Category Archives: weight loss

Five Great Detox Cleansing Foods

Five Great Detox Cleansing Foods

Never mind fasting, here are the top five healthy foods for detox cleansing to slim your mid-section in a hurry.

Feeling tired, bloated, sluggish or ill? Care to change your body into the perfect shape? Detox cleansing may be the answer for you, according to chef Candice Kumai. Whether you are ready to detox now or not, you can change your diet and make some big improvements in your life.  Cut alcohol, sugar, carbs, caffeine and dairy out of your diet and replace them with these top foods in order to gain some real benefits.

The first is tea. Tea leaves contain polyphenols which detoxes the body. Herbal detox teas are a special blend of detoxing and cleansing herbs. These herbal teas are normally caffeine free.

The second great food is cabbage. Cabbage, containing ninety-two percent water, is a diuretic which aids in expelling excess fluid. You may actually burn more calories by chewing the cabbage. This great detoxing food is also nutritional, containing minerals, fiber and vitamins A,E,K,C and folic acid.

The third great detox food is garlic. It is known as a superfood, although you may wish to pass eating this fine food on a date due to the order. But for detoxing, it is another story. Garlic prevents cardiovascular disease, de-stresses and lowers bad cholesterol.

Next are greens. Chlorophyll in greens rids the body of toxins accumulated through the environment and aids well in liver detoxification. They are also fine for reducing fats in blood, thinning blood, controlling blood pressure, cleansing the blood and are a great antibiotic.

The last may be somewhat of a surprise, water. A few eight ounce glasses in the morning and more throughout the day especially before, during and after working out is essential for flushing the liver and kidneys and keeping the body hydrated.

Developing A Weight Loss Management Plan

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Weight Loss Management

One of the hardest parts about losing weight is staying on track. Many programs designed to help you lose weight do work, but they will only continue to work if you keep following the plan. A good weight loss management plan will take this into account along with finding the right diet and exercise routine.

In order to lose weight, change your diet to a managed amount of healthy foods. Find out your basal metabolic rate and eat 500 calories per day less to lose 1 pound per week. Increase the amount of fruit, vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats you eat. Eat a moderate amount of whole grains instead of white starches. A treat once a week is a great way to ensure that you don’t deprive yourself on your weight loss management program.

Exercise at least 6 days every week. Start by walking every morning or evening. Burning 500 calories a day will allow you to lose approximately 1 pound a week for a total of 2 pounds a week. Work in strength training exercises 3 times a week to build and maintain muscle that will burn more fat.

In order to stay on your weight loss management plan, keep a food journal. This will show you exactly what you eat everyday and calculate your calories to ensure that you’re on track. Look for ways to motivate yourself, and never give up after having a bad day. Just get back on track, and you will keep losing weight long-term.

Lose Weight Faster Today

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If you are trying to lose weight faster than normal, you are not alone. Many people want a quick and easy guide to losing weight. Losing weight too fast though can be dangerous. Diet pills, fasting, and fad diets can cause major health complications. If you are healthy though, there are some tips you can do to reach your short term goals.

Lose Weight Faster

A fad diet can help you lose weight quickly. The diet is a short term solution and should only be done for no more than a few days. An example of a fad diet is, ‘The Water Diet’. This diet has you drinking about 8 cups of cold water at regular intervals. You will drink a glass of water before each meal and snack to make you feel fuller. You will also take a multivitamin daily to replenish any nutrients you may have lost from frequent urination.

Another way to lose weight is by getting spa treatments done. The mineral body wrap claims to help slim you down by making you ‘lose’ inches off of your arms, waist, and thighs. It uses a mineral based cleanse that is supposed to reduce cellulite, detoxify your body, and tone and firm your skin.

So if you are interested in a quick fix to losing weight, maybe trying a fad diet or getting a spa treatment done may help you. As always, consult your doctor before trying any new weight loss program.

How To Set Your Weight Loss Mindset

With thousands of weight loss exercises, diets, fad diets available at our disposal, losing weight has never been so easy. Enrolling in a good fitness regime, eating proper diet, consuming fewer calories can get you the weight you that always wanted. Despite the fact, it is easier said than done as more and more people are struggling to reduce weight and find it hard to achieve. Check your weight loss mindset.

Losing weight needs motivation more than any other thing. No doubt exercise and diet are an important aspect of weight loss, however one has to constantly persevere through the rigorous exercise regimes and follow a strict diet in order to lose weight; which needs a lot of will power and preparation on a person’s behalf.

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Following are some tips to make a proper plan and set your mind towards weight loss

1. Set A Realistic Goal

Most of the weight loss resolutions break because of a simple reason- they are too unrealistic. It can be said that nothing is impossible and one can achieve anything they put their minds on, however one needs full dedication to achieve the same. If you have all the sweet time in the world only for weight loss, you can lose any amount of weight you desire; however with all the responsibilities, work, family etc. time is something one lack. So instead use the available time at your disposal and chart out a realistic goal according to it.

2. Get A Buddy

Quite often you will come across situations where you would like to skip a morning walk or quit an exercise regime; this is the time when you will need a buddy who can motivate you and give you company. Also you can motivate him or her when she is lazing around. This way you will benefit from each other.

3. Vary Your Exercise And Diet

Sticking to the same regime everyday might eventually become boring and hence it is best to regularly rotate your exercise and diet plans. You can go for a game of soccer instead of the usual aerobics or even a dance class. Variety will also target different parts of the body which were initially unused. The same is true about diet too.

4. Positive Attitude

A lot has been said about positive attitude. Not only does it help you to stay on track even if you are not getting any results, it also helps you to better accept your body. Paste some of your favorite quotations somewhere you can easily see every day. It will give you the much needed motivation when you are feeling low or want to do something which is quite hard.

5. Chart Your Progress

Keeping a track of your progress can work wonders in your weight loss endeavors. A constant progress is what you must aim for rather than fluctuations. Tracking your progress can provide you the motivation if you are going in the right direction as well as ring the alarm if you are straying off it. Buy a good measuring tape for the purpose and note down the data in a book. Also get your weight measured regularly and keep a note. You can alsochange your exercise and diet regime according to the changes you are noticing.

By following these methods combined with the perfect exercise and diet regime suitable for your body, you can easily lose those extra kilos and fulfill your new year resolution of getting the perfect weight.

Author is a writer with a zeal to help people through her informative blogs on health and nutrition. She has written various informative posts related to prevention of acne, hair fall, graying of hair etc.

The Benefits of Aromatherapy and Massage

Western-based therapies tend to treat the symptoms of ailments and not the cause. Alternative therapies, such as aromatherapy, take a more holistic, whole-body approach. These therapies work on the assumption that when you have an illness, it affects your entire being physically, mentally and emotionally. Conversely, an emotional or mental problem could cause a physical ailment, as everything is interlinked. Aromatherapy and Massage uses essential oils to aid relaxation and healing. Massage is also used for relaxation, and to rid the body of toxins by increasing blood flow. The combination of the two modalities results in a powerful healing treatment. Here are some reasons why Aromatherapy and Massage is so effective.

1. It boosts the immune system

According to a 2005 study, entitled The Immunological/Psychological benefits of Aromatherapy Massage (Kyoto University), aromatherapy massage was shown to increase immunity. Several healthy subjects were each given the same massage by the same practioner with and without essential oils. They found that after giving massages with essential oils, there was a significant increase in peripheral blood lymphocytes, which indicate immune response.

Aromatherapy and Massage

2. It helps diabetes

According to, massage improves circulation, which assists in managing diabetes. One of the side effects of diabetes is poor circulation, which badly affects the extremities, such as feet and legs. Massage can ease this side effect, as it increases oxygen to the muscular tissues. In addition, certain essential oils are known to increase blood flow, such as black pepper, juniper, geranium and eucalyptus ( However, it’s recommended that diabetics don’t use angelica essential oils, as these tend to over-stimulate the nervous system.

3. It detoxifies and encourages healing

Massage is known to promote lymphatic drainage ( The lymph nodes collect toxins from your body and a massage is an excellent way to rid your body of them. Massage also induces a relaxed state, as it just feels so good! When you’re relaxed, you feel less stressed, and you release less cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone that is released when you feel anxious. It’s the body’s natural response to danger. However, if you’re stressed your body perceives everything as a potential threat and excess amounts of cortisol can cause health problems. A decrease in cortisol means an increase in healing. Essential oils can further amplify your body’s natural ability to heal, as certain oils induce relaxation, such as lavender and bergamot (

The combination of massage and aromatherapy results in deep relaxation and an increased ability to heal. An aromatherapy massage is the perfect antidote for any stress or tension and it even increases immunity and relieves side effects. Try an aromatherapy massage and see how effective it is!

Ang Lloyd writes on behalf of Now Learning, which encourages Australian students to further their education by promoting learning opportunities such as project management and aromatherapy courses in Australia.

Juicing: Anti-Aging from The Inside-Out

Many women look in the mirror and find that what they see doesn’t really match up with how they feel inside. Where did these wrinkles, lines and age spots come from? We’ll often turn to fancy lotions and potions to apply to our skin to reverse the signs of aging, and while these can certainly help, amazing benefits also come from working inside out.

Nutrient Absorption Gets Diminishes With Age

As we age, our body’s ability to absorb nutrients is diminished. Supplements can replace some missing nutrients, but even these are hard for our bodies to process.  But the fact is, we need those nutrients to create healthy, new cells that replace the old, dead ones. This process can improves our skin’s appearance and also offers other fantastic benefits such as improved mental clarity, increased focus and more energy, not to mention a better overall mood. The best way to fill your body with those nutrients and minerals is by drinking fresh juice.

Juicing makes the helpful plant nutrients and enzymes present more easily digestible. When the aging cells don’t have to work so hard to assimilate the beneficial compounds, the results are far more profound. Best of all, juicing is quick, easy, and affordable–and it just works, plain and simple.

Juicing for Overall Health

Juicing offers greater resistance to all of the pesky health issues that tend to pop up as we age. Pomegranate and cherry juices, in particular, help to reduce internal inflammation, in turn reducing the risk for heart and cardiovascular disease.

According to the American Dietetic Association, drinking juice made entirely from fresh fruits and vegetables is one of the best ways to maximize your nutritional intake. Most of us don’t get enough fruits and vegetables, but juicing makes it really easy (and fast!) to do so.

It’s so important to get lots of fresh produce in our diets: flavonoids, the plant pigments responsible for colors in fruits and vegetables, help the body fight infections and cancers and even minimize the occurrence of allergy symptoms. Apple-celery juice reduces inflammation and promotes restful sleep. Alkaline vegetables such as carrots, tomatoes, parsley, spinach, kale, and celery help flush the liver, kidneys, blood, and the muscle tissue of toxins which have been accumulating for years.

Alkalizing food is an essential part of our diets – most people tend to be off balance in favor or more acidic foods, causing pH imbalance in the body. pH imbalance is the root of a ton of health issues, like hormone imbalance, weight gain and chronic fatigue, among (many!) others. Drinking alkalizing juice with lots of veggies offers tremendous protection from these issues.

There are as many common reasons to juice for longevity and anti-aging as there are veggies and fruits to juice with! The various nutrients in fresh juice help reduce or eliminate a wide range of health issues, including:

  • acne
  • anemia
  • high cholesterol
  • bladder infections
  • bronchitis
  • canker sores
  • carpal tunnel syndrome
  • constipation
  • gallstone
  • glaucoma
  • headaches
  • hypertension
  • indigestion
  • insomnia
  • kidney stones
  • macular degeneration
  • menopause
  • morning sickness
  • osteoporosis
  • prostate enlargement
  • psoriasis
  • ulcers
  • varicose veins
  • water retention.

Berries: Packed with Antioxidants

Juicing has anti-aging benefits that rival even the top anti-aging skin care products. If your concern is anti-aging, adding berries to your juice is a good start – although berries differ in exact levels of different compounds, they all contain high levels of antioxidants and nutrients that help your body fight the free radicals that wreak havoc on your skin. Fruit and vegetable juices also contain phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals that promote healthy, shiny hair, tight skin and youthful vitality. Berries also contain vitamins and minerals that help protect against various types of cancer. Dark skinned berries like blackberries and blueberries contain the highest levels of antioxidants.

Few people are aware of the incredible benefits juicing has to offer. The best part is, you can tailor your juice recipes to address specific needs and health issues you’re facing.

Melissa Cameron, also known as “mom” to two little ones, is married to her best friend, Dave. She enjoys scrapbooking and spending time with her elderly parents. She loves to learn new things; In her free time, she can be found doing research, reading Zeolite reviews, writing, and surfing the internet.