Tag Archives: Diet

Playing the Balancing Game

Balance is an import aspect for everyone. Nobody wants to be a klutz or uncoordinated. Yet many people overlook including balance work in their regular training routine. The reason seems to be that people don’t realize that you can easily improve your balance and coordination via exercise.

Activities that involve balancing or things that take coordination are basically neurological issues. Growing up you learned how to do activities based on your body learning how to coordinate impulses sent from the brain through the nervous system to the body. As you learned how to throw a ball, for example, you created new pathways in your neural network. The stronger those connections are, or even making new ones, directly relates to how your body reacts and compensates during certain situations.

Want proof?

Pick up a small ball like a tennis ball or baseball. Use your off hand to throw it at your couch from ten feet away. Try aiming at something like a specific pillow. More than likely the motion feels weird and you can’t easily aim. Do it again. Then do it ten more times. While the motion feels awkward at first, after ten throws it should feel less so and your aim should start to improve. What is happening is new neural connections are actively being created during these exercises and the brain is learning how to coordinate this movement.

This type of training can be brought into the gym as well to help work on coordination and balance which then translates over into everything else you do from sports to daily life.

Balance Training Exercises

Essentially for balance training you will be incorporating movements that put you in an off-balance position and force your body to adapt and compensate. If you want to practice your balance then try incorporating these various exercises into your existing program.

  • One-Legged Squats – Stand on one leg. Your other leg should be bent at the knee with your calf parallel to the ground. Squat down as low as you can and then come back up. At first use no weight. You should aim for 12 to 20 reps. If it becomes too easy then grab a dumbbell or two for added resistance.
  • Box Jumps – Basically you start in standing position, crouch down, and then jump sideways over an object like a box. People jump over cones or benches as well. To start use something simple like a sweatshirt folded on the ground. Jump over then jump back for 1 rep. Aim for 12 to 20 reps total.
  • Balance Ball Crunches – Using a big balance ball for abdominal work adds a degree of difficulty. You can do normal crunches as well as twists for the oblique muscles. The size of the ball creates a stability issue which helps with balance training.
  • Uneven Push-ups – Place a block or medicine ball under one hand creating an uneven stance and perform pushups to exhaustion. Switch positions (object under opposite hand) for a second set to exhaustion.
  • Use a Barbell – On some exercises that you normally use a dumbbell (like bicep curls, deltoid raises, or overhead presses) switch to a barbell with slightly less weight. The extra length will cause a balance issue that your body has to overcome.
  • Use One Leg or Hand – Certain exercises can be done standing on one leg. By the same token some exercises can be done with just one hand or one leg instead of both. The uneven weight distribution will help to train your body to compensate. Make sure to start with less weight than you would normally use.
  • Jumping Rope – This helps with hand-eye and foot coordination. As you get better you can hop on one foot at a time versus two.

Ben Sanderson is an author for Nutribomb Bodybuilding Supplements. Nutribomb’s goal to provide you with information and advice on the best supplements on the internet.

5 Things You Need to Eat Healthy

Eating healthy at college can be a tricky maneuver. You’re in a hurry getting to classes, working a part-time job, studying late at night and, of course, keeping up with those hot dates. You’re going to need healthy foods to keep your motor running while keeping your package looking good. Here are five cloak-and-dagger secrets from the underground of healthy college eating to accomplish the mission.

Munchies and Snacks
Whether you’re in between class or having a late study night, you’re bound to get the munchies attack. These munchies attacks come on quick and furious, so you’ll need to be prepared with a healthy snack to fight off the pangs. Before leaving the dining hall, equip yourself with a piece of fruit, such as an apple or banana. Fruits are filled with natural sugar, fiber and vitamins and will quickly satiate you. Keep a stockpile of healthy snacks in your dorm fridge for those late study nights. Include items such as, low-fat yogurts, hummus on whole grain pita breads or low-fat cheese strings. Do not include donuts, Danish or fried snacks like Doritos. These foods are nutritionally empty, high in cholesterol and will pack on the pounds in no time.

Skipping breakfast is like trying to start your car on empty, so don’t do it. It’ll also make you ravenous by lunchtime, and you’ll find yourself chowing down anything within sight. Eating a healthy breakfast will give you energy to start your day and keep you focused in class. While those Belgian waffles with syrup may look enticing in the dining hall, there are plenty of other food choices that are much healthier. Go with a hard-boiled egg and fruit or a whole grain cereal with fruits and nuts. Both are filled with protein and vitamins to get your day off to a good start.

Change your opinion about what you’d like for lunch. We’re all creatures of habit and have gotten into the rut of hamburgers and French fries. Go vegan instead. You’ll be eliminating unnecessary calories, unhealthy fats, nourishing your body and keeping in shape. Head for the salad bar in the dining hall and choose a variety of healthy veggies for your afternoon delight. Put together a smorgasbord of leafy greens, mushrooms, sprouts and grated cheeses on top. If you’re really feeling hungry, add some lean chicken to the mix.

Think lean cuisine when choosing foods for dinner. Your day is coming to an end, and you’ll be burning fewer calories. Fewer calories burned equals more fat tissue. Choose lean steaks, chicken or fish as your main source of protein for dinner. Include a healthy veggie, such as broccoli or carrots. You also need a portion of carbs for energy, so choose a natural grain rice or pasta.

With so much food available in the college dining hall, it’s hard not to over indulge. To avoid this trap, be determined to only fill your plate once and forget that you’re allowed seconds. Try to eat slowly, and you’ll find that you won’t feel the need for a second plate. This will take some discipline at first, but once you establish the habit, it’ll become second nature.

About the Author

JH is a writer for MyCollegesandCareers.com. My Colleges and Careers is one of the best sites to help you enroll in accredited online colleges.

Five Tips For A Positive Mental Attitude This Winter

The weather might be picking up a little bit but we’ve still got a long wait until summer gets here, it’s going to be a while before the daylight hours stretch out into the evening and the sun is up before us in the morning. With the excitement of the holidays over it can seem like a lacklustre time of year and it’s easy to start feeling down or just a bit low but there’s plenty of simple and easy changes you can make to your life to pull that mood back around and rediscover that spring in your step.

Regulate Sleep Patterns

Sleep patterns can be a good indication of your mental state, too much sleep or not enough sleep or even erratic sleep patterns can be one of the major signs of depression. It’s natural for our brain to want a little more sleep in the autumn when the days start getting shorter but by the New Year our body has adjusted and you should be getting seven to eight hours sleep every night. If you’re finding it hard to drift off at night try writing down the things that are on your mind and doing a relaxing activity like reading or a word search to help your brain wind down. Try not to spend too much time lying in bed at the weekends, if you can make sure you’re going to bed and waking up at the same time every day to help your mind and your body get into a routine.


We all know the health benefits of regular exercise, it’s good for the heart and it helps with weight management. It’s also very good for people with any type of depression. When we exercise our brains release serotonin and endorphins which create a natural high. This high can also be found by eating too much sugar too quickly but the buzz you get from exercise will last longer and won’t have the sharp come down you experience from a sugar low. If you are feeling down this time of year try getting at least a few hours of regular exercise every week, whether it’s getting off the bus a couple of stops early and walking a bit more or getting down the swimming baths one evening a week and your overall mood will soon start to improve as well as your overall health.

Healthy Eating

Healthy eating goes hand in hand with regular exercise, we know we’re meant to eat healthy and we know the difference between food that’s good for us and food that isn’t. Junk food, ready meals and anything that’s process and full of additives and E numbers can leave us feeling lethargic and sluggish. You’re also going to get a sugar crash if you eat too much junk food so try swapping any snack foods for healthier alternatives and make as many of your meals as possible from scratch so you know what’s going into them. If time can be an issue or your simple don’t feel like preparing a meal when you come home at night try cooking at the weekend and storing your dinner for the week in the freezer or investing in a slow cooker so everything cooks while you’re out each day.

Light Therapy

The science behind SAD suggests it’s the lack of light that brings our mood down. There’s very little natural light this time of year and for those of us that spend most our day in an artificially lit office we don’t see much day light at all. Research indicates that being exposed to short bursts of intense light can improve our mood. Unfortunately standing under the florescent lights in the office don’t have quite the same effect but you can buy a light box that emits almost three times the intensity of natural light on a dull day, obviously you wouldn’t look right into the light but facing it with your eyes closed two to three times a day will increase your overall mood and well being.

Try Something New

It’s often the thought of monotony that gets us down this time of year, everything we were looking forward to has passed and we’ve got a few months until the weather really starts to pick up. If you’re feeling like you’re stuck in a rut find a new hobby or activity, take an evening course, learn a new language, start going to a workout class, find something that appeals to you and make that change. Before long this new hobby will come with its own goals and points to look forward to and this will be enough to outweigh any lacklustre feelings you have related to the time of year.

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How to Plan a Fitness Routine

One of the most common new year’s resolutions is to get fit, but most of us fall at the first hurdle we don’t plan a suitable fitness routine. We say routine because that is what you need to make it to get fit.

1. Know Your Body Type

Once you know your body type it will be much easier to find a fitness routine which suits it. All too often to people start training with a view to achieving a build using a routine which is not suited to their body type. A great example of this is skinny men trying to become body builders; this isn’t to say it’s unachievable but the approach must be different.

• Ectomorph

Those with an ectomorph build are generally your skinny type. They have small frames, flat chests, small shoulders and a lean muscle mass. They also tend to have a fast metabolism.

• Mesomorph

Those with a mesomorphic body type are typically athletically built, have large bones and big muscles. The gain weight easier than ectomorph’s as they have a structure built for it.

• Endomorph

Endomorphic people tend to gain weight a lot more easily than the other types and find it much harder to lose it. They generally have a slow metabolism and will tend to excel at leg exercises and strength.

No one person is either or when it comes to above as will often share traits from each type, however they will often than not be either endomorph/mesomorph or mesomorph/endomorph. Identify your type and find a routine to suit it.

2. Know Your End Goal

A lot of people set off on a routine without knowing what they want to achieve. Do you want to tone up, get bigger muscles, lose the fat from around your hips or even get yourself into a position to try a new hobby? All of these things need to be taken into consideration when choosing a routine.

Take rock climbing as an example. Rock climbers tend to be of an ectomorph type as gravity favours it! They will focus their exercises on building up muscle strength and endurance while ensuring they have as little fat as possible.

Don’t be afraid to discuss your end goal with personal trainers or fitness professionals. They will often know just the routine which is best for you and your body type.

3. Stick To It

One of the biggest mistakes people make is planning a routine which doesn’t fit in with their lifestyle, so plan a routine which suits this and stick to it.

If you are just beginning don’t expect results immediately. These can take time to come as your body adjusts to your new routine. Once you have adjusted you will wonder how you did without it.

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The Effective Ways to Lose Weight

Are you anxious about your current weight? Would you like to lose weight? Do you know the safe ways in losing weight? Are you afraid that you may have lost weight, but gained a side effect? What are the weight loss ways, and means do you have in mind? Would you like to know the ways to lose weight? Would you like to lose weight in a rapid manner? Well, if you keep on comprehending this piece of an article, you will have the retorts about your worries, fears, anxiety, and thoughts. After you have read this informative page, losing undesirable weight wouldn’t be, as difficult as you thought it could be.

Nowadays, people are tending to order their foods from the fast food chains, because of their busy schedule, which could result to different health problems, which includes obesity. Obesity is a term for people who are overweight, which could be a result from overeating or pregnancy. Some people are overweight, while others have a difficulty on their belly fat, especially those who often engage with alcoholic beverages, and carbonated drinks, such as sodas. When a person has finally realized that they are gaining weight, and they aren’t happy about it, then that would be their first reason to lose weight or belly fat. Losing weight is a difficult to task for most of us, which is why a lot of us would want to take weight loss pills, so they wouldn’t have to do exercises daily. But, the drill in losing weight is to be focused, and serious about the task, and should know how to be responsible about own health. If a person isn’t focused, and serious about losing weight, they might fail their task, and end up being disappointed about it. There are a lot of ways that people can do to lose their desired weight, and obtain the better-looking body they desire. So, what are the effective ways to lose weight?

People can do running, jogging, mountain climbing, and swimming to burn their excess fats, and build muscles in their legs, arms, and abdominal parts of the body. They could also take weight loss pills to acquire the body they desire in a faster way, and wouldn’t have to put much effort, because some pills doesn’t require exercises, which can be a time saver, especially those who have a tight schedule. They can also perform yoga in their preferred location, which tones up the muscles, calms the mind, and makes the body stronger, and more flexible. They can also reduce the calories that they consume, and switch to juicing dietary plan, rather than to eat smaller amounts of meals.

There are still a lot of ways that people can do, so they could lose weight, but it’s always best to talk to your doctor before you engage into a weight loss program.

Advantages of Juicing Diet

Are you familiar with the new technique for losing weight called, Juicing diet? Are you yearning for a better-looking body? Do you often stumble on weight loss pills due to inefficient weight loss program? Why should you give juice dieting a try? Would you like to know the advantages of juice dieting? Well, if you keep on comprehending this piece of the article, you will have the retorts about your worries, fear, and ideas. After you have read this informative page, taking advantage of the benefits that you can earn in juice dieting wouldn’t be, as difficult as you thought it could be.

Of course, each of us would like to have a better looking body, so we could feel confident as a person, and be attractive to the people around us. But, not all of us are blessed to have a naturally slim and leaner  body, which is why we have to practice a daily routine of exercise. Sometimes if, we are clumsy, and mindless about the consequences of our behavior, it will lead to unsatisfying, and unfortunate result. If a person isn’t careful about his words, then he might often offend the people around him, which will result to being alone, and aloofness from other people. On the other hand, if a person turn to his food for comfort, and tend to eat mindlessly most of the time, then it will evolve to weight gain or obesity, which is very common to the community, and all parts of the world. It’s good to know that there are a lot of ways that we can do to lose excess fats, and weight. We can practice a daily routine of exercises, and shift to weight loss pills for faster result, and now, there’s a new healthy, and natural way for losing weight. Not every one of us has heard about the new and fabulous way of losing weight, which is called the juicing diet. It is another method of dieting, wherein a person who undergo in this diet will only consume the extracted juice from a fruit or a vegetable, until they reach their desired weight. So, what are the advantages of juicing diet?

People who are on their diet can consume their desired amount of juice, and they don’t need to limit their selves from consuming the glasses they want to drink. Also, it help flush out the harmful toxins in our body, which is required for the proper function of the digestive system. It makes people feel good inside of their body, and their appearance will look better at the same time. It’s also recommended for overweight people, pregnant women, and children who are malnourished.

However, it’s recommended that you consult your doctor first, before you do a juicing diet, so you’ll know if it could do you better.