Category Archives: antioxidants

A Simple Detox Diet

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You permanently have a feeling of oversaturation, you feel heavy and your stomach has taken proportions and you what to lose weight quickly? Then, it is time to start a diet to eliminate toxins from the body. More energy, glowing skin, flat belly and scintillating eyes are just some of the benefits of this diet.

At times, it is best to “deprive” the body of alcohol, caffeine, nicotine and food additives, namely emulsifiers, preservatives and dyes containing precooked products. Vitality loss, cellulite, acne, bloating, not to mention the headaches, chronic fatigue, stress and allergies are all, in most cases, signs of a bad diet, with a high content of synthetic substances. And if you add a quick weight loss diet your body will suffer serious damage.

Experts also recommend a detox diet for the treatment of several diseases, not only to combat bloating and stress. But if you are under treatment or suffer from any illness, consult your doctor before starting any diet.

Liquids and fruits are the basis

The best time for this diet is the weekend because allegedly you have fewer worries and problems to solve. During this period you have to smoke less and to reduce coffee and alcohol. Otherwise, the positive effects will be less obvious.

First day

The first thing you need to do after you wake up is to squeeze the juice of a medium lemon a large glass with water and drink it. Then, every hour, drink one large glass of water. For breakfast, lunch and dinner, eat a fruit salad with a lot of apples and oranges – and perhaps other fruits, depending on the season. Also, drink herbal teas.

Second day

The diet is the same as the first day, only at breakfast and lunch you can add sesame and sunflower seeds.

Detoxification for a Healthier Body

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Detox cleanse has gained popularity because of much celebrity endorsements. Another reason why most people opt for detoxification is its cleansing power. It helps to wash away toxins are on inside the body which can cause indigestion, insufficient urination and irregular bowel movement. Detoxification also helps the excretory system in filtering the body of waste products and viruses.

The most vital detox organ of the body is the colon. It is responsible for keeping the body free from any toxic materials and waste products which may slow down the digestion process.  As soon as it drives out toxins inside your body, your body will begin to function quite normally. If there are is too much toxic build up, the colon will not be able to flush all the waste products and other body parts responsible for digestion will also begin to falter. Exercise and proper diet should always be included in any detoxification programs to avoid relapses.

Complete wellness and health are always intertwined. This is why lots of people undergo detoxification process because of its ability to restore quality cells and refurbish your colon’s capacity to wash impurities.

The first target of colon cleanse is the entire intestine during the first stage. It gently cleanses and purifies this certain area of the body and ensures that there is no fecal matters left which may be converted to toxins if not flushed successfully.

Reconstruction of the colon is involved in the next stage as toxins and other impurities are already washed out. Nutrients are supplied to repair damaged area inside the body. These nutrients are going to strengthen the colon and shield it against toxic matters. Drinking plenty of water also hastens the healing process.

Another process involved in the restoration stage is the absorption of right nutrients. The body will then resume its normal function once toxins are totally eliminated. To maintain a healthy body, you should eat fiber enriched foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables. Unprocessed foods should also be avoided at all costs as bad health problems will eventually come back if we don’t watch what we eat.

After the purification and restoration process comes the maintenance program.  Your body is at its healthiest stage after detox and cleanse. A change in your lifestyle is essential at this stage to remain healthy and fit. Keep away from unhealthy foods and other sources of toxins. Drinking plenty of water and eating fresh fruits and vegetables is still encouraged for more absorption of nutrients.

The Secrets you must know about the Salt Water Flush Cleanse

I know the first question one is likely to ask when the idea of cleansing the body using the salt water flush technique is whether it is effective or even practical. This is one of the simplest ways to detox your system of accumulated debris and toxins using a homemade salt solution. The good thing about this technique other than being safe and affordable is that the process is not complicated at all and the solution can be made from kitchen ingredients. Sea salt free of iodine, chloride and fluoride and purified warm water is all that is required to make this doctor recommended solution. Note that regular table salt may not work properly because it has impurities in it.

Mix a quart of pure or spring lukewarm water with two tea spoonsful of salt and drink the solution the first thing in the morning – before breakfast. This cleansing method works well on empty stomach. You should notice bowel movements within the hour followed by regular desire to visit the restroom. At this time, it is beneficial to take lots of water to aid the cleansing process. Other than maybe loose stool, there will be no other undesired effects of this process. It is safe to do this as regular as weekly although it is advisable to cleanse the colon and the entire digestive system once in a month or two.

If you need to get more information pertaining this process, read the master cleanse secrets review online and gain more knowledge and efficiency of the procedure. We need not depend on medical laxatives to clean our bowels because they are even not effective in cleaning the colon alone. If you have to, you can combine the salt water concoction process with a herbal tea laxative in order to hasten the process and guarantee better cleansing.

Detoxing with the Cayenne Cleanse Recipe

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The Cayenne cleanse recipe is not new. It was invented in the 1940’s by Stanley Burroughs. This recipe will eliminate harmful toxins through a special lemonade cleanse. It uses a lemonade colon cleanser; along with the Master Cleanse salt water flush as well as herbal laxatives to cleanse your system.

Frequently, the cleanse recipe is being used for rapid weight loss. This diet is usually maintained for a ten day period, although some users have gone on much longer. The diet’s popularity resurfaced again in 2006 when Beyonce Knowles lost 22 pounds in preparation for the film “Dreamgirls”.

It has been reported that users of the recipe have greater energy levels along with being able to get by with less sleep. This is used to cleanse the colon and the detoxification that is achieved has more benefits than most realize. The cayenne pepper benefits that you’ll receive include mucus relief and some appetite suppressing as well.

Individuals start using this diet to lose weight but find the gentle detoxification this diet provides gives the user the ability to break poor diet habits. Losing weight this fast can be dangerous when food intake is cut so low that essential nutrients are lost to the body. If the diet recipe is followed properly, this will not be an issue as the diet contains the nutrients your body needs.

It is very important that this recipe be used as a short term cleansing diet only! Your main source of nutrients and energy over this period of suggested usage (5 to 40 days) is derived from a lemonade mixture of lemon juice, purified water, cayenne pepper and maple syrup. To avoid constipation, it is recommended to use a laxative tea in the evening. The end result will be to rest the digestive tract, cleanse your body from toxins and burn off the excess fat which your body stores.

Coming off the Cayenne cleanse recipe is an important regime in itself as the body must re-adjust to solid foods. This should begin with fresh squeezed juices, then moving to fruit and raw vegetables, then finishing with vegetable soups. Followed correctly, you will be pleased with the results.

Fast Weight Loss Tips for All Ages

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They say that losing weight fast can sometimes be dangerous especially for older people. While this is true there are certain fast weight loss tips that are applicable and safe for all ages and this is what we are going to discuss here today.

First let’s start by defining what is fast weight loss? Fast weight loss is different for every person. People who have a lot of weight to lose can lose weight faster and safer than people who only have a few extra pounds. The only things that are common in this context is that they should not lose more than 2-3 pounds per week and that their daily calorie intake should not go under 2000 calories per day. Besides that each person can define what is the amount of weight he or she must lose per month in order to reach the final target.

One of the best weight loss tips that I like and many people neglect is the role of water in the whole weight loss process. Water is vital for our life and has so much to offer to our overall health. In addition water can help someone lose weight faster. This is because it has absolutely no calories, meaning that you can drink as much water as you want without adding weight, secondly water can full up your stomach and reduce your appetite for food and third water can assist your body flush unneeded organisms from the body and thus allowing the body organs to function better. So, by drinking lots of water you can accelerate the weight loss process substantially and without creating any other problems.

Another important tip that is proven to be very effective in losing weight is food labels. As weird as this may sound, by reading the labels of foods you eat can increase your weight loss efforts. This is because you will start making clever decisions on what to buy and eat. If you want to lose weight fast you should not consume foods that contain a high number of calories and fat. Do not just rely on the food name i.e. ‘Low calorie biscuits’. You should clearly investigate all the ingredients because while the biscuits may be low in calories they may be high in fats, which is worse. Your choices should include items that are natural, non-processed and have minimum amount of fats and calories.

Finally, we cannot write an article about weight loss without giving the necessary attention to the role of exercise. Exercise is by far the easiest, fastest and healthiest way to lose weight. All it takes is to do it on a regular basis. If you want to be serious about losing weight then you better start exercising. The more you exercise the faster will be the results.

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Nutritional Supplements for Your Health

You can find nutritional supplements as both drugs based on vitamins and minerals, and as foods and fruits: bananas, grapes, apples, walnuts, raisins, cherries, as well as cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, peas, yogurt, poultry, fish, cheese, egg, mushrooms and lettuce.

Nutritional supplements provide the necessary ratio of fat, carbohydrates, proteins, minerals and vitamins, and are recommended for both children and mature people who make physical and intellectual effort or those who want to lose weight fast.

Weight loss nutritional supplements are in the form of tablets, sticks or mixtures, the latter providing a normal diet and administered by mixing the composition with a certain measure of water, milk or fruit juice, just after exercise.

Be aware that some supplements, and nutrition bars or mixtures for weight loss are not effective if you do not make a little fitness, jogging, aerobics or other exercises. These products act on muscle development and therefore must be managed simultaneously with a regular and correct training and a special diet.

If you cannot follow a special diet, you may consume nutrient tablets to maintain figure. They contain fruits and plants that inhibit excessive appetite, burn fat and prevent obesity. As I said not to keep a strict diet, but you have to eat as natural as you can: many fruits and vegetables, no fats, sweets and excess fried foods.

This supplement is recommended for both men and women. The treatment is meant for one month and a half, but the degree of obesity will be taken into account. If it is increased you will receive these weight loss dietary supplements for 3 months and more. Remember these supplements are harder to procure than depression treatment so you will need to see the doctor before you can take them. You will not lose weight now but you will definitely lose it.

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