Tag Archives: Cleanliness

Make Your Own Apple Cider Vinegar Toner

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Cleanse, tone, moisturize. These are the three essential steps that women should follow every day to get clear and clean skin. However, not all women can get great skin with these three steps, for there are many others with very sensitive skin who can get irritated skin with thorough cleansing and toning, as well as others with oily skin who wouldn’t benefit from too much moisturizing. And there’s also the problem of having to choose which among the thousands of skincare products you should use. Well, if there’s one thing most dermatologists can agree on, it is that natural products with little or no chemicals can work well on any skin type, such as the apple cider vinegar toner.

So how does a beverage popularly used as a healthy salad dressing get turned into a facial toner? The process is actually quite simple and very easy to do. Get one cup of clean water, add three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, and voila, you have your own apple cider vinegar toner. Diluting the vinegar is necessary because you need to tone down the acidity while still allowing it to retain the natural antibacterial properties of the vinegar. It is important that your water is clean, and use purified water if possible. You should also aim to use only organic apple cider vinegar to get the most nutrients and health benefits. And the great thing about this water and apple cider vinegar mix is that you can also drink it for a detoxifying and refreshing drink, and in fact this solution is what apple cider vinegar weight loss is all about.

For people with acne-prone skin, apple cider vinegar alone may not be enough to help them get rid of blemishes, and by adding a few drops of witch hazel, tea tree oil, or the juice of fresh lemons, you make the toner stronger and more potent in fighting off bacteria from your skin. Those with dry or sensitive skin can add half a teaspoon of pure honey instead for extra moisturizing properties. Like apple cider vinegar, honey also has antiseptic properties so you can also stay safe from pimple-causing bacteria.

To use the apple cider vinegar toner, transfer the solution to a clean empty bottle, and dab the toner to a clean cotton ball or pad and apply to the face like you would with any other facial toner. You can also leave this on as a mask by applying it thicker to the skin and then rinsing off after a few minutes. And if you find that you have made too much of the water and apple cider vinegar solution, you can always enjoy it as a healthy drink that can be just as effective as herbal supplements and b12 injections for weight loss.

All You Need To Know About Natural Colon Cleanse

Our body allows numerous toxins to take over our colon, which causes quite a few health related issues. Allergies, constipation and asthma are some of the most commonly caused health concerns due to these toxins. The most effective treatment for these issues is a natural colon cleanse.

Not only can natural colon cleansing products be acquired from the stores, they can be made at home as well. You can attain several such products in order to give your colon a thorough cleaning “naturally”.

Constipation is one of the most common issues caused by a dirty colon for which a number of individuals seek natural colon cleansing. Quite a few treatments are available for constipation, but colon cleansing appears to be the most effective. If you are really interested in a natural colon cleanser, than make sure that you acquire a product which consists of a natural laxative by the name of slippery elm.

However, you can also produce natural colon cleansing products at home by mixing lemon juice with honey and ginger. Pineapple juice is also very frequently used for colon cleansing. Consuming a mixture of black pepper and lemon juice is also very effective for colon cleansing. You can rest-assured that these colon cleansers will surely work without leaving behind any side-effects.

On the other hand, if you opt to buy a colon cleanser for natural colon cleanse, than you must make sure that all the details given on the label are followed. You need to do this in order to attain the full benefits of colon cleansing. Quite a few colon health issues can be resolved through these products and the best part is that they are extremely affordable.

However, you must make sure that you do not excessively clean your colon. Making use of these products from time to time is good enough to stay healthy. There is a fair chance that excessive use of these products would harm you instead.

The reason is that excessive cleansing tends to harm the useful bacteria that live in our colon, which leads to a number of health issues. There are no harmful side effects of natural colon cleansing, but over-using these products brings about certain negative side-effects.

If you are truly interested in natural colon cleansing, than make sure that you first give these products a try by opting for colon cleanse free trial first. So, stay healthy by keeping your colon clean!

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