Monthly Archives: January 2010

French Women Don’t Get Fat Diet

French Women Don’t Get Fat Diet

It just sounds misleading, but it’s just the diet that hails from France. It was created by (yes, you’re right) a Frenchwoman named Mireille Guiliano. It might seem like a mere publicity stunt, but it’s really worth the try.

According to Mireille, French women remain slim because of two ways: by savoring high quality foods through the eyes and taste buds. The French Women Don’t Get Fat Diet advocates enjoying your food cerebrally by eating slowly and with purpose. This prevents us you from overeating since chewing your food slowly makes you feel full and reduces the amount of food that end up in your mouth.

When we order at our favorite restaurant, or eat even in the comforts of our home, we see to it that we savor the best out of our every buck. We don’t realize that it is our waistlines that are paying for the price. The French Women Don’t Get Fat Diet teaches us to maintain discipline and change our eating behavior. It promotes the practicing of portion control.

What Needs To Be Done?

Grab a copy of the book so you can follow the diet closely. The diet plan kicks off with a two-day Leek soup special. Leek, which is a kind of onion, is the main component of the soup. Aside from the soup, the only thing that the dieter should consume in two days is water. The purpose of the soup marathon is to flush harmful toxins from the body and cleanse the palate.

After the two-day consumption of soup, you will notice that you have largely lost water weight. You can start to build up your metabolism and diet menu the French way. Before you do your eating plan, it is required of you to assess the food you normally eat and needed to discard for the transformation to a healthier you.

Mireille advices dieters to eat lean meats, poultry and fish. Vegetables and fruits are also essential to the diet. Two servings of yogurt are also required in the diet to supply calcium to the body and conquer your hunger. Consider keeping a food journal so you can see where your weight loss problems lie.

Avoid distractions while eating. Make every minute of your meal count, feast your eyes on the courses and let your taste buds savor them completely. Don’t be afraid to use seasonings you’ve never tried before to draw out the flavor from your food. Cayenne paper and other hot spices are great for revving up your metabolism.

Exercise is not a major requirement for the program but it is recommended for you to do some physical activity. You can combine an exercise you like with the diet for better results.

Using the French’s food practices, you can help yourself lose some weight and start enjoying your food for good health.

The Jillian Michaels Weight Loss Program

The Jillian Michaels Weight Loss Program

Does the name ring a bell? You might have heard of Jillian Michaels if you’re familiar with NBC’s “The Biggest Loser.” Jillian is the tough trainer from the show, and she’s sharing the diet program that helped transform some contestants on the ranch with you.

Watching “The Biggest Loser,” we are impressed with the successful weight-loss undergone by some of the contestants. But, you don’t need to be on the show just to learn from the advice of trainers. Jillian says that anyone can do it in the comfort of their own homes.

Jillian’s weight-loss program is based on three principles: weight loss, behavior modification, and exercise. As the saying goes, you are what you eat and what you eat certainly becomes part of you as the day ends. Eating more than what you need based on what you feel you need at the moment is the cause of overeating and weight-gain. This is where behavior modification comes to play.

Behavior modification is not always included in diet programs. People are not always informed on why they tend to overeat and how they can see food in a healthy ways. The principle will be put on the spotlight here in this diet program because it is essential in long-term weight maintenance.

Jillian has written a book on this, but it is much preferred for people to sign up for the online version of the program. There is a membership fee for the program and a five-week minimum. The online program will allow you to remain in contact with other people who have availed the program as well through forums. Also, you can personally ask Jillian a question. An additional fee entitles you to a home delivery of meals. A free week trial is offered before you can decide whether the diet plan is perfect for you.

What You Should Do

The main concept of the diet plan is to eat less and exercise more. It is a case of simple math. If you sweat out more calories, and consume fewer of it, then the result will be more pounds out from your body.

Exercise has always played a big role in Jillian’s diet programs. An initial evaluation is done through a questionnaire that will assess your level of physical activity. A custom-made diet plan with regular exercise programs is recommended based on the results. Suggestions on the type of food you are asked to eat and a calorie-limit is imposed each day are included in the diet plan as well. The eating plan is determined by the amount of carbohydrates (slow oxidizer) or protein (fast oxidizer) you need.

The website offers a lot of recommendation based on your needs so you’ll be off on the right foot. You are granted access to a variety of recipes and tips on the food you need to eat. Other exercises are available on the site as well. You are expected to lose one to two pounds a week.

If you are quite impressed and in favor of Jillian’s exciting approach in “The Biggest Loser,” then you should take advantage of her diet plan because it is exactly the extension of that. Jillian will be your guide in losing weight, shaping your body, and learning to control your eating habits.

Exercise and Wellness – Dual Action Cleanse

Exercise and Wellness – Dual Action Cleanse

How important is exercise and wellness? Well let me tell you an amazing and astounding statistic. An average American watches around three and a half hours of television every day. That sums up to an average of nine full calendar years spent in front of the television set. Coupled with many other non-physical activities that we engage in most of our time, this results in diseases, back pains and what not and it is our body that suffers.

Some form of exercise, if done regularly, helps boost the metabolism. This leads to a strong immune system and releasing of harmful toxins in to the bloodstream, which are later shipped out of the body in the form of sweat.

If this is not enough, then consider this. Regular exercise helps promote wellness by help control stress, high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, sleep apnea, decreased energy, moodiness and others. In other words, exercise is the best way to live healthy and happy for the rest of your life.

Colon Cleansing and Detox – Acai Ultimate

Colon Cleansing and Detox – Acai Ultimate

Colon Cleansing and body detoxification has taken the medical world by storm. People from all walks of life have benefited from these advance internal cleansing programs. Colon Cleansing and Detox programs have been a breakthrough in overcoming the occasional constipation, skin problems, tiredness and bloating while rejuvenating your energy and helping you lose weight.

So what is actually Colon Cleansing and body detoxification? It is simply, as the name suggests, cleansing your colon and detoxifying your body to fight against numerous toxic and poisonous wastes that enters your body through various food items and the air you breathe. It is just like tons of toxic filled fecal matters being stuck in your colon for months. Just imagine the damage they would do!

It is imperative and highly crucial to your health to safely filter out these wastes and the only thing that can help you do just that is Colon Cleansing. So don’t wait and get yourself a lean and smart looking body today!

Dieting and Supplements: Acai Power Max

Dieting and Supplements: Acai Power Max

So you have decided to lose weight and are unsure of as to how to reach your goal? For any weight loss program, it is of paramount importance that you follow a diet plan and keep a check as to what you are eating and more importantly how much you are eating. Then of course there are exercises that you have to do to work out your body and boost your metabolism. But did we mention anything new?

Adding weight loss dietary supplements to your weight loss program helps you achieve your targets in a far quicker time span with much reduced workload. A good dietary supplement is something that is natural, aids in keeping energy levels high and most importantly, helps shed those extra pounds safely and quickly.

With so many dietary supplements available in the market today, do a little research and understand your needs and then choose something that will complement your dieting and exercise routine and facilitate weight loss.