Author Archives: Steve

The Importance of Fruits in Dieting

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When a person is dieting, they often times forget that they should be incorporating several types of foods in their diet. They are obsessed with losing the weight and may not include such thing as fruits in their diet. However, this is a grave mistake as fruits are just as important to a diet as exercise. For one thing, those that are worried about messing up their calorie count should consider the fact that fruits are low in calories and they are going to provide several other benefits to the person that eats them. Also, add into the fact that fruits are an important part of any balanced diet, and for those that are wanting to lose weight, they are going to find that without having a balanced diet that they are going to get no where really fast. Yes, they may lose weight, but it is going to come right back once the person goes back to their normal diet.Another huge benefit that fruits can give to a healthy diet is the fact that they are packed with vitamins and minerals. When a person is dieting more times than not, they find themselves not eating as well as they should. Thus, they may be losing out on certain vitamins and minerals that their body needs in order to function correctly. Without the proper vitamins and minerals in the body, the person will find that they may have a harder time in losing weight.

Fruits are also pure energy. When a person is dieting they may be cutting down on the portion of foods that they use to it, thus they may feel as though they are simply sluggish. The fruits that they put into their diet can help to give them a natural boost of energy whenever they need it. Making these the perfect foods to turn to right before exercising and so forth.

Those that eat fruits are also going to find that they are giving their bodies a helping hand in battling certain diseases and illnesses that they may contract. For example, many fruits out there are being praised for their cancer fighting benefits. And this is something that everyone should be listening to as cancer can strike anyone and at any age.

One of the most common complaints that people have when they go on a diet, like the HCG diet plan, is the fact that they end up having digestion problems, from differing their foods and so forth. Constipation is a huge problem among those that are dieting. They will find that with eating fruits on a daily basis that they can help to lower their chances of having any type of constipation and this is going to give them the motivation that they need to stick with the diet.

Overall, fruits are a part of a healthy diet, no matter if the person just wants to eat healthier or if they are trying to lose weight. The person will find that without fruits in their diet that they are really not having a diet that is complete and therefore their bodies are not running at one hundred percent.

The Benefits Of The Lemon Juice Diet

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The popular lemon juice diet provides a diet that is easy and all natural. This program is suitable for just about anyone. People who swear by this diet plan give testimony to considerable weight loss in a very short amount of time. One of the best benefits of this juice diet plan lies in its simplicity. It is an easy program to follow and there are no expensive products to purchase or complicated recipes to follow.

The simple juice diet recipes provide an easy an effective way to lose weight. You will need filtered or natural spring water, cayenne pepper, maple syrup (B-grade) and lemons. You should try and find unwaxed or organic lemons as well as maple syrup that is organic. A homemade lemonade is made from the water, cayenne pepper, lemons and syrup. These items are all blended together and then drunk several times throughout the day. This process continues for the duration of the fast. In addition to this homemade lemonade, you can also have as much fresh water as you want. In addition to these liquids, many dieters also consume an herbal tea that has a laxative effect. Every day or two you can mix up some fresh lemonade to have available. There are easy recipes available online and in various books, although you can easily increase or decrease the amount of cayenne pepper or maple syrup you use depending on your personal preferences. Of course, you do not want to increase the syrup too much as it does add additional calories.

Most of the people who are trying the diet for the first time will begin with only a few days of this fast. People who have already been on the diet before will often choose to extend the fast for a period of a week or even up to 10 days. It is not a good idea to stay on this juice diet plan for more than about ten days to two weeks, but it certainly adds a great way to begin a weight loss program and give you a jump start on losing weight. Losing weight is only one of the many benefits that you can get from this type of diet. Other benefits often include increased energy and a sense of overall well-being and health, even after only a few days on this fast.

Following this lemon juice diet is also an excellent way to get started on a new and healthy living program. A short fast is often the best way to begin a natural lifestyle and a healthier way of eating.

Have you considered Bikram’s Yoga?

Bikram’s yoga and Moksha yoga are both forms of hot yoga.  Hot yoga has become very popular over the past decade.  It is trendy and popular and all the rage.  If you have heard about this practice you have likely considered if hot yoga would be a good practice for you or not.  The answer is that it really depends and here is why.

The main variation between hot yoga and regular yoga is the surrounding room temperature.  Hot yoga is performed in a heated room that ranges in temperature from about 85F up to around 100F or so.  This heat is not typical to most yoga practices in the past.  Most practices of yoga have you warm your own body through movement and breath combined as opposed to the environment warming the body.

Having a heated room can be a good thing or a bad thing and it all comes down to where you are at and if hot yoga is right for you.  The benefit of Bikram’s yoga is that heat can provide a medium to go deeper into poses more easily then otherwise possible.  It can encourage the body to detoxify through the skin as well as other pathways.  It also provides for a way to increase your concentration as the heat can require a strong focus to stay centered.

On the opposite side of things one of the most prevalent negative occurrences in hot yoga is over stretching since there is a false sense of being able to move deeper into poses.  Another thing is detoxifying too quickly.  We don’t often have an environment that encourages that level of sweating, moving and breathing all at once.  This can create a quick flood of toxins into the blood that then have to be dealt with by the body.

Perhaps you are aiming for this level of detoxification and therefore you are prepared to deal with any symptoms that arise from this practice.  The results can be many including head aches, pains, light headedness, tiredness and so on.  This simply occur as a result of the body moving out that which is not longer stored in the tissues.  The result is positive but it can be uncomfortable.

So whether or not hot yoga is for you really depends. Some of the questions to ask yourself relate to the hardiness of your body, how much tendency you have to push yourself vs. moving at your own pace.  Additionally, hot yoga is not always best for those with heart conditions or blood pressure issues.  Consider all angles though including how much detoxification you can handle and how quickly you can handle it.

If you do decide to practice hot yoga of any kind consider the tools you need to stay comfortable and maximize your experience.  You will want a good Bikram’s yoga mat, good hot yoga clothes as well as making sure you are heavily hydrated as you will loose a lot of sweat in your practice.

The Best Juice for Healthy Skin

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We all want beautiful and glowing skin. We all want to look beautiful. We all want to look our very best. One of the things which we can do is drink juice. It is possible to juice your way to great skin. Ask any medical expert and he will tell you that what you put in your body will manifest itself on your body. If you eat greasy food, you will get a lot of pimples. This is not a secret. You have to take good care of your body if you want to look great.

There are many treatments for healthy skin. One of them is to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day. Your skin will be deprived if you do not do this. And no, other liquids like soda do not substitute for water. You need to consumer beta carotene and Vitamin A. They will rebuild your tissues and reduce the production of excess oil. Vitamin C and Vitamin E are also necessary.

You will need to buy juicer so you can enjoy all the goodness of juice on your skin. A glass of juice daily can help you on your way to better skin. The key is drinking real juice and not a cocktail. Vegetable juices are some of the best options for the skin because they have less sugar and they have fewer calories too. Yellow, orange and dark green leafy vegetables give your skin a lot of goodness.

When it comes to fruits, you can also juice grapes, berries, pomegranate and prunes. They are packed with Vitamin C and antioxidants. Some reports also say that Acai Berry also has high concentrations of antioxidants. This has not been proven though. There are lots of other fruits today which are good for the skin. You can also find a lot of free juice recipes for the skin on the Internet.

The Health Benefits of Cod Liver Oil

Conventional fish oils are some of the best-supported supplements in terms of research and empirical backing, yet it is still unclear whether they are most effective than alternatives such as cod liver oil. Both conventional fish oils and cod liver oils are effective because of their high doses of essential fatty acids occurring in their natural form, but other aspects of cod liver may make it an even better choice than conventional oils.

Vitamin A in Cod Liver Oil

Although rarely giving proper recognition, vitamin A is essential for the development and maintenance of proper vision, as highlighted in the article What Does Vitamin A Do? Furthermore, vitamin A is responsible for the regulation of a wide variety of other hormonal processes that keep the body functioning properly. Cod liver oil contains high doses of vitamin A in it’s naturally occurring form, as opposed to synthetic alternatives.

Vitamin D in Cod Liver Oil

Another important component of cod liver oil is vitamin D, which is regulates bone mineral density, various hormone-related processes, and more. Researchers have even established a link between vitamin D deficiency and hair loss due to vitamin D’s influence on hair growth cycles. As with vitamin A, the vitamin D in cod liver oil is in it’s naturally-occurring form and is therefore easily absorbed by the body.

Omega-3s in Cod Liver Oil

Omega-3 fatty acids are the main selling point of fish oils in general, and are also present in high quantities in cod liver oil. Omega-3 balance (in comparison to Omega-6) has been found to be an extremely important factor in overall health. Moreover, common American diets tend to be excessive in Omega-6 fatty acids and very low in Omega-3s, so it’s almost always the case that a form of fish oil can help with these imbalances.

Cleansing The Body With Detox Drinks

Detoxification of the body is not just for weight loss, it is also for cleansing the colon and purifying the internal organs. There are a number of detox drinks that one may purchase at any health food store today. However, the best detox drinks are made fresh in your own kitchen. Detox drink recipes vary according to the purpose for which you were doing the detoxification, as well as your own personal preferences.

It is prudent to detoxify any time you have overindulged in food or drink, or are feeling unwell. Delicious, nutritious, and easy to make, the best detox drinks will eliminate waste and toxic substances that have accumulated in your body. All of us take in unhealthful substances, whether by breathing or in the foods we eat, on an almost daily basis. If you have been constipated, detoxification is one avenue to relief. When our systems become inundated with harmful substances, we may feel sluggish, weak, and vulnerable to illness. Healthful eating and regular exercise are important to say the least, however, even when these two rules are followed, there are times when we need to use the process of detoxification to feel our best.

The importance of drinking enough pure water cannot be overstated. Each morning begin with a glass of freshly squeezed lemon juice in warm water. You may follow that with any number of detox drink recipes some of which are listed here. Particularly delicious is the peach juice drink, which is made by combining 2 to 3 peaches in your blender with a bit of fresh basil or fresh coriander. The carrot-vegetable juice detox, is rich in beta-carotene and is made by combining 2-3 fresh carrots with one kale leaf and a mint leaf or two in your blender, adding fresh water as needed.

Blending 2 to 3 green apples with one carrot, two leaves of Swiss chard, three sprays of watercress, and a celery stalk make the always-popular apple-vegetable detox drink recipe. As usual, add water as needed. Avoid using sugar or dairy products in detox drinks. If you must have more sweetness add fruit or berries. The important thing is to make sure that you are ingesting the juices of fresh vegetables and fresh fruits only, combined with pure water. In between detox drinks, keep yourself hydrated with plenty of water.

If you do not tolerate plain water well, simply add a bit of lime or lemon juice. You may also add a bit of orange juice. A dash of ginger will help ward off any nausea. Within a few days, you should see a pleasant change in your complexion, a rise in your energy level, and experience a more restful sleep.