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Detox Cleansing With Juice Recipes


Detox Cleansing With Juice Recipes


Hollywood is in love with using juice recipes for detox cleansing. This is their remedy for when they need to lose weight and look their best quickly. While such diets are controversial advocates say that this type of detox cleansing is safe as long as your doctor knows about it and you don’t do it for any longer than 3 days at a time.

The beginning of the year is a great time to try this detox cleansing with juice recipes. This will help you get rid of bad habits like drinking too much caffeine or eating too much fatty or sugary food. Such diets can also help you create healthier habits. This is entirely attributed to Dr. Cathy Wong who’s a naturopath at the American College.


Φρούτα, τα εξαιρετικά μέσα για την αποτοξίνωση του σώματος (Photo credit: kanenas.net)


A detox cleansing does have some health benefits over the short term, especially if you’re feeling bloated or sluggish, your skin is breaking out, you’re dependent upon caffeine or you’re craving junk food. This is because juice recipes can help to eliminate toxins from your body so that you’ll feel better internally and look better externally. However, you don’t want to starve yourself or feel deprived while doing detox cleansing.

Of course, there are a good number of skeptics. They say that your body already has built in detoxifiers so you don’t need any cleansing. These skeptics also warn that you shouldn’t expect any lasting weight loss.

Ultimately it’s up to you to decide whether detox cleansing with juice recipes is right for you. If you decide you’d like to do such a cleansing without creating your own juice recipes you should know that there are some brands readily available. They are part of the Blueprint Cleanse and are 100% USDA certified organic. They’re bottled with a high pressure, heatless process that will last up to 2 weeks in your refrigerator.



Have you considered Bikram’s Yoga?

Bikram’s yoga and Moksha yoga are both forms of hot yoga.  Hot yoga has become very popular over the past decade.  It is trendy and popular and all the rage.  If you have heard about this practice you have likely considered if hot yoga would be a good practice for you or not.  The answer is that it really depends and here is why.

The main variation between hot yoga and regular yoga is the surrounding room temperature.  Hot yoga is performed in a heated room that ranges in temperature from about 85F up to around 100F or so.  This heat is not typical to most yoga practices in the past.  Most practices of yoga have you warm your own body through movement and breath combined as opposed to the environment warming the body.

Having a heated room can be a good thing or a bad thing and it all comes down to where you are at and if hot yoga is right for you.  The benefit of Bikram’s yoga is that heat can provide a medium to go deeper into poses more easily then otherwise possible.  It can encourage the body to detoxify through the skin as well as other pathways.  It also provides for a way to increase your concentration as the heat can require a strong focus to stay centered.

On the opposite side of things one of the most prevalent negative occurrences in hot yoga is over stretching since there is a false sense of being able to move deeper into poses.  Another thing is detoxifying too quickly.  We don’t often have an environment that encourages that level of sweating, moving and breathing all at once.  This can create a quick flood of toxins into the blood that then have to be dealt with by the body.

Perhaps you are aiming for this level of detoxification and therefore you are prepared to deal with any symptoms that arise from this practice.  The results can be many including head aches, pains, light headedness, tiredness and so on.  This simply occur as a result of the body moving out that which is not longer stored in the tissues.  The result is positive but it can be uncomfortable.

So whether or not hot yoga is for you really depends. Some of the questions to ask yourself relate to the hardiness of your body, how much tendency you have to push yourself vs. moving at your own pace.  Additionally, hot yoga is not always best for those with heart conditions or blood pressure issues.  Consider all angles though including how much detoxification you can handle and how quickly you can handle it.

If you do decide to practice hot yoga of any kind consider the tools you need to stay comfortable and maximize your experience.  You will want a good Bikram’s yoga mat, good hot yoga clothes as well as making sure you are heavily hydrated as you will loose a lot of sweat in your practice.

Tips for Staying Active

By now most of us are aware that obesity has become a huge issue among Americans. There are tons of “fad” diets all over the internet and infomercials these days. With so many people claiming to have the secret to success, it can be hard to know what to trust when it comes to a proper diet plan. The truth is that if you are currently unconditioned physically then any exercise will be better than none.

One of the easiest ways to stay on top of your weight is just by staying active. An active lifestyle comes with a sense of accomplishment, and confidence. If you’re winded going up the stairs to your apartment everyday that may be a sign that your body needs more exercise. It’s easy to see that sled dogs, race horses, and even professional athletes must constantly exercise to stay at their best level, but we overlook how important activity is for us normal work going folks. For those of you who find it hard to come up with motivation or creative ways to exercise, here are a few tips to get you moving:

  • Get Support From Friends and Family– If you’re going to make a change and stick with it, you will need some support. By making a network of people you can help motivate each other to reach your goals. Remember everyone is unique so don’t push yourself too far just because of a little competition.
  • Invest in a Trainer– People will invest in their financial future by planning estates and purchasing insurance, but often over-look the future of their health. Investing in a certified personal trainer is a great way to create an individualized program that meets your specific goals. Trainers are great at helping you chart progress and stay positive as you get in shape.
  • Park Further Away– The next time you go to the store, or head to the mall for some shopping, park a little further away. You can make it a personal challenge to walk a little bit further each time. You’d be surprised at just how quickly walking adds up once you factor in all the errands for the week.
  • Take a Class– If you used to love an activity growing up, find a place that offers that class and sign up for it. Maybe you have always wanted to learn how to dance, what better time to start than now? Perhaps you admire Lance Armstrong and always wanted to give cycling a try. Most gyms have cycling classes that are fun and great for cardiovascular exercise. Whatever you are interested in, get out and do it!

Ultimately getting healthy and staying active is about making a decision and sticking to it. Determination is key when it comes to diet and exercise. Set a goal, and don’t give up until you reach it!


Micah Castro is a freelance writer for Arizona Probate Law. The expert probate law attorneys at JacksonWhite can provide you with the peace of mind that you are looking for in planning your will or estate.


A Closer Look at Depression in Men

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Under the bravado and macho exterior of our male population lies a hidden truth, that men too fall prey to bouts of depression. This mental health problem affects an average of 1 in every 7 American men, yet this problem has remained to be unrecognized and unaccepted in the realm of male machismo. But with the revelations in light of Heath Ledger’s death, Owen Wilson’s attempted suicide, along with a long list of depressed celebrities, depression has become an open problem and a source of great concern.

Depression in fact affects both men and women at any given age, though how they respond and manifest this disorder may differ as men often exhibit the physical symptoms of depression while women delve on the emotional aspects. Recent depression news revealed that 40% of middle aged men are suffering from depression, significantly higher than women who are pegged at only 25%. Depression in men is also harder to recognize as men are not prone to be expressive of their emotions and as such it is essential that we learn to diagnose these depression symptoms to help the men that we love recognize and seek immediate help to counter this disorder.

Depression in men, especially when left undetected, can lead to a string of other social and health problems ranging from loss of work, to divorce, as well as cardiovascular problems and suicide. As a matter of fact, 80% of all recorded suicides are men and most likely caused by undiagnosed depression.

Identifying Male Depression

Men and women exhibits depression in a highly different manner, while men resort to acting out their moods, women turns to verbal outbursts. According to the latest research, the most common signs of depression in our Adam population includes increased anger and irritability, reduced ego, constant blaming of others, paranoia, restlessness, compulsive behaviors, insomnia, feelings of self disgust, becomes overly conscious and controlling, turns to alcohol and substance abuse for temporary relief and violent behavior.

Overcoming Depression

As men are more likely to deny that they have a severe mental condition, it can prove to be much more difficult and complex to diagnose and treat, experts say that it take 3 health professionals to cure 1 depressed man. Medical experts also agree that men do not respond well to traditional anti depressants and medication of which may even lead to more serious depression issues. Most experts suggests regular exercise, healthy diet and a strong social support system to help ease the treatment and recovery process for depressed men.

Why You Shouldn’t Overcomplicate Exercise

I’ve worked as a personal trainer for five years now and during my time in the industry both in a professional capacity and through training in my own time I’ve noticed a common trend amongst gym goers that consistently fail to get results. In my experience I find that people who want to build muscle and loose fat – that is 99% of males that enter the gym – make their task way more complicated than it should be by working themselves into a state of confusion about everything they listen to and read about muscle building and fat burning.

I can say with my hand on my heart that the reason most of these individuals are failing in their physique conquests is because they are talking, thinking and reading too much, and not doing nearly enough. Take two trainers, A and B, both are very enthusiastic:

Trainer A

A spends all his time reading all the literature on fitness that he can on muscle building, researching, talking to peers and personal trainers when he does go the gym, he takes everything he hears as gospel truth is unable to develop a consistent workout plan because he keep changing his mind about what ‘works’

Trainer B

B doesn’t pay much attention to any fitness publications in the media, instead of spending his time reading an in-depth study about whether or not you can emphasize the lower chest by doing decline bench presses, he gets in the gym, and works his ass off. He doesn’t worry about if what he’s doing was endorsed in the latest issue of muscle and fitness, or panic when he realizes he’s forgotten his protein shake.

Of these two types of trainer, B is poised to make quicker, more impressive gains. This is because trainer A’s body does not recognize that he spends hours research what ‘the best form of whey protein is’. B simply gets in the gym, moves some iron around, shocks his muscles, then goes home and eats some meat. While he could improve in some areas by swatting up on nutrition and work out plans, he is far more likely to make progress than A who over-thinks things.

Because of this restrictive mindset, trainer A will always find it hard to get out the blocks because he is so indecisive. I can tell you right now that success in the gym is not based on what you do (the types of exercises) but how often you do it. A consistent trainer doing 3×8 all the time will always trump the trainer that does powerlifting-type training for a week then switches to crossfit. The bottom line: Don’t worry, get in the gym, do your stuff, get out, swat up if you have time, love training.

Joe is an experienced personal trainer and is currently working as a freelance copywriter for a company that sells cheap washing machines . You can follow him on twitter @ joe__johnson__