Tag Archives: Physical exercise

Benefits Of Rebounder Workouts

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Simple exercise like running, walking, and jogging do an excellent job of increasing a person’s blood circulation. The unfortunate side effect of these kinds of exercise is the effect they have on the joints, hips and knees. Rebounder workouts offer all of the normal benefits associated with aerobic exercises and basically eliminate any sort of damage done to muscles and joints just like yoga mats. A rebounder is normally about three to nine inches in total diameter, and it is basically a mini-trampoline. Anybody who is health conscious about their body really needs to own a rebounder. One of the most important benefits provided by a rebounder is increasing lymph circulation within one’s body.

Bouncing around on a rebounder could increase the flow in a person’s lymph by as much as 30 percent. The lymph found in the human body has a simple goal of refreshing and detoxing the human body. This piece of the human body is essential for the organs in the body to operate properly. A rebounder will tone up the body, and get rid of flabby thighs and jiggling stomachs. The needak rebounder will also tone up the muscles and burn excess fat. Standard exercises such as hopping, running, walking, and dancing can easily be performed using a rebounder. The greatest benefit that comes along with doing these exercises on a rebounder is the fact that it is soft and bouncy allowing for no straining of the body’s joints.

This proves to be an excellent benefit especially for people with a bit of age under their belt. Older people using a rebounder works wonders for them because as people age their body cannot withstand the intense impacts that come along with normal exercise like running or jogging. Older people can use a rebounder to receive the entire benefits younger people can using the soft touch from a rebounder. It is easy to obtain a complete full body workout using a rebounder with old people. The immune system in the human body absolutely needs to be in top shape to allow for defense against diseases.

When a person is bouncing on a rebounder they will experience a significant amount of what is called G-force. This strong force actually affects all of the cells in the human body. The immune cells in the body that are self-propelled end up becoming up to five times as active as opposed to when they are sitting still. Strangely enough these are also the cells that fight against viruses, bacteria, and cancer cells as well. This is proof that doing exercises on a rebounder will definitely add strength to a person’s immunity.

Mike has been blogging about health fitness and other topics for 5 years. Currently he is a staff writter for home of the needak rebounder.

How Self-Confidence Breeds Self Control

How Self-Confidence Breeds Self Control

You may be wondering how you can turn your life around. If only I had a secret bullet, you say, where I could simultaneously deal with the several areas I’d like to improve; my health, my productivity at work, and my personal creativity could all use a boost, and the general feel of lag that comes around the holiday season isn’t helping.

More self-confidence (Photo credit: ESP Indonesia)

Deep down, your probably recognize that your seeming inability to achieve the goals you want stems from some more vital source than just being too busy to work out or not having the time to finish that book of short stories. Self-doubt and a general lack of self-confidence is likely attacking your motivation and keeping you from believing that you can get what you want, on a fundamental level. Let me show you how nurturing your self-confidence can manifest itself throughout your entire life.

• Exercise and Health: Remember how good it feels to have worked out for an extended period of time? That increased muscle tone and the satisfaction of taking care of yourself made you want to keep going to the gym, to push those results even further. Making positive choices inspired you to make even more, to keep that positivity flowing.

• Happiness: One source of happiness is emotional stability. Being confident in your life choices and the general direction of your life will let you enjoy your partner and your social life on a much deeper level. Instead of constantly comparing yourself to others and worrying about being “good enough” you’ll find yourself enjoying your friends’ accomplishments as much as your own. You won’t have to worry as much about emotional instability, sudden mood swings, and a lack of control over your internal state.

• Creativity: Having self-confidence in your own abilities will help you fully explore and hone your skills with a higher level of self-control. Refusing to be overly harsh when judging your own work will free you up to be more productive and to develop your skills. Self-doubt slows down the creative process like molasses, and keeps you from making interesting breakthroughs. Self-confidence will inspire you to trust your work; this trust will give you the drive to keep coming back and making it better.

Cultivating Self Confidence

You can see the benefits that can happen from really gaining a sense of self-confidence in your life. Getting to that state isn’t always easy, however. Here are some posts to get you started.

Does Raising Self-Esteem Improve Your Quality of Life?

How to Gain Confidence and Take a Fearless Step

Joy Paley is a science and technology writer based in Berkeley, California. She is a guest blogger for My Dog Ate My Blog and writes onaccredited online degrees for Guide to Online Schools.

Why You Shouldn’t Overcomplicate Exercise

I’ve worked as a personal trainer for five years now and during my time in the industry both in a professional capacity and through training in my own time I’ve noticed a common trend amongst gym goers that consistently fail to get results. In my experience I find that people who want to build muscle and loose fat – that is 99% of males that enter the gym – make their task way more complicated than it should be by working themselves into a state of confusion about everything they listen to and read about muscle building and fat burning.

I can say with my hand on my heart that the reason most of these individuals are failing in their physique conquests is because they are talking, thinking and reading too much, and not doing nearly enough. Take two trainers, A and B, both are very enthusiastic:

Trainer A

A spends all his time reading all the literature on fitness that he can on muscle building, researching, talking to peers and personal trainers when he does go the gym, he takes everything he hears as gospel truth is unable to develop a consistent workout plan because he keep changing his mind about what ‘works’

Trainer B

B doesn’t pay much attention to any fitness publications in the media, instead of spending his time reading an in-depth study about whether or not you can emphasize the lower chest by doing decline bench presses, he gets in the gym, and works his ass off. He doesn’t worry about if what he’s doing was endorsed in the latest issue of muscle and fitness, or panic when he realizes he’s forgotten his protein shake.

Of these two types of trainer, B is poised to make quicker, more impressive gains. This is because trainer A’s body does not recognize that he spends hours research what ‘the best form of whey protein is’. B simply gets in the gym, moves some iron around, shocks his muscles, then goes home and eats some meat. While he could improve in some areas by swatting up on nutrition and work out plans, he is far more likely to make progress than A who over-thinks things.

Because of this restrictive mindset, trainer A will always find it hard to get out the blocks because he is so indecisive. I can tell you right now that success in the gym is not based on what you do (the types of exercises) but how often you do it. A consistent trainer doing 3×8 all the time will always trump the trainer that does powerlifting-type training for a week then switches to crossfit. The bottom line: Don’t worry, get in the gym, do your stuff, get out, swat up if you have time, love training.

Joe is an experienced personal trainer and is currently working as a freelance copywriter for a company that sells cheap washing machines . You can follow him on twitter @ joe__johnson__

Why Lose Weight in a Week?

This article will tell you the fastest way to lose weight in a week, but the main intent is not to teach you how to lose weight in a week, but rather to explain why you should not have this as your goal! As someone that did the yo-yo diets for well over a decade with one failure after another, I learned that short-term weight loss goals are not good, they’re worse than not dieting at all. To illustrate, let us begin with the fastest way to lose weight, see what is really going on, and then see why it is not a good idea.

The quickest way to lose weight in a week, and also dangerous if taken to extremes, is to not eat and to exercise as much as possible. The old adage, “eat less, exercise more” taken to the extreme becomes “fast and be as active as possible.” Do not fast unless you have consulted with your physician and know how to transition off of a fast or you could get quite ill. Also, if you exercise too much, you will easily become faint and perhaps pass out.

However, if your body is up for the task, you can fast for a week without any food fairly safely, just be sure to drink water and do not overexert yourself. Your body will eat both your muscles and fat, so if you do this frequently, you will basically look like a smaller version of yourself. This is how I lost seventy five pounds in six months, coupled with a raw foods diet when not fasting.

If your goal is to look better, fasting will not help unless you are extremely obese, and then transition to something that will keep the weight off and be more sustainable than your current exercise and nutrition habits. The body returns to its natural state unless a new set-point is established and maintained for a period of several months. And a new set-point is not established by accident; it requires a change in habits, and will only last as long as the change in habits is maintained.

Losing weight in a week helps almost nobody, and after extreme dieting, people lose their metabolically expensive muscle and down regulate their metabolism (their bodies think, “I am starving, so I should convert all new food into fat”), which leads to the yo-yo effect I am sure you are all too familiar with. Lose weight, and rebound with more than you started with. Think long term; adopt a more active exercise regime, and improve your general eating habits. Improve consistently, little by little, and you will no longer have to consider fast and futile weight loss fads.

The author is a power-lifter and “former fat boy” that writes about health on everything from acne scar treatment to weight loss and sleep tips.

Work-out Review: Insanity vs P90X

Losing weight has been made more fun these days. With many types of routines combined into a basic work out, one can be able to shed pounds for a little time. Within two months or so, one can see his body slimmer and muscles developed to its fullest. Two popular work-out routines which are competing for the being the “toughest” and most effective weight loss program is the Insanity and P90X. The Insanity vs P90X war has been going on from some time, and experts are raving about this competition to see which one is the best workout among all.

Primarily, it is advantageous to look at these two routines. One can only decide which the best is as both of the routines are different in their own. They have special sets of exercises and strategies that has been studied and proven effective by many exercise experts. If you are among those who are looking for a good work-out routine, you might want to try either of these. Read on below, and find out which one suits you best.

Insanity work-out is a 60-day routine which involves two phases. First is the basic phase where the body learns to acquire the exercises. The second level is more extreme, hence named as the “Max” level. In this stage, intense work-outs are made. Insanity routines involve cardio, balance, plyometrics, calisthenics, and other sports drills. There are about ten different work-outs, and each session runs from 45 minutes to an hour and fifteen minutes. The good thing about this strategy is that no equipments are needed. One will only use his body balance and weight for each session.

P90X is a three month program that is divided into three different phases. Each phase includes a cool down period where one’s body is meant to recuperate from any change of work-outs during the whole period. P90x includes 12 workouts, ranging from resistance routines to cardio and then finally to yoga. This means that routines involve the whole body, and must be practiced for six days in a week. Opposite of the Insanity, P90x requires equipments such as weights, resistance bands and a pull up bar for stretches.

The Insanity vs P90X have different ways of manipulating one’s body into its fuller strength. Insanity requires great physical preparations, for it begins in an intense pace. Warm ups are also necessary to follow; being flexible is needed for anyone who chooses this routine. P90x however, requires greater commitment as it takes a longer time to finish. The preferences of the person who wants to get into these exercises are prioritized. One can choose between an extreme overdrive in exercising; or a longer, gradual, longer session that needs more willpower.

Be sure to check out TweakFit fitness blog for more tips on how to lose weight.

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