Tag Archives: Heart disease

Fish Oil Benefits And Body Cleanse

Grilled salmon is one way to consume oily fish.

Image via Wikipedia

If you are wondering what fish oil benefits are to you for your health, maybe this will help.

Fish oil is made from the tissue of oily fish like salmon, tuna, lake trout, sardines, etc. It contains important omega 3 fatty acids and are believed to help in reducing the chances of a heart attack, coronary heart disease, depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. It helps prevent abnormal heart rhythms that aren’t good for the body and can cause cardiac arrest and strokes in people with known cardiovascular disease. It has also been shown to slow the hardening of arteries and lower blood pressure. It also helps with any inflammation you might have and reduce symptoms and pain of arthritis. It doesn’t act as a pain killer thought and you need to use it regularly before you notice any changes. It can also help with anti aging. It slows down the rate at which protective caps on the end of chromosomes shorten, making the lifespan of cells increase. It is also beneficial to pregnant and unborn children. It helps develop a healthier brain, good nervous system, better eye sight, and fewer behavioral problems. Thus we see taking fish oil can do a lot for your health and even the health of your unborn children.

For those wanting to try a body cleanse, there are different types that you can try. There is the herbal supplement one which focuses on swallowing a capsule and focus on milk thistle and adding fiber into your diet. Another one you might try is fasting. This involves removing solid foods completely from your diet for a certain time. One more you can do is the master cleanse or lemonade diet. This diet involves mixing lemon juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper into a drink. You then will drink it for ten days.

What to eat before and after a workout?

Many have heard the axiom “No pain, no gain”, but this should not be applied to any pain that can be prevented. It is very important to stretch and warm up before a workout and cool down after. Also, controlled breathing can ease any respiratory difficulties. These aren’t the only problems to be considered, however.

Eating, physiologically speaking, is like putting fuel in your gas tank. One pays careful attention not to introduce diesel into a gasoline engine but, strangely, many do not have the sense to do the same with their bodies. There are three basic food types: proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. While experts recommend a healthy mix of the three, many tend to indulge in carbohydrate rich foods like bread, potatoes, and cakes but neglect protein rich foods like fish, soy products, and eggs. Even body builders, who definitely know better, tend to derive much of their protein from supplements and continue to indulge in carbohydrate rich foods.

Interestingly, though carbohydrates are necessary for the health of the body, in large quantities is leads to many health related problems such as obesity and, consequently, hypertension, diabetes, and increased risk of stroke. Through a process known as gluconeogenesis the body is capable of synthesizing glucose from protein.

There is no such process for creating several amino acids contained in protein. Without these essential amino acids, namely Pyrrolysine and Selenocysteine, the body does not have what it needs to function properly.
It must be noted that muscle is composed of protein. When an individual “works out” effectively muscle fibers become damaged, protein is used to repair the muscle, and the muscle becomes stronger.

For these reasons, it is important to incorporate plenty of protein into one’s diet after a workout. Many who take part in anaerobic exercise complete their workout with a protein rich food such as peanut butter, tuna fish, eggs, etc and a great deal of water. Incorporating carbohydrates and fats are important for balance but the emphasis after a workout should be protein.

Before a workout, however, it can be a good idea to consume carbohydrates as a means of gaining almost immediate access to all the energy in the food for the workout. Simple carbohydrates such as sugar, potatoes, and white bread are good for a quick release of energy, followed by a spike in insulin levels. Complex carbohydrates are preferred, however, due to their tendency to release energy steadily over a period.

M. M. Wagner writes for https://dan.com/buy-domain/ellipticalmachines.net?redirected=true&tld=net her hobby blog she uses to write about Schwinn elliptical machine and home fitness tips to help people prevent heart diseases.