Tag Archives: Maple syrup

The Benefits Of The Lemon Juice Diet

The popular lemon juice diet provides a diet that is easy and all natural. This program is suitable for just about anyone. People who swear by this diet plan give testimony to considerable weight loss in a very short amount of time. One of the best benefits of this juice diet plan lies in its simplicity. It is an easy program to follow and there are no expensive products to purchase or complicated recipes to follow.

The simple juice diet recipes provide an easy an effective way to lose weight. You will need filtered or natural spring water, cayenne pepper, maple syrup (B-grade) and lemons. You should try and find unwaxed or organic lemons as well as maple syrup that is organic. A homemade lemonade is made from the water, cayenne pepper, lemons and syrup. These items are all blended together and then drunk several times throughout the day. This process continues for the duration of the fast. In addition to this homemade lemonade, you can also have as much fresh water as you want. In addition to these liquids, many dieters also consume an herbal tea that has a laxative effect. Every day or two you can mix up some fresh lemonade to have available. There are easy recipes available online and in various books, although you can easily increase or decrease the amount of cayenne pepper or maple syrup you use depending on your personal preferences. Of course, you do not want to increase the syrup too much as it does add additional calories.

Most of the people who are trying the diet for the first time will begin with only a few days of this fast. People who have already been on the diet before will often choose to extend the fast for a period of a week or even up to 10 days. It is not a good idea to stay on this juice diet plan for more than about ten days to two weeks, but it certainly adds a great way to begin a weight loss program and give you a jump start on losing weight. Losing weight is only one of the many benefits that you can get from this type of diet. Other benefits often include increased energy and a sense of overall well-being and health, even after only a few days on this fast.

Following this lemon juice diet is also an excellent way to get started on a new and healthy living program. A short fast is often the best way to begin a natural lifestyle and a healthier way of eating.

Detox with the Lemonade Diet

Grades of Vermont maple syrup. From left to ri...

Image via Wikipedia

The lemonade diet became popular when several celebrities announced they had lost a lot of weight and gained a new, healthier appearance after trying it. This program involves drinking homemade lemonade that is made with freshly squeezed lemon juice, cayenne pepper, maple syrup and spring water or filtered water. The diet also goes by the name “master cleanse” and it continues to be popular especially in the US.

One of the secrets of its popularity is that you do not have to buy any expensive detox packages or juices, and you can make the lemon drink at home. This makes the diet very simple to do and it is also cheap, because the only items you need are lemons, cayenne pepper and B-grade maple syrup. Organic syrup is preferable and so are organic lemons. There are many books and websites that give detailed instructions for making the lemonade, and it is very easy to prepare: you can even use a smoothie maker. It is best to make a new batch of the drink every morning, because it stays fresh for a day or two before it starts to lose its flavor.

While you are following the master cleanse program, all you eat or drink is the homemade lemon drink, as well as spring water or filtered water, and laxative herbal tea to help your body get rid of toxins and waste. First-timers often try the detox for a few days, but those who have tried it before say that they can easily keep detoxing for a week or ten days. Regular cleansers say that the lemonade taste a lot better than most of the herbal teas and vegetable juices you have to drink when on a typical fast or cleanse, and this makes it easy to stay on the program.