Tag Archives: Meat

But I don’t have enough money to be fit…

We humans are full of it.  Yes, I mean THAT when I say IT.  We are the fattest nation in the world for one simple reason.  We are all about instant gratification.  We want what we want when want it… which is now.  Well tough.  You can’t buy abs or pecks.  At best you can buy some lump that has been surgically put into your chest.  That won’t make you faster or stronger or healthier (quite the opposite).  That Ab Shocker 9000 you got to electrocute your abs into submission won’t give you abs.  All it’s going to do is fry your spleen.  So, put it down and let’s cut through the lies and tell ourselves the truth.  Let’s start with the lies.

  1. I just like to eat, there is nothing wrong with liking eating.
  2. Healthy food is too expensive.
  3. I can’t afford a gym membership.
  4. I am too old.


  1. (sigh) Just… (sigh) just stop.  Everyone likes to eat.  How much you eat has nothing to do with your enjoyment of food, only your lack of self control.  The lie here is that the pleasure of eating should trump your health, fitness, everything.  I fight this lie every day.  I have whipped up a nice six pack.  Unfortunately that six pack is covered by a one liter.  I could be saving huge bucks by washing my clothes on my washboard, but in the heat of the moment, I believe that smoked brisket sandwich is worth the lack of abage.  This is especially true for people who are already overweight.  I remember when I weighed over a ninety pounds more than I do now.  When that temptation came, it was so hard to justify not giving into that momentary pleasure of flavor, as the pleasure of being agile, fit, and trim seemed a myth.

2.  Again… seriously?  And a Big Mac is cheap?  It is a minimum three bucks, without fries and drink, and don’t lie to me and yourself and say you just buy the burger alone.  It’s like people who say they eat only salad, and then when you are with them they never eat salad, or they eat a salad with an entire rotisserie chicken in it, with half a container of Hidden Valley smothered on top.  Good food is all over the place.  You just have to get used to buying it.

3.  Last I checked, the means to getting in shape hasn’t changed.  You move your body alot and push heavy stuff around.  That can be done anywhere.  Google Isometrics and recognize that the internet just called your bluff.  Oh, and you don’t have to have a gym to run/jog/walk/pogo stick to and from anywhere.  Move your bottom.  Do it.  I love Call of Duty too, but when the muscles in your thumbs are bigger than your pecs… that’s a problem.


I think that should do it.

So, no more lies.  Time to get into… (wife walks in with cookies).  (With a mouth full of cookies) Time to get into shape.  Go get’em.

This article was provided by www.dogfencediy. Dog fencing experts providing cost effective wireless dog containment systems around the globe.