Tag Archives: supplements

Probiotics Can Detoxify The Body

Probiotics Can Detoxify The Body

Probiotics such as yogurt, kefir or products that come in supplement or liquid form can be quite helpful when detoxing the body. They help to keep a healthy balance of bacteria in a person’s body and also give several benefits to your body such as improving your intestinal health and giving a boost to your immune system. However, they can bring on symptoms that one might have if he or she were on a detox diet. Probiotics detoxify the body.

In addition, probiotics also help provide better digestion and help in the digesting of foods. They also help to cure certain diseases such as constipation, irritable bowel syndrome and colon cancer. There are some who also say that probiotics also help to lower a person’s blood pressure and lower a person’s cholesterol level. Probiotics also help use vitamins more effectively and detoxify one’s intestinal tract. Probiotics also provides a better chemical and hormone balance in the body.

Tasty Food Abundance in Healthy Europe

Tasty Food Abundance in Healthy Europe (Photo credit: epSos.de)

It is important to note that even with the positive benefits from probiotics, they should be consumed in moderation. There are other ways to get probiotics into your body such as eating foods like bananas, foods that have garlic in them and tomatoes. Other foods that are probiotic are sauerkraut, kefir and umeboshi.

Some say that a detox cleanse is effective; however, most doctors say that it is not necessary. Before detoxing your body, check with your doctor first. This may prevent any harmful side effects.

Developing A Weight Loss Management Plan

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Weight Loss Management

One of the hardest parts about losing weight is staying on track. Many programs designed to help you lose weight do work, but they will only continue to work if you keep following the plan. A good weight loss management plan will take this into account along with finding the right diet and exercise routine.

In order to lose weight, change your diet to a managed amount of healthy foods. Find out your basal metabolic rate and eat 500 calories per day less to lose 1 pound per week. Increase the amount of fruit, vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats you eat. Eat a moderate amount of whole grains instead of white starches. A treat once a week is a great way to ensure that you don’t deprive yourself on your weight loss management program.

Exercise at least 6 days every week. Start by walking every morning or evening. Burning 500 calories a day will allow you to lose approximately 1 pound a week for a total of 2 pounds a week. Work in strength training exercises 3 times a week to build and maintain muscle that will burn more fat.

In order to stay on your weight loss management plan, keep a food journal. This will show you exactly what you eat everyday and calculate your calories to ensure that you’re on track. Look for ways to motivate yourself, and never give up after having a bad day. Just get back on track, and you will keep losing weight long-term.

Lose Weight Faster Today

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If you are trying to lose weight faster than normal, you are not alone. Many people want a quick and easy guide to losing weight. Losing weight too fast though can be dangerous. Diet pills, fasting, and fad diets can cause major health complications. If you are healthy though, there are some tips you can do to reach your short term goals.

Lose Weight Faster

A fad diet can help you lose weight quickly. The diet is a short term solution and should only be done for no more than a few days. An example of a fad diet is, ‘The Water Diet’. This diet has you drinking about 8 cups of cold water at regular intervals. You will drink a glass of water before each meal and snack to make you feel fuller. You will also take a multivitamin daily to replenish any nutrients you may have lost from frequent urination.

Another way to lose weight is by getting spa treatments done. The mineral body wrap claims to help slim you down by making you ‘lose’ inches off of your arms, waist, and thighs. It uses a mineral based cleanse that is supposed to reduce cellulite, detoxify your body, and tone and firm your skin.

So if you are interested in a quick fix to losing weight, maybe trying a fad diet or getting a spa treatment done may help you. As always, consult your doctor before trying any new weight loss program.

The Effective Ways to Lose Weight

Are you anxious about your current weight? Would you like to lose weight? Do you know the safe ways in losing weight? Are you afraid that you may have lost weight, but gained a side effect? What are the weight loss ways, and means do you have in mind? Would you like to know the ways to lose weight? Would you like to lose weight in a rapid manner? Well, if you keep on comprehending this piece of an article, you will have the retorts about your worries, fears, anxiety, and thoughts. After you have read this informative page, losing undesirable weight wouldn’t be, as difficult as you thought it could be.

Nowadays, people are tending to order their foods from the fast food chains, because of their busy schedule, which could result to different health problems, which includes obesity. Obesity is a term for people who are overweight, which could be a result from overeating or pregnancy. Some people are overweight, while others have a difficulty on their belly fat, especially those who often engage with alcoholic beverages, and carbonated drinks, such as sodas. When a person has finally realized that they are gaining weight, and they aren’t happy about it, then that would be their first reason to lose weight or belly fat. Losing weight is a difficult to task for most of us, which is why a lot of us would want to take weight loss pills, so they wouldn’t have to do exercises daily. But, the drill in losing weight is to be focused, and serious about the task, and should know how to be responsible about own health. If a person isn’t focused, and serious about losing weight, they might fail their task, and end up being disappointed about it. There are a lot of ways that people can do to lose their desired weight, and obtain the better-looking body they desire. So, what are the effective ways to lose weight?

People can do running, jogging, mountain climbing, and swimming to burn their excess fats, and build muscles in their legs, arms, and abdominal parts of the body. They could also take weight loss pills to acquire the body they desire in a faster way, and wouldn’t have to put much effort, because some pills doesn’t require exercises, which can be a time saver, especially those who have a tight schedule. They can also perform yoga in their preferred location, which tones up the muscles, calms the mind, and makes the body stronger, and more flexible. They can also reduce the calories that they consume, and switch to juicing dietary plan, rather than to eat smaller amounts of meals.

There are still a lot of ways that people can do, so they could lose weight, but it’s always best to talk to your doctor before you engage into a weight loss program.

Does Drinking 8 Glasses of Water a Day Benefit Our Health?

In today’s world of sugary juices and carbonated sodas, there are plenty of beverage options, especially for those looking to avoid a boring glass of water. The notion that a person should drink eight glasses of water per day — while accepted by most in the medical community — is literally hard for many to swallow, and getting kids to see the benefits of water can be an even harder challenge.

While the simple taste of water may not be enough of a draw, its numerous health benefits and cleansing effects on the body should be.


The human body is made up of two-thirds water, and water is an essential component of organs — from the liver to the brain. Drinking eight glasses is the best way to keep body systems running smoothly and efficiently. For example, when not supplied with enough water, the brain can respond with severe headaches, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating, all common symptoms of dehydration. For young children in school, hydrating in the morning and throughout the day aids their ability to focus and retain information they are being taught (evidenced by the UK’s campaign and website wateriscoolinschool.org.uk). In adults, hydration is said to lead to higher productivity in the workplace.

While many argue that the body acquires water through all liquids and most foods consumed by the body, nothing can compete with the purity of water. Carbonated and sugary beverages are often loaded with additives, including sweeteners and preservatives. In addition to adding calories, these drinks are far less purifying than straight water, thus contributing less to kidney and urinary health.

Weight and Water Retention: Anyone who works out regularly knows that a key component of any vigorous workout is sweat and lots of it! But in order to have the stamina required of exercise, one needs to drink water frequently throughout the day to replenish loss through perspiration and to keep cells hydrated. Men’s Health Magazine recommends drinking 8 ounces for every 20 minutes of exercise ). Clearly, effective exercise is almost impossible without proper hydration, and weight loss can’t come without exercise. So, if you’re looking to lose weight, load upon the water, get read to sweat… and then replenish!

Many also struggle with fat around their middle. Regardless of how much work they do, they find that there is often an inch or two that simply will not go away. Oftentimes, though, that fat is a result of water retention and the bloating that results from a lack of hydration. When the body isn’t receiving enough water, it retains a certain amount to protect itself. That amount often accumulates in the mid-section, taking on the appearance of belly fat. Once replenished, the body eliminates excess water, bringing back that flatter stomach. Drinking eight glasses of water a day clearly benefits the body, including its organs and cells and ability to focus. Hydration is also a key component of any exercise or weight loss plan. And while the amount required may fluctuate based on body size or activity level, the verdict is clear: water benefits one’s health… so keep drinking!

Sarah writes on behalf of Team24 a healthcare jobs specialist. Team24 work within locum recruitment and are always on the look out for qualified doctors and nurses nationwide.

Are Are Liquid Colloidal Minerals Really Superior To More Traditional Supplements?

Liquid colloidal minerals are touted as being superior to their more traditional counterparts, citing increased absorbability due to the fact that the minerals are already “pre digested” or broken down into small enough parts that very little has to be done to make them available for absorption. It is also claimed that absorption itself is increased due tot the fact that the minerals are ionized or charged, making them more bioavailable (available for your body to use).


Liquid colloidal minerals

Colloidal liquids are liquid mediums with tiny particles suspended throughout, like milk for example. The nutrients in colloidal minerals stay emulsified in liquid because they are so small that they don’t settle out. The charge on these small particles also keeps them from settling out as they attach themselves to water molecules.


Traditional minerals

Traditional (dry) supplements are often criticized for being hard to swallow, indigestible, and composed of certain forms of nutrients that the body cannot utilize (low bioavailability). While this is true in some of the lower quality and cheaper brands, there are many brands that provide a high level of bioavailble nutrients. Some tablets are difficult to digest because of coatings made for increased production speed and the tightly packed nature of these pills, but capsules allow for easy release of nutrients in a compact form The nutrients become readily available when the gel cap is dissolved.



So are the claims made by colloidal mineral manufacturers about increased absorption beyond what you get from a “dry” multivitamin/mineral pill true? The first assertion is that because of their small size the body can absorb more of the nutrient. The second assertion is that because of the particles are charged they allow other nutrients to be better absorbed by the digestive tract and the negative particles bind and remove toxins. There is little to no research to back these assertions up. As for the first assertion, while it is true that some tablets are hard to digest (see above paragraph), capsules and high quality tablets are designed to fully dissolve in the digestive system. The second claim may be partially theoretically correct in that negatively charged particles could bind with positively charged toxic metals like mercury or lead. The claim that the negative charge will aid in absorption of other nutrients is not correct, however.



Liquid colloidal mineral supplements do not seem to live up to their claims of superiority. While they may outperform cheaper, lower quality supplements, they do not outperform the high quality variety of more traditional supplements. They are also less durable and less portable. There are also some dangers that I neglected to mention in regards to colloidal minerals, but you can click the link to read more in depth about these.