Tag Archives: Dermatology

Getting Rid of Acne Permanantly

Flawless and acne free skin has been a fantasy for one and all. Acne does not necessarily affect only teenagers; it can be a problem for many. It can often occur on the face in the form of blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, red scales, and nodules. As many people believe it does not occur only on the face, it can also break out on the upper chest and on the back. It is important to treat acne as soon as possible, if you want to prevent permanent scarring, and increase your self esteem. The are many causes of acne, some of them are –

1.Overactive oil glands on the skin
3.Inflammation or infection, etc

There are several types of treatment options you can go for such as medications, therapies, over the counter medications, chemical peels, etc. There are also several natural remedies for acne that you can try. While it is best to approach a dermatologist and get his/her opinion on the type of treatment that would suit you best, there are certain things you can do yourself. Here are a few tips for a healthy and flawless skin –

1.Washing the face –
It is important to use products that are suited for those with acne problems. With the variety of cleansers and face washes in the market, this should not be a problem. The reason why only specific products should be used is because others might end up being too harsh and damage your skin by making the situation worse. It is also good to remember that everyone’s skin is different, and what might work for one, may not work for others. So, don’t be scared to experiment but make sure you don’t use products that are not suitable on your skin. Be gentle while washing your face, and do not wash more than twice a day.

2.Type of skin –
It is necessary to find out the type of skin you have, in order to buy products accordingly. When you buy products make sure they are oil-free, and can be used on sensitive skin. It is best to ask your dermatologist, what ingredients need to be avoided when you purchase make-up products. Try not to use too many products at once, because in case of a break out you will not know which product has caused the reaction.

3.Sunscreen –
Sunscreen is very important for all types of skin. If you have sensitive skin, with acne, it is even more important to protect your skin from the harsh rays of the sun. Always look for a sunscreen that protects you with UVA and UVB rays. The SPF rate should be at least 15 or 20, the higher the SPF rate, the more you are protected. Make sure to reapply your sunscreen at least every 3 hours when outside, for best protection.

4.Diet –
One of the important factors that add to your acne problems is your diet. It is not proved that junk or greasy food causes a breakout, but certain items such as diary products can aggravate the skin. Consuming lots of fruits, vegetables and other food rich in vitamins and minerals will surely clear up your skin. Different people react differently when it comes to diet and acne. Some may find breakouts after consuming caffeine, while some may not. Hence, it is necessary to know what causes a break out in your skin and cut back or eliminate it accordingly.

5.Healthy life style –
Maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle, by getting adequate exercise, cutting back on stress and eating a healthy diet can do wonders for your body and skin. While stress does not really cause acne, it will surely aggravate it, and make the situation worse. Stress-relieving activities such as yoga can have a positive effect on your life as well as significantly reduce acne.

If for any reason even after following these tips, you acne does not reduce or gets worse, it is essential you see a dermatologist. It is also necessary to follow the exact instruction given, as it many take even a few months for you to see a change in your condition. If you would like to learn more about acne home remedies, please read on.

Answers to your questions about how to get rid of blackheads

When an adolescent gets an obvious blackhead, generally in an important area, his or her mom is quick to get a needle and an alcohol swab. While successful, that painful cure is surely to encourage a mission on how to get rid of blackheads without going through tons of pain.

Nowadays an adolescent can check on the Internet to see different methods on how to treat those ugly blemishes. Numerous recommended cures do not need you to buy a costly product. One requires you to combine lime juice and salt. While another advises a careful combination of lime juice, oil from almonds and glycerin. Another advises applying a small amount of toothpaste to the skin.

One recommendation should have been advised to a big gang of moms. That recommendation concentrates on readying the affected face to be able to rid of the blackhead’s unsightly contents. It advises to use a hot towel, one that can cover the face for up to ten minutes.

All of the treatments talked about above are created to unblock the pores, eliminate bacteria and then moisturize and give nourishment to the skin. In that case a bunch of random questions that people think about when it comes to the subject of how to get rid of blackheads may have the following inquires:

What kinds of vitamins and minerals are able to nourish the dermis, and what edibles include these ingredients? Does the habit of consuming 8 glasses of water daily help moisturize the epithelial cells? Does working out, so that sweat is made in excess help unblock pores?

By searching for answers to these random questions, people who struggle with how to get rid of blackheads can have an easier time to put a stop to that daunting battle. They can find the proven methods; those that will surely help keep the face free of pimples.