Tag Archives: Carrot

Drink Your Way To Flawless Skin

Drink Your Way To Flawless Skin

You have probably heard of the phrase ‘you are what you eat’ so it shouldn’t come as a surprise to hear that what you are consuming could be messing up your skin. There is no need to worry, however; you can make amends simply by drinking juice.

We all know that fruits and veggies are good for our skin and health in general, but what we are really interested in here is the best juice for clearing skin. There are five fruits and veggies in particular that you should really make part of your diet if you want clear and flawless skin these are: apples, cucumbers, parsley, pineapples and carrots.

English: Glass of juice and carrots Français :...

English: Glass of juice and carrots Français : Verre de jus et carottes (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Carrots contain vitamin A, which plays a major role in keeping skin cells healthy. Cucumber consumption leads to skin hydration. Apples lower the rate of tissue damage hence keeping the skin looking young and healthy; pineapples improve skin elasticity while parsley cleanses the skin of toxins hence preventing acne among other things.

The idea here is simple; blend all these fruits and veggies together and drink the resulting juice. Don’t add any sugar, just a bit of water to reduce the viscosity. If you can’t handle this particular mixture in its entirety, simply blend one or two at a time. A mixture of apple and pineapple, for example, is quite appealing. Parsley, cucumber and carrot juice isn’t too bad either; it might, however, take some getting used to.  A regular dose of these juices and you are guaranteed to have clear, smooth and healthy skin even as you advance in age.

Healthy Juice Drinks – Iron, Like a Lion in Zion

If you’ve been getting a bit anemic lately and are feeling a little run down then it’s possible you are lacking a bit of iron in your diet. That’s where the Iron, Lion Zion juice drink comes in handy. Whether you are not eating properly or you are a vegetarian and need a boost, if you get anemic then you can end up feeling depressed, tired or lethargic and leave yourself open to colds and flu. Get one of these iron rich juice drinks down you and you’ll soon feel a lot better:

Take the following ingredients:

250g (8 0z) of spinach

25g (1 oz) of parsley

250g (8 oz) of carrots

1 heaped teaspoon of spirulina
Chuck the carrot, parsley and spinach into a juicer and juice vigorously for a couple of minutes. Then stir in the spirulina. Pour it into a fat tumbler, add a bit of ice and if you’re feeling really fancy, decorate with a slice of cucumber of carrot.

Not only does this juice drink taste awesome, but it will also give you a grand old dose of folic acid to build up those red blood cells, some chlorophyll to help fight that fatigue and a massive dose of all-important vitamin B12 from the spirulina. All of that for just 229 calories!

Alex is a food writer and blogger. He loves writing about beautiful food and healthy living and currently writes for Coupon Croc .