Category Archives: Acai Burn

Are Are Liquid Colloidal Minerals Really Superior To More Traditional Supplements?

Liquid colloidal minerals are touted as being superior to their more traditional counterparts, citing increased absorbability due to the fact that the minerals are already “pre digested” or broken down into small enough parts that very little has to be done to make them available for absorption. It is also claimed that absorption itself is increased due tot the fact that the minerals are ionized or charged, making them more bioavailable (available for your body to use).


Liquid colloidal minerals

Colloidal liquids are liquid mediums with tiny particles suspended throughout, like milk for example. The nutrients in colloidal minerals stay emulsified in liquid because they are so small that they don’t settle out. The charge on these small particles also keeps them from settling out as they attach themselves to water molecules.


Traditional minerals

Traditional (dry) supplements are often criticized for being hard to swallow, indigestible, and composed of certain forms of nutrients that the body cannot utilize (low bioavailability). While this is true in some of the lower quality and cheaper brands, there are many brands that provide a high level of bioavailble nutrients. Some tablets are difficult to digest because of coatings made for increased production speed and the tightly packed nature of these pills, but capsules allow for easy release of nutrients in a compact form The nutrients become readily available when the gel cap is dissolved.



So are the claims made by colloidal mineral manufacturers about increased absorption beyond what you get from a “dry” multivitamin/mineral pill true? The first assertion is that because of their small size the body can absorb more of the nutrient. The second assertion is that because of the particles are charged they allow other nutrients to be better absorbed by the digestive tract and the negative particles bind and remove toxins. There is little to no research to back these assertions up. As for the first assertion, while it is true that some tablets are hard to digest (see above paragraph), capsules and high quality tablets are designed to fully dissolve in the digestive system. The second claim may be partially theoretically correct in that negatively charged particles could bind with positively charged toxic metals like mercury or lead. The claim that the negative charge will aid in absorption of other nutrients is not correct, however.



Liquid colloidal mineral supplements do not seem to live up to their claims of superiority. While they may outperform cheaper, lower quality supplements, they do not outperform the high quality variety of more traditional supplements. They are also less durable and less portable. There are also some dangers that I neglected to mention in regards to colloidal minerals, but you can click the link to read more in depth about these.

Detox diets – How to make sure your’s is safe

Detoxes have existed since the famous grapefruit diet of the thirties. And ever since then have lots of men and women went on crazy detox diets trying to lose a quick few pounds. But as such detoxes can hold in serious side effects and make you lose muscle, you need to take choose your detox diet carefully to avoid getting hurt.

Follow these tips and your next detox will be a safer one

Horrible tasting concoctions?

Be aware of any ingredients like cayenne pepper or vinegar or anything else that makes your detox taste foul and unhealthy. There are no no scientifically proof that such ingredients can rid toxins from the body. Rather follow a healthy detox that also tastes great.

Is it dangerously low calories?

Detox diets that are too low in calories may help you to lose weight, but most of the weight loss stems from water weight. Even a small women need about 1000 calories a day before her metabolism starts to slow down. And if you eat too little calories, your body goes into starvation diet – making it even more difficult to lose weight.

Is it healthy?

A healthy detox diet includes lots of fruit and veg, is high in fiber, low in salt and fat and excludes alcohol. A healthy detox diet is also balanced,  meaning that it includes food from all the major food groups. Such detox diets will do you more good than others and will help you to shed toxins and weight. It is always better to think of your long term health instead of your short term gains.

Power ingredients

These power ingredients will make your detox diet super effective – be sure to include them in your detox diet today.

  • Red pepper – Full of anti-oxidants that boosts your health.
  • Asparagus – Rich in fiber help that will help you to slim down and keep you fuller for longer.
  • Sweet potato – High in vitamin A and fiber and makes and excellent sweet snack.
  • Water – Help you to flush out toxins and keep you full. Be sure to drink tons on a detox diet.

To summarize  – Try to stick only to healthy, sane detox diets if you can and avoid all fad and foul tasting detoxes. It will safe you some bad side effects and might even safe your life.

Are you thinking of going on a – 1000 calorie diet to lose weight? Read this page before you do. An effective exercise plan, like the truth about six pack abs ebook will help you to lose weight faster and get a great set of abs.

Boost Your Energy Level With Detox Drinks

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Many people are interested in detoxifying their body and clearing out their digestive system. Toxins from the unhealthy foods we eat and the environment accumulate in our bodies. The toxins in the body make people feel sluggish and can lead to disease. Detoxification products such as healthy detox drinks can quickly get rid of toxins, leaving someone feeling healthy and energetic.

Someone can purchase a powdered detoxification drink mix from their local health food store. The detox drink mixes are very expensive, and many people choose to make up their own detox drinks at home. The best detox drinks include plenty of raw fruits and vegetables. Fresh fruit and vegetable juice and pure water can be added to create different flavors, but processed foods or drinks should be avoided. There are plenty of good detox drink recipes available online. Someone should look for recipes that are part of an overall healthy living detoxification program. These healthy recipes are designed to provide the fastest results.

People, who want to detoxify their body on a regular basis without going on a full detoxification program, may choose to add green tea to their daily diet. Green tea detoxifies the body if it is taken on a regular basis. In order to detoxify the body someone should drink several cups of natural green tea throughout the day. Many researchers believe that green tea has the ability to reduce the risk of diseases such as cancer. Someone should choose a high quality organic green tea for the best results.

Many people choose to cleanse their body of toxins one day per week. During this day they eat and drink nothing but pure water and raw fruits and vegetables. A healthy day of eating gives the digestive system a much needed break, and helps the body to get rid of toxins that have accumulated throughout the week. The best detox drinks contain foods and juices that are filled with essential vitamins and nutrients. Whether someone goes on a detoxification diet or has healthy detoxification drinks once per week, they are sure to notice a boost in their energy level.

Why Does Constipation Happen?

Constipation is defined as  irregular, infrequent, or difficult bowel evacuation. Here, being infrequent is defined as <3 times per week, while difficulty is defined as straining more than 25% of the time (for a 15- minute session, that means about 4 minutes of pure straining). These things are bad because they eventually result in certain acute or chronic symptoms that one would only get constipation relief when the bowel movements go back to normal.

To understand why constipation happens, it is important to categorize it into either problems with stool consistency or problems with the defecation behavior itself. That’s because one person may experience constipation due to regular production of hard stools, while another person may experience it even if the produced stools are soft.

Problems with the Stool

Hard stools are most commonly due to dietary problems. And a person produces them because of two things: too little water, or too much fiber.  To understand this, it should be noted that stools take their final form inside the large intestine. Here, any remaining water in the undigested food is absorbed (about 500 mL). So if the person has taken too little water, then the resulting stool becomes too dehydrated, making it hard. As for fiber, they give bulk to our stool. If a person takes too much of it, without a proportionate increase in water intake, it produces stools that are too bulky, making it difficult to push them out.

Problems with Defecation Behavior
As for problems with the defecation behavior itself, the causes are protean. However, they can be divided as those involving the colon or rectum itself (obstructions, colon diseases, rectal prolapse, etc), those involving medication abuse (narcotics, iron supplements, certain antacids, etc), and those in connection with systemic diseases (hypothyroidism, spinal cord injuries, diabetic neuropathy, etc). All of these causes either prevent the intestine from contracting properly, or block the outlet where the stool passes.

What Now?

Thankfully, when constipation does happen, a person has many constipation remedies to choose from. These range from increased fluid intake to biofeedback therapy. All these constipation remedies will work, but depending on how they address the root cause of the problem. Knowing exactly what the problem is therefore, the key to relieving this condition.

Therapies that Support a Natural Detox Cleanse

Treatments such as acupuncture and massage help to heal the body, eliminating toxins, these methods help to improve the body’s energy flow or “Qi” as it is known in the East and bring the body into back into balance. The flow of energy within and through the body is improved and this helps to rid the body of the build up of chemicals that get stored in the fatty tissue over time, creating a healthier body and mind.  Once you have chosen the dietary and lifestyle changes you feel comfortable with to help you on your natural detox cleanse, the next step is to combine these with complimentary therapies of your choice.  These are a nice addition to weight loss programmes, not only can you use them to further aid the cleansing process, but you can also take time out for yourself helping your body to get back into balance naturally:

Acupuncture: Is an ancient therapy, based on the belief that life energy flows through your body along different channels called meridians.  This flow of energy depends on the balance of two opposing forces ying and yang, a balance which is easily disrupted through factors such as stress, emotional upset and poor dietary habits, when this energy flow becomes blocked, symptoms of illness are triggered.  Although there are over three hundred different acu-points in the body, the five acu-points in the ear are usually focused on during a cleanse, these points help to overcome cravings for sweets, fatty foods cigarettes and alcohol.

Chiropractic: This therapy is based on a belief that poor body alignment and abnormal nerve functioning are direct causes of ill health.  A chiropractor will manipulate the spine, gently realigning the muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints.  These techniques help to strengthen and balance the body’ promoting the elimination of toxin build up, easing tension and promoting relaxation.

Homeopathy: Is based on two principles, the first that like cures like and the second that less cures more. By diluting substances many hundreds, thousands of times their healing properties are enhanced whilst any undesirable side effects are lost.  A form of homeopathy, known as the drainer complex is very effective for a detox cleanse and can be taken for one, or two weeks at the beginning of the diet.  The aim is to stimulate the natural excretory organs of the body, assisting in the cleansing of toxins and providing support for the liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, lymph vessels and mucous membranes.

Naturopathy: This is based on the belief, that the body can balance and heal itself given the right conditions.  Naturopathy aims to identify the underlying cause of illness, rather than merely relieving the symptoms.  A naturopath will focus on maintaining a balance between the body’s biochemistry and will guide you through a variety of treatment options, that will include dietary changes, vitamins, minerals, biochemical tissue, massage and skin brushing to enhance the cleansing process further.

Effective Ways to Prevent ADHD Drug Abuse

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Reports of addictions to prescription psycho stimulant drugs to treat attention deficit hyperactive disorder, or ADHD, is now alarming medical health experts. Though they have been deemed effective in treating this disorder, the danger lies in the improper use and abuse of these medications which often lead to a variety of adverse side effects that can trigger gastrointestinal disorders, depression, psychosis, and even death. After reading the overview below, you can find a more thorough examination of these adverse reactions at

Drugs commonly prescribed for ADHD includes Ritalin, Concerta and Adderall. As they are compacted with amphetamine properties to address hyperactive symptoms, they are also classified as schedule II drug in the category of controlled substance, further illustrating how high their potential for addiction is. As we become more aware of the risks involved in the use of these psychotropic medications, the more we should acquire the right know how to effectively prevent our loved ones from falling prey to addiction.

Proper Administration of the Medication

One factor you should always bear in mind is the fact that these drugs are meant to treat a specific disorder and thus should be properly prescribed and administered under the supervision of a health care professional. Additionally, do not take medications if they were not properly advised by a doctor.

Take your medicines only as directed. Do not even think of self medicating. If you feel that you are not getting the effects you are expecting from your daily prescribed doses, then discuss this with your doctor and never try to increase dosage on your own.

Improper and irresponsible medication can lead to substance abuse, increased dependency, and tolerance; as well as brain problems arising from the addiction.

Know the Difference between Use and Abuse

In addition, individuals suffer from a great deal of denial. As these amphetamines boost the person’s energy and euphoria, they become unaware of the fact that they may be taking too much.

Take the Meds as Directed

Most ADHD medications are taken either in capsule or tablet form and should only be ingested this way. When they are crushed, snorted or injected, the effects brought about by the medication are heightened and can lead to addiction. At the same time, taking ADHD medication alongside other drugs such as nasal and cough syrups can increase its “high” effects increasing one’s chances of falling prey to addiction.

Learn About the Risks

An effective way to prevent a person from substance abuse is to forewarn them of the risks and adverse effects involved which may includes heart problems, gastrointestinal disorders and thought alteration such as paranoia, psychosis and suicidal inclinations. Knowledge of these horrifying effects can be enough to keep them off addiction.