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Tips For Staying Fit This Winter

Tips For Staying Fit This Winter

The winter season brings in bulky clothing and heavy coats. Because we tend to cover up more in colder weather, it is easy to neglect staying in shape. Don’t let this year’s cold snap leave you lagging behind feeling tired, bloated and weak. Your exercise routine may need a few adjustments with tips for staying fit this winter.

  1. Warming Up the Muscles
    Before you step outside for a morning run in the snow, be sure you have warmed up your muscles and properly stretched. Tight muscles exposed to the cold will cramp and the weather conditions can tear a ligament in your feet and knees. Ten minutes of stretching your calves and flexing your feet gets your body ready to take a pounding on the pavement with a brisk walk or jog in the cold.
  2. Keep Your Head Covered
    The temperature of the head regulates the rest of the body. It is important to wear a knit cap when running or walking in cold weather to keep you warm before and after your have reached your target heart rate.
  3. Muscle Cramps
    Your muscles may feel strained and tight when exercising in colder weather. Remedies such as liniment, tiger balm, and soaking your feet in Epsom Salts provide immediate relief to enable you to maintain your winter routines.
  4. Avoid Chapped Hands
    Winter winds can cause chapped hands to the point of severe cracking of the skin. Protect your hands with wool gloves when you run to prevent winds from drying out your skin. If your hands are already sore, apply a skin softening cream and cover with rubber gloves.
  5. Drink Plenty Of Fluids
    Your body needs water just as much in the winter as it does in the summer. Be sure you keep your system hydrated with eight glasses of water per day. Your water intake need not be ice cold from the fridge. Try your water bottles at room temperature or heat a cup of hot water with a dash of lemon.
  6. Stay Connected
    Be sure to take your mobile phone in case of an emergency. Roads and sidewalks can be slick in winter and you want to stay connected should an accident arise.
  7. Eating Light
    Calorie burning is accelerated when you eat light before your run. Try to avoid heavy meals that have little water content. Hamburgers, breads and pastas should be avoided before you work out. Instead, fuel up on a protein shake, piece of fresh fruit or a cup of steamed vegetables.
  8. Adjust Your Routine Times
    Longer days in the summer equals more hours of light at the end of your day. As winter sets in, the daylight hours become shorter and can reduce your quality time to run. Jogging on city streets may be unsafe after dark, so you might have to shift your exercise time from late afternoon to early morning.
  9. Skid Resistant Foot Wear
    To avoid a nasty slip and fall, be sure you have plenty of tread on your trainers. Your shoes may fit your foot comfortably, however the tread on the sole must be in mint condition to keep your feet firmly anchored to the ground.
  10. Take Your Vitamins
    A daily dose of vitamins and supplements will keep your body strong and help fight off the winter flu bugs. Vitamin C tablets plus a few glasses of orange juice should keep your immune system ready for anything and help you remain on track this winter workout season.


Nicole Rodgers has been blogging in the fitness, travel, and fashion industries for three years. Last year Nicole decided to start eating well to lose weight. She made sure to look into what she was eating, but to make sure she lost weight Nicole decided to purchase so equipment to assist in her weight loss. She made sure to check for daily deals on workout equipment.