and inches through exercise and dieting means a loss of surface and inner belly fats as this energy source is utilized. What’s more, a basic exercise regime will help keep visceral fat from returning.

A healthy diet works

For example, switching from refined grain to whole grain foods while increasing activity decreases harmful abdominal fat. Further research indicates that a diet with polyunsaturated fats like those found in nuts and heart healthy oils, like safflower and peanut oil, are less likely to contribute to belly fat than foods with saturated fats like palm oil.

Living an active life with a heart healthy diet will help an individual avoid the accumulation of belly fat as well as help those willing to turn their lives, and health, in a new and better direction.

How To Lose Belly Fat And Get A Flat Stomach With Detoxification

Get A Flat Stomach With Detoxification

Sometimes, our tummy looks big, but the sole reason is not always that there is excess fat in that area. In some instances, toxins and fecal matter accumulate in the colon resulting in bloating and irritation of the stomach itself causing your abdomen to stick out. Detoxification is the natural, health friendly way to cleanse the colon and lose weight. As a result of detoxification, the digestive system gets cleaned out and the stomach looks flat. With a stomach cleansing diet and aerobic exercise, you can enjoy a 3-in-one effect- those who cleanse their body through detoxification lose belly fat and gain a flat stomach = cleanse, lose belly fat, get flat stomach.

English: Brown Flax Seeds. Français : Graines ...

English: Brown Flax Seeds. Français : Graines de Lin cultivé (Linum usitatissimum). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The whole process is comprised of two steps: one is following a cleansing diet and the second is doing the right exercises.

Step 1: dietary regulation

Avoid alcoholic drinks and tobacco products to avoid accumulation of toxins.
Avoid junk food: The sodium in these foods causes the body to retain water so the tummy looks fat.
It is mandatory to eat fibrous foods like whole grains, leafy vegetables, pulpy fruits and natural unsweetened fruit juice. These foods help cleanse the colon naturally.
Have crushed flax seeds before bedtime: this will help you to have better results from your detoxification.

Drinking three to four liters of water is mandatory as this will help in keeping your system hydrated and constipation free.

Step 2: Exercise Routine

Practicing aerobics will give you even better results from your detoxification.
Rebound exercise is known as one of the best lymph-pumping exercises.
Running, brisk walking, dancing,, bicycling and swimming are some recommended exercises for detoxification.

Yoga poses prove helpful due to their detoxifying effects.

With this combo of diet and exercise, you will be able to lose belly fat and get a flat stomach naturally.

Weight Loss Beats Crunches for a Flat Stomach

Whether you have been pregnant, find small amounts of weight creeping up on you as you get older, or sometimes overindulge in food or alcoholic beverages, you may have some excess weight around your midsection that you would like to get rid of. For many, having a flat stomach or “six-pack abs” is a dream that is seemingly just out of reach. Is there a way to get rid of your belly fat? Do you need to eat more or less of a certain food, or should you perform specific exercises to tone this area of your body?

Why Should I Lose Body Fat?

The visceral fat that sits around your midsection is more dangerous than the fat in your hips and thighs. It is also worse than the subcutaneous fat that nestles under your skin. Large amounts of excess belly fat can lead to inflammation, hardening of the arteries and a higher risk of developing serious health conditions including metabolic syndrome, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

How to Do it

The good news is that belly fat is the first type of body fat that you lose when you shed weight. However, there is no magic potion, pill, drink, food or exercise that is going to specifically target that area of your body. Regardless of your body type, whether you are an “apple” shape with body fat only around your middle or a “pear” shape with larger thighs and hips, most people lose the fat around their midsections first and more proportionately than anywhere else.

The type of fat that makes up larger bellies, visceral fat, is more active in terms of metabolism than the subcutaneous fat that is located under the skin around other areas of the body. Experts say that the more fat you have to lose, the faster you will lose it.

Eat More Grains

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a study that showed when whole-grains were added to a calorie-controlled diet, obese individuals tended to lose weight faster from the abdominal area than those who consumed refined grains.[1] Consuming a similar diet, while reducing the amount of refined carbohydrates, changes the body’s response to glucose and insulin, making it easier to move the fat storage areas of the body. Whole-grains are also higher in fiber, which can leave people full for longer periods of time and decrease hunger levels.

Refined grains, on the other hand, elevate the body’s blood sugar levels and insulin response, causing the body to deposit fat more quickly.

What about Exercise?

It is a known fact for exercise enthusiasts but a source of frustration for those looking to trim certain body areas: you cannot spot reduce weight. While butterfly crunches do in fact target your lower abdominal muscles, you cannot perform hundreds of crunches with the hopes that you will see a flatter midsection. These exercises will not help you lose weight, although they may strengthen them and give a tighter and thinner appearance.

Along with a healthy, calorie-controlled diet, you must also get roughly 60 minutes of moderate exercise every day. The more intense your workouts, the more abdominal fat you may shed.

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