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A Short List of Fat-Burning Foods to Eat

Thermogenic foods or fat burning foods can be a very big help for people who want to lose extra weight. In order to lose 1000 calories per day, there are many things which must be done, among them are to exercise for at least an hour and to watch what you eat and even limit it in some cases. So, if you are on a diet in hopes of losing weight just in time for the summer season, here is a list of fat burning foods. Make sure that you have these foods on your menu. With them you will be hitting two birds with one stone because you will be able to get your fill and lose fat at the same time. These foods offer the best of both worlds.


  • Milk. Milk has calcium which acts as metabolic trigger. The University of Tennessee conducted a study which found that people who consumed 1,300mg of calcium per day lost twice as much weight compared to those who did not.
  • Whole Grain Cereal. This is a fabulous source of fiber and complex carbohydrates. These substances help a person’s metabolism by keeping insulin levels in the blood low. Insulin spikes make your body think that it is time to store fat in your body.
  • Oats. This is another rich source of fiber. This can also help pump up your metabolism. Oatmeal is broken down slowly in the stomach and it does not cause the insulin level in the body to spike. Although oatmeal is typically eaten during breakfast, it can be eaten anytime of the day.
  • Cayenne Chiles. These are often ground into cayenne paper. According to a study, eating just one spicy meal a day makes your metabolism rate rise by up to 25%.
  • Green Tea. This contains a chemical called EGCG which causes your nervous system and you brain to run faster and burn more calories.

Benefits Of Rebounder Workouts

Simple exercise like running, walking, and jogging do an excellent job of increasing a person’s blood circulation. The unfortunate side effect of these kinds of exercise is the effect they have on the joints, hips and knees. Rebounder workouts offer all of the normal benefits associated with aerobic exercises and basically eliminate any sort of damage done to muscles and joints just like yoga mats. A rebounder is normally about three to nine inches in total diameter, and it is basically a mini-trampoline. Anybody who is health conscious about their body really needs to own a rebounder. One of the most important benefits provided by a rebounder is increasing lymph circulation within one’s body.

Bouncing around on a rebounder could increase the flow in a person’s lymph by as much as 30 percent. The lymph found in the human body has a simple goal of refreshing and detoxing the human body. This piece of the human body is essential for the organs in the body to operate properly. A rebounder will tone up the body, and get rid of flabby thighs and jiggling stomachs. The needak rebounder will also tone up the muscles and burn excess fat. Standard exercises such as hopping, running, walking, and dancing can easily be performed using a rebounder. The greatest benefit that comes along with doing these exercises on a rebounder is the fact that it is soft and bouncy allowing for no straining of the body’s joints.

This proves to be an excellent benefit especially for people with a bit of age under their belt. Older people using a rebounder works wonders for them because as people age their body cannot withstand the intense impacts that come along with normal exercise like running or jogging. Older people can use a rebounder to receive the entire benefits younger people can using the soft touch from a rebounder. It is easy to obtain a complete full body workout using a rebounder with old people. The immune system in the human body absolutely needs to be in top shape to allow for defense against diseases.

When a person is bouncing on a rebounder they will experience a significant amount of what is called G-force. This strong force actually affects all of the cells in the human body. The immune cells in the body that are self-propelled end up becoming up to five times as active as opposed to when they are sitting still. Strangely enough these are also the cells that fight against viruses, bacteria, and cancer cells as well. This is proof that doing exercises on a rebounder will definitely add strength to a person’s immunity.

Mike has been blogging about health fitness and other topics for 5 years. Currently he is a staff writter for home of the needak rebounder.