Daily Archives: June 14, 2012

The Benefits of Aromatherapy and Massage

Western-based therapies tend to treat the symptoms of ailments and not the cause. Alternative therapies, such as aromatherapy, take a more holistic, whole-body approach. These therapies work on the assumption that when you have an illness, it affects your entire being physically, mentally and emotionally. Conversely, an emotional or mental problem could cause a physical ailment, as everything is interlinked. Aromatherapy and Massage uses essential oils to aid relaxation and healing. Massage is also used for relaxation, and to rid the body of toxins by increasing blood flow. The combination of the two modalities results in a powerful healing treatment. Here are some reasons why Aromatherapy and Massage is so effective.

1. It boosts the immune system

According to a 2005 study, entitled The Immunological/Psychological benefits of Aromatherapy Massage (Kyoto University), aromatherapy massage was shown to increase immunity. Several healthy subjects were each given the same massage by the same practioner with and without essential oils. They found that after giving massages with essential oils, there was a significant increase in peripheral blood lymphocytes, which indicate immune response.

Aromatherapy and Massage

2. It helps diabetes

According to EssentialOils.co.za, massage improves circulation, which assists in managing diabetes. One of the side effects of diabetes is poor circulation, which badly affects the extremities, such as feet and legs. Massage can ease this side effect, as it increases oxygen to the muscular tissues. In addition, certain essential oils are known to increase blood flow, such as black pepper, juniper, geranium and eucalyptus (EssentialOils.co.za). However, it’s recommended that diabetics don’t use angelica essential oils, as these tend to over-stimulate the nervous system.

3. It detoxifies and encourages healing

Massage is known to promote lymphatic drainage (AllegraLearning.com). The lymph nodes collect toxins from your body and a massage is an excellent way to rid your body of them. Massage also induces a relaxed state, as it just feels so good! When you’re relaxed, you feel less stressed, and you release less cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone that is released when you feel anxious. It’s the body’s natural response to danger. However, if you’re stressed your body perceives everything as a potential threat and excess amounts of cortisol can cause health problems. A decrease in cortisol means an increase in healing. Essential oils can further amplify your body’s natural ability to heal, as certain oils induce relaxation, such as lavender and bergamot (AllegraLearning.com).

The combination of massage and aromatherapy results in deep relaxation and an increased ability to heal. An aromatherapy massage is the perfect antidote for any stress or tension and it even increases immunity and relieves side effects. Try an aromatherapy massage and see how effective it is!

Ang Lloyd writes on behalf of Now Learning, which encourages Australian students to further their education by promoting learning opportunities such as project management and aromatherapy courses in Australia.