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Tips For Staying Fit This Winter

Tips For Staying Fit This Winter

The winter season brings in bulky clothing and heavy coats. Because we tend to cover up more in colder weather, it is easy to neglect staying in shape. Don’t let this year’s cold snap leave you lagging behind feeling tired, bloated and weak. Your exercise routine may need a few adjustments with tips for staying fit this winter.

  1. Warming Up the Muscles
    Before you step outside for a morning run in the snow, be sure you have warmed up your muscles and properly stretched. Tight muscles exposed to the cold will cramp and the weather conditions can tear a ligament in your feet and knees. Ten minutes of stretching your calves and flexing your feet gets your body ready to take a pounding on the pavement with a brisk walk or jog in the cold.
  2. Keep Your Head Covered
    The temperature of the head regulates the rest of the body. It is important to wear a knit cap when running or walking in cold weather to keep you warm before and after your have reached your target heart rate.
  3. Muscle Cramps
    Your muscles may feel strained and tight when exercising in colder weather. Remedies such as liniment, tiger balm, and soaking your feet in Epsom Salts provide immediate relief to enable you to maintain your winter routines.
  4. Avoid Chapped Hands
    Winter winds can cause chapped hands to the point of severe cracking of the skin. Protect your hands with wool gloves when you run to prevent winds from drying out your skin. If your hands are already sore, apply a skin softening cream and cover with rubber gloves.
  5. Drink Plenty Of Fluids
    Your body needs water just as much in the winter as it does in the summer. Be sure you keep your system hydrated with eight glasses of water per day. Your water intake need not be ice cold from the fridge. Try your water bottles at room temperature or heat a cup of hot water with a dash of lemon.
  6. Stay Connected
    Be sure to take your mobile phone in case of an emergency. Roads and sidewalks can be slick in winter and you want to stay connected should an accident arise.
  7. Eating Light
    Calorie burning is accelerated when you eat light before your run. Try to avoid heavy meals that have little water content. Hamburgers, breads and pastas should be avoided before you work out. Instead, fuel up on a protein shake, piece of fresh fruit or a cup of steamed vegetables.
  8. Adjust Your Routine Times
    Longer days in the summer equals more hours of light at the end of your day. As winter sets in, the daylight hours become shorter and can reduce your quality time to run. Jogging on city streets may be unsafe after dark, so you might have to shift your exercise time from late afternoon to early morning.
  9. Skid Resistant Foot Wear
    To avoid a nasty slip and fall, be sure you have plenty of tread on your trainers. Your shoes may fit your foot comfortably, however the tread on the sole must be in mint condition to keep your feet firmly anchored to the ground.
  10. Take Your Vitamins
    A daily dose of vitamins and supplements will keep your body strong and help fight off the winter flu bugs. Vitamin C tablets plus a few glasses of orange juice should keep your immune system ready for anything and help you remain on track this winter workout season.


Nicole Rodgers has been blogging in the fitness, travel, and fashion industries for three years. Last year Nicole decided to start eating well to lose weight. She made sure to look into what she was eating, but to make sure she lost weight Nicole decided to purchase so equipment to assist in her weight loss. She made sure to check for daily deals on workout equipment.

The Importance of Fruits in Dieting

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When a person is dieting, they often times forget that they should be incorporating several types of foods in their diet. They are obsessed with losing the weight and may not include such thing as fruits in their diet. However, this is a grave mistake as fruits are just as important to a diet as exercise. For one thing, those that are worried about messing up their calorie count should consider the fact that fruits are low in calories and they are going to provide several other benefits to the person that eats them. Also, add into the fact that fruits are an important part of any balanced diet, and for those that are wanting to lose weight, they are going to find that without having a balanced diet that they are going to get no where really fast. Yes, they may lose weight, but it is going to come right back once the person goes back to their normal diet.Another huge benefit that fruits can give to a healthy diet is the fact that they are packed with vitamins and minerals. When a person is dieting more times than not, they find themselves not eating as well as they should. Thus, they may be losing out on certain vitamins and minerals that their body needs in order to function correctly. Without the proper vitamins and minerals in the body, the person will find that they may have a harder time in losing weight.

Fruits are also pure energy. When a person is dieting they may be cutting down on the portion of foods that they use to it, thus they may feel as though they are simply sluggish. The fruits that they put into their diet can help to give them a natural boost of energy whenever they need it. Making these the perfect foods to turn to right before exercising and so forth.

Those that eat fruits are also going to find that they are giving their bodies a helping hand in battling certain diseases and illnesses that they may contract. For example, many fruits out there are being praised for their cancer fighting benefits. And this is something that everyone should be listening to as cancer can strike anyone and at any age.

One of the most common complaints that people have when they go on a diet, like the HCG diet plan, is the fact that they end up having digestion problems, from differing their foods and so forth. Constipation is a huge problem among those that are dieting. They will find that with eating fruits on a daily basis that they can help to lower their chances of having any type of constipation and this is going to give them the motivation that they need to stick with the diet.

Overall, fruits are a part of a healthy diet, no matter if the person just wants to eat healthier or if they are trying to lose weight. The person will find that without fruits in their diet that they are really not having a diet that is complete and therefore their bodies are not running at one hundred percent.

Natural Remedies for Detoxification

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Doctors all around the world are raving about the health benefits of detoxification.  Ridding the body of toxins and other waste that could potentially be causing harm to your body is highly recommended.  With so many detoxification programs available, it can be difficult distinguishing which one is safe and effective for your life style.  Before you choose any one “program,” consider detoxifying your body naturally.  The following are natural remedies for helping get your body back on track.

  • Eliminate the “bad” from your body.  If you want to get rid of the toxins in your body, you must give up the bad habits that are putting the toxins there in the first place.  Caffeine, alcohol, saturated fat, and refined sugar are all major contributors to the toxin level in your body.  If you are looking to detoxify, get rid of the bad habits first!  You won’t be able to fully detoxify until you are eliminating the source of the toxins.
  • Reduce your stress level.  Stress has a huge impact on the wellness of your body.  To naturally detoxify, you must reduce your stress level. While is virtually impossible to live stress free, you can take steps to maintain a safe stress level. Too much stress is bad for your body and will not help you get rid of the unwanted toxins. Consider using yoga or meditation as a way to get your stress level down.
  • Drink more water.  Water is the cleansing agent for your body. If you aren’t drinking enough water, you can’t eliminate the toxins from your body.  Drink the recommended 8 glasses of water daily to help your body get ready for the detoxification process.  The more water your drink, the healthier your skin and body will be.  Carry water with you at all times of the day in an effort to detoxify.  Stay away from sodas and sugared drinks during the process.  Focus on putting the “natural” into your body and eliminating the unnatural.
  • Get your sweat on! Sweating is a great way to get rid of toxins that are built up in your body.  Begin an exercise program that will encourage you to sweat. If exercising isn’t your thing, consider sitting in a sauna for 10 minutes a day. This will help open your pores and release the chemicals that are built up under your skin.  Sweating is a healthy part of a daily lifestyle. The more you sweat, the better off your body will be.
  • Drink green tea.  Green tea is very healthy for your body and will get the detoxification process rolling.  It is full of antioxidants that will serve to help eliminate unwanted toxins.  It is also known as an energy booster.  Get a two for one deal by drinking plenty of natural green tea. If you don’t have a taste for the actual tea, find it in capsule form.  There are too many great benefits to not add green tea to your daily diet.
  • Eat a healthy diet.  A diet rich in fruits and vegetables will also help you detoxify. Not only through the nutrient rich food, but also through the high fiber.  Fiber helps keep your bowel movements regular and allows waste to flow freely through your body. Toxins are released into your body when you are backed up for a period of time. Eating a healthy diet is essential to detoxification.  Many people choose to go on an all fruit and vegetable fast in an effort to get rid excess waste in the body.  If you choose to do an all veggie and fruit fast, do not do this process longer than a few days as you will quickly lose muscle and other nutrients that are essential to a healthy body.  Be very cautious when choosing to fast in the detoxification process.
  • Don’t use chemical based household cleaners.  Using these products can actually put chemical into your body that you are trying to get rid of.  For the best results in detoxifying, stay far away from chemical based household cleaners. Opt for natural cleaning products.

If you are looking to take advantage of the detoxification process, use the tips above to help you get started.  Detoxification can improve your health. Get started today!

Kathy works for 1001Shops that offers a large section of specialty products like etageres, contemporary wall clocks, nesting dolls and lot more.



Herbal Help For Healthy Muscles

You’ve been working hard in the garden, in the gym or participating in your favorite sport and your muscles are feeling stiff and achy.  Before you reach for one of the many conventional anti-inflammatory medications on offer, it’s worth taking a minute to consider the problems that you may encounter as a result.  Research suggests that digestive discomfort, digestive ulcers, cardiovascular complications and stroke may be associated with the long term use of conventional anti-inflammatory medication. If this makes for alarming reading, don’t worry.  Nature has provided us with alternative herbal remedies that can deal with muscle aches and pains without the negative side effects.

Arnica Montana is a herb with a traditional use for treating bruises and tissue damage.  It is an excellent remedy, trusted through the ages.  Consider the benefits of using arnica in the form of a gel as opposed to a conventional medication.  It works as well as medication such as ibuprofen but has none of the side effects.  It works quickly, absorbs easily, it is convenient to use and continues to work no matter how long you take it for.  It can be used in the treatment of many conditions – rheumatism, arthritis, sports injuries such as sprains and strains, and lumbago.  

Inflammation is a common symptom in all these conditions, often causing intense pain and incurring further symptoms such as loss of sleep. Inflammation is a useful part of the body’s defence mechanism. However, if the inflammatory response is prolonged it can become a debilitating part of the disease process instead of the healing process. Inflammation is the body’s natural response to injury causing an increase of blood flow to the tissues of the affected area. The area reddens and becomes painful. Applying arnica sparingly, in the form of a gel, to the affected area and massaging it in gently will help to reduce inflammation and in turn reduce pain.  It should, however, only be used on unbroken skin.

Another herb well known for its beneficial effect on pain caused by inflammation is Devil’s Claw (Harpagophytum).  Basically, it can be used for any condition where there is inflammatory pain.  Taken internally as a tincture, Devil’s Claw reaches all those painful parts from inside. One of the many benefits of this herb is that it rarely causes stomach upsets. Another plus is that it can be used long term – long term is usually necessary with musculoskeletal problems – and does not interfere with conventional medication. The herb is best used for chronic conditions such as repetitive strain injury due to repetitive movement of a single muscle or group of muscles, and fibromyalgia.  It is suitable for all forms of arthritis and has been shown to work well on gout or gouty arthritis.

Magnesium, which is present in foods such as soya, kidney and haricot beans, chickpeas, brazil nuts, sesame seeds, cashews, oats, brown rice, dark green vegetables, figs, dried apricots, bananas and buckwheat, is an excellent supplement for maintaining healthy muscles.

There are 650 muscles in the adult human body.  They work quite hard irrespective of whether we are physically active or not.  If they become injured or tired they make it difficult for us to move about as much as we want to and cause us pain.  Should this be the case, the important thing to remember is that a sprained or strained muscle must be given enough time to heal to allow it to regain full health.  Not to do so will only exacerbate the condition.

Doing twenty minutes of gentle exercise every day will go a long way to keeping your muscles healthy but it is equally important to make sure that relaxation too becomes part of your everyday routine.

Alison Cullen has worked in the health industry since 1987.  Alison lectures & trains on health issues, and is often to be found quoted in health magazines.

Does Drinking 8 Glasses of Water a Day Benefit Our Health?

In today’s world of sugary juices and carbonated sodas, there are plenty of beverage options, especially for those looking to avoid a boring glass of water. The notion that a person should drink eight glasses of water per day — while accepted by most in the medical community — is literally hard for many to swallow, and getting kids to see the benefits of water can be an even harder challenge.

While the simple taste of water may not be enough of a draw, its numerous health benefits and cleansing effects on the body should be.


The human body is made up of two-thirds water, and water is an essential component of organs — from the liver to the brain. Drinking eight glasses is the best way to keep body systems running smoothly and efficiently. For example, when not supplied with enough water, the brain can respond with severe headaches, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating, all common symptoms of dehydration. For young children in school, hydrating in the morning and throughout the day aids their ability to focus and retain information they are being taught (evidenced by the UK’s campaign and website wateriscoolinschool.org.uk). In adults, hydration is said to lead to higher productivity in the workplace.

While many argue that the body acquires water through all liquids and most foods consumed by the body, nothing can compete with the purity of water. Carbonated and sugary beverages are often loaded with additives, including sweeteners and preservatives. In addition to adding calories, these drinks are far less purifying than straight water, thus contributing less to kidney and urinary health.

Weight and Water Retention: Anyone who works out regularly knows that a key component of any vigorous workout is sweat and lots of it! But in order to have the stamina required of exercise, one needs to drink water frequently throughout the day to replenish loss through perspiration and to keep cells hydrated. Men’s Health Magazine recommends drinking 8 ounces for every 20 minutes of exercise ). Clearly, effective exercise is almost impossible without proper hydration, and weight loss can’t come without exercise. So, if you’re looking to lose weight, load upon the water, get read to sweat… and then replenish!

Many also struggle with fat around their middle. Regardless of how much work they do, they find that there is often an inch or two that simply will not go away. Oftentimes, though, that fat is a result of water retention and the bloating that results from a lack of hydration. When the body isn’t receiving enough water, it retains a certain amount to protect itself. That amount often accumulates in the mid-section, taking on the appearance of belly fat. Once replenished, the body eliminates excess water, bringing back that flatter stomach. Drinking eight glasses of water a day clearly benefits the body, including its organs and cells and ability to focus. Hydration is also a key component of any exercise or weight loss plan. And while the amount required may fluctuate based on body size or activity level, the verdict is clear: water benefits one’s health… so keep drinking!

Sarah writes on behalf of Team24 a healthcare jobs specialist. Team24 work within locum recruitment and are always on the look out for qualified doctors and nurses nationwide.

Life Begins at 60: Five Experiences to Make You Feel Young Again

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Don’t grow old gracefully, spice up your life with some excitement – your advancing years don’t have to mean joining the pipe and slippers brigade. Maybe you’re looking for 60th birthday ideas for a loved one without making them feel like you’re nudging them towards the pension queue, or perhaps you don’t see age as a barrier and you just want to seek new thrills without letting greying hair and creaking joints stop you. New experiences make us all feel vibrant and alive so here are some ideas to help you roll back the years:

Get pampered

Feeling young again doesn’t have to mean surgery or Botox injections, but there are plenty of more natural beauty, skin and body treatments which can reinvigorate you and give you that glow. There’s plenty you can try from all-over body massages, cutting edge skin creams, or even an organic chocolate face mask. You might not come out looking like an 18-year-old but you will certainly feel rested, relaxed and full of energy, while a decent facial can shave a few years off your appearance.

Fighting spirit

Martial arts don’t have to mean kicking lumps out of each other and rolling around the gym floor. But staying active and getting regular exercise is essential to maintaining vitality and there are plenty of forms of martial arts which suit anyone from eight to 80. Aikido is a passive martial art with the emphasis on self-defence, learning movements which allow you to use an opponent’s speed or strength against them, while slow and patient Tai Chi places the emphasis on movement, flexibility, breathing and health.

Rally driving

Trundling along in the family saloon might make you feel more like Victor Meldrew than Jenson Button, but you can satisfy your need for speed on muddy off-road tracks, or racing through picturesque forest routes. The car does all the hard work so it’s not too gruelling on your body but you still test your skills to the max, or you can even just join the fun as a passenger alongside an expert driver and still enjoy the thrill of high speed driving.

Dream of Wembley

Your peak footballing years may be behind you, but that doesn’t mean you can’t dream. Get a behind-the-scenes look at some of the most exciting football stadiums in the world, including Wembley; see the trophy cabinet up close, explore the dressing rooms and even set foot on the hallowed turf. Just for a day you can imagine what it’s like to score that winning goal and lift the FA Cup.

Take to the skies

Look down on everyone else by gliding through the air with a bird’s eye view of your surroundings. Experience the thrill of flying your own plane with an accompanied lesson, soar through the air in a microlight, or simply enjoy the serenity of a hot air balloon ride. The exhilaration of being so high and so free will leave you feeling on top of the world.

This article has been created by Activity Superstore, the UK’s leading gift experience days supplier.

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